Image Source: This is not my image.
I personally wrote this article, and own the copyright to it, and all rights to distribute it.-With Love, El-Ano-Ra (Ahsaka Nusa/JediGuardian!)
I have been having visions lately of various different ideas that could be used to help heal gaia, and one of them that came up was to start building our structures from Crystal instead of wood and other materials.
Part of this would mean some changes in how we view our daily life, and what is important to us as a culture. For instance, the way we use electronics, and cook our food, etc., would have to be vastly changed.
I saw a vision of how in the future, or the past, wherever the golden age was, or whatever planet it was, people spent all their time loving one another, and they also spent all their time developing spirituality. It was a completely different focus, and a different technology, of the soul, and heart, not the physical realm.
The idea was that already we use crystals for healing, but that it would be possible to actually build structures from pure crystal, and that those structures would be powerful generators of light energy that could come directly to the earth.
What was asked that at least one community of Lightworkers start the process of building a large structure made out of pure crystal, and to at least get one of these buildings started as the prototype for further structural evolvement. If at least one community gets one of these "temples", or what will initially be a place of spiritual development, into completion, that will take huge notice from the community and from the scientific community especially, when they see what the result will be.
There was also an inclination, that the crystals could be built in such a way, to use the rays of the Sun, to somehow keep heat inside of the building, but yet not harm the people within, through the use of various stones, understanding sacred geometry, and the placement of the crystals.
Nothing could be synthetic in the structure though, it would have to be made entirely of natural materials, and specifically not of wood. The vision I saw was of structures that contained no wood, therefore saving all our Trees from being cut down.
What was re-assured to me very strongly last night, was that the technology of our future, not just in the spiritual, but in the physical will be absolutely amazing. It will be so much more advanced than anything we can ever imagine. I had always assumed that we would return to a place of naturalism, but this was not what was shown to me.
We will have technology that will allow us to both exist in nature, but to also explore and develop, who we are, and soar through the stars, and do things we have never imagined before, on this physical earth, but it starts with us changing the materials we use to build our structures, through changing the materials, we change gaia.
Can you imagine if we replaced our current pyramids, and began a new building project of re-building them stone by stone with pure crystal? They say we do not have the technology to do this, I know we do, we must, or the idea would not have come up.
But it all starts with pure Love, loving each other unconditionally, and changing what is important to us. They showed me and I have no idea who showed me, that in the future there was no war, the concept did not even exist. There was no need to focus any of our energy on protection, because all were loved so unconditionally, and since all were loved so unconditionally, all the resources could be focused on growth, and development, and building a pure and life-affirming society.
I am putting this out there so that those who have the technological know-how, and possibly the resources, can get this idea out to someone willing to put it into effect, if the project has not already started, or has not been completed.
Basically, it is all about understanding how crystals refract light, and if you can place the crystals appropriately in the right shapes through cutting them at certain angles, the light will filter to certain areas of the home. All of this is based on angles, and geometry. For instance, given the right geometric pattern, you could actually use the light of the sun refracted in the right manner, to cook your food.
And you can also change how heat/temperature is amplified by the geometric shape, and how it is refracted, and this is how our future is going to be in building our tools I believe, using the natural heat/light of the sun, and the geometric patterns of nature, to build a massive society that channels pure light. This is an exciting prospect. And using this method, if we were able to power an entire society simply using the Sun, it would truly be a great start to saving gaia.
This is only some ideas though, I am not an engineer, and I am actually surprised I know this much, but I know there will be someone out there who does know how to build this.
With Love and Light,
There are already Crystal Cities in Inner Earth....when we soon unite with the Inner Earth Beings we will have Crystal Temples on the surface once we know to respect each other and live in peace and harmony.
The Divine Plan for 5th Dimension New Earth is Golden Cities and Crystal Temples...and 2012 is the year when the Golden Age accelerates after final clearance of the dark forces
Additionally meditate on the idea that perhaps it is not best to cut crystals
Glorious and even in line with some aspects of my vision. I can show you the basic concepts for its building but we still need to put quite a bit of mind work into it though because i have not yet figured out how to grow it in the desired geometries. I know basic crystals take forever through natural processes but you can buy quicker growing crystal kits which may be the best format for the project with of course some modification and scaling up and the use of some basic technologies to quicken the process on such larger scales. The exact specifics i would like to keep personal between those who actually care to use it in a beneficial way. But i can say this the benefit of growing them ourselves is that we can infuse them with our own loving energies and the ideals of what we think it means to be spiritual and let Creation and Gaia and Sun provide the rest of the energies of Transcendance and Ascension.