Building an Astral World Temple

Building an Astral World Temple

by John Hewitt


The astral world, or the astral plane is a wondrous place full of potential and manifestation. Here, one can meet old friends or make new friends. You can encounter Spirit Guides that come in all shapes and sizes, one can find information and answers and you can of course find respite from the sometimes harshness of the physical realm.

One great way to accomplish this on the astral world is through the use of an astral temple. This can be built over time and can become a great place of solace, healing and protection. You can also come to your astral temple when you wish to pray for others, offer healing or to meet with known entities to discuss spiritual matters or find answers to unresolved questions.

I will not try to convince anyone of the reality of the astral world, or the astral plane; those who know, know – those who do not need to simply experience the astral world for themselves, as no explanation could ever suffice.

The building of an astral temple is a simple enough affair; it just requires focus and patience. Even though time on the astral plane is not the same as it is on the physical plane, it does take a few astral journeys to your temple for it to become more solid within your awareness until it becomes a place of its own that requires no ‘setting up’.

I will discuss entering the astral world in another article so I am assuming for now that you can travel freely. If not, please stay with me as these articles are written as they need to be written and are not necessarily in any particular order!

The nature of your temple is entirely up to you. Some prefer a simple pyramid structure on a vast open plane. Some prefer a Greek style temple in a forest clearing. Your temple may eventually become a small village as you add buildings for specific functions. The main thing is to start your astral temple simply and to your own specifications and to expand from there.

The astral world will respond to your input, so as you ‘think’ it, it will manifest before you. Starting simply enables you to build a solid foundation that will serve you for as long as you need it.

Use lots of colour, action, sense, emotion and size. This is similar to the CASE method created by Dr. John Mumford to describe aspects of the imagination essential to any successful work. CASE stands for Colour, Action, Size and Emotion. I have also added Sense and I’ll explain why.

When doing any visual work one needs to enhance everything that you can. This will enable it to become more easily programmed into your astral world. Use extremes of color, use action such as flowing water, trees that move in tune to the great astral winds. Feel the emotions of calm, excitement, expectation, peace, joy and all other related feelings. Make things big, such as the doorway to your temple, or the size of the books in your astral library – literally, do all that you can to make this a big, bold and beautiful place!

I also use sense as part of this building process. If you practice enough you will hear astral bells, smell astral perfumes, taste astral nectar, see astral colors and beings and feel the touch of astral grass beneath you. I remember one recent out-of-body experience where my wrists were held so tight I could not get free and I was literally ‘yanked’ out of my body with tremendous force; so you can definitely feel things in the astral world and these senses will enhance your astral experience especially when using more advanced techniques.

By the way, that last experience was not as scary as it sounds as the presence was very benign.

So use as much as you can to build a unique and powerful temple. Also, keep it consistent so that it becomes etched into the astral fabric itself. Some people use the image of a known building, but one they have never physically entered, as it must already be on the astral world for it to then become physically manifest. Some people, such as myself, will build from scratch a unique environment; only practice will reveal what is best for you.

The more you use your astral temple, the more you will get out of it. Start off by simple enjoying your new astral creation. Meditate, pray, walk around and do all manner of things that are pleasing to you. Once it starts to feel like home then you can start to use it for healing and other similar activities. You can invite spirit guides, family members and much more.

Occasionally one may encounter energies that feel darker or more intense but this can be dealt with by simply aligning oneself to Higher Truth and Light. Compassion is also very powerful and should have no limits in its application. Remember that ‘strange’ energies are often energies that are merely at a different frequency than we are used to and so resonate differently.

It is essential that you relate to a supreme being of Truth, Love and Compassion so that this relationship will guide you on your journey and be with you at all times. If you have not yet found your own path in this way then pray to be shown. I do believe that the Christ energy appears in many guises and in many cultural backdrops.

Enjoy your astral temple and use it often – it is the best holiday home you could ever find and will serve you for as long as you want it to. Once it is familiar to you then perhaps you can start to use it to help with the healing of friends, family and the world itself.



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  • A picture.
    This is not magic.
    • Care to elaborate?

      You are asking for images for proof or something?

  • It's a magic place indeed, you can back in time if you wish, but too bad you can't pass the boundaries of this Creation.

    • Well, you are right because the creation is EVERYTHING you can't see something ouside EVERYTHING otherwise it wouldn't exist, because it wouldn't be the creation itself?

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