

The Presence Of The Divine Mother Within By

Anrita Melchizedek


Magical May is upon us beloved hearts, along with the post Eclipse season as we deepen into our Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light.


You are invited to join us in this powerful energetic transmission, as we accelerate our frequency and birth into creation new golden opportunities, connecting ever deeper into the Heart of Gaia, and the Flame of Compassion.


This Flame of Compassion and Love amplifies in this Now moment. As these sacred, holy Flames of Divinity, the Stargate of our Loving Hearts expands into the deepening Presence of the Divine Mother within.


As we deepen into Compassion through our Golden Hearts, we dissolve the wounded masculine, and victim/persecutor consciousness. We fine tune our frequency and shift dimensionally into ever higher octaves of the One Heart of All That Is.


We are further invited into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart. We receive an attunement to Divine Mother Mary as we step ever deeper into the Divine Mother energy of compassion and Love, gratitude and appreciation, loving kindness and respect for all. Further to this, we are offered an opportunity to focus on all our relationships.


Additionally, we experience an Initiation of Enlightenment as we elevate our consciousness, experience a Pineal Gland Activation and remember ourselves as Initiates of Light.


We further experience the Rays of Creation in each month. In this sacred month of May, along with the beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, and the Violet Flame of Transmutation, we experience the Ray of Solar Service, of Solar Crystalline Consciousness, the Ray of Highest Potentials and the Ray of Devotion and Idealism.


Through the Overlighting of Lord Buddha, we are invited into these sacred Ray Ashrams as we create our Crystalline Light Body and program the Original Divine Blueprinting from within, whilst expanding our Devotion as the Light of God We Are.


Video Link: The Presence Of Divine Mother Within - https://youtu.be/tsbO44hwBWk?si=VhcQ3ebcdY2Tr9Fw









The Universal Heart of God I Am - 555 Light Code Activations By Anrita Melchizdek

Join us beloved hearts in this 555 I Am Presence Light Code Activation – The Universal Heart of God I Am, as we expand into our Universal Heart and Zero Point multidimensionally through the Overlighting and embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence, and the Company of Heaven.


As we connect through the Stargate of our Loving Heart, we are invited to experience the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation. With our heart’s wide open, our Universal Heart expresses in deepening levels of our Divinity in Soul embodiment, Consciousness expansion, and the transformation into our fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Light Bodies, as we deepen into Zero Point, the infinite, eternal, ever-present Now moment.


Zero Point is the infinite Light of our Mother/Father God that is contained within all living things. Love is our radiating and unifying force spiraling ever upwards that connects us to this central point of Oneness, that which we call Zero Point, the Unified Heart of our Universe, which expresses through the sacred geometry of the Vesica Pisces, and the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom.


It is the further the Toroidal Field of the Heart beloved hearts that takes us into Zero Point. At the very core of the Torus the Vesica Pisces further expresses, a point of supreme balance and stillness, Zero Point. We refer to this too as the Silence within, and the Stillness of the Loving Heart.




In the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation, with the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence and the Galactics, we receive an influx of Christed, Photonic and Plasma Light focused through the Geometric Template of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces into particular activation points along the body, assisting us to expand beyond the old and transcend all karmic experiences no longer needing to be experienced. With this, we restore our cellular memories to Crystalline Consciousness through our Universal Heart, as we remember fully that we are our Beloved I Am Presence, living from a state of Oneness and Divine Love.




The lack of Photonic Light within our bodies beloved hearts, is what causes our dis-ease and dis-comfort. Living multidimensionally, our bodies fill with Photonic Light and Photonic air bubbles, which is essentially our Soul Essence, as we embody our Higher Light and activate our Light Bodies. We are essentially infusions of Photonic, Plasma, Crystalline/Christ Light, experiencing our Universe in Cosmic oscillating frequencies of sacred geometry, sound, color and Quantum Consciousness.


Plasma permeates the entire solar system, as well as the Universe. As we shift into embodying higher energetic frequencies through alignment to the Divine, our physical bodies transform in this process of rejuvenation and regeneration, and we are able to conduct plasma light, and change the atomic structure of our bodies from carbon into the less dense compound of silicate, and from here to crystalline consciousness. Essentially, the plasma upgrades enable our physical body to expand the Plasma Light frequencies from within, to access the higher dimensional realms and higher states of consciousness.


 In this Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation we start by activating the Stargate of our Loving Hearts by visualizing the Golden Sun and Flower of Life within our Loving Hearts. The Golden Sun represents Source Light, and the Flower of Life represents the building blocks of life and the fundamental aspects of space and time through which we expand into Zero Point.


As we expand our Loving Hearts and deepen into Zero Point, the Galactics come forward, in particular, the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. Utilizing the Geometric Template of Zero Point, we experience the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation working with 12 New Earth Frequencies that activate at specific points along the body. At each point the Galactics activate the Zero Point Geometric Template of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces as a mini vortex, as we breathe in, hold the breath, and breathe out, with each pause of the breath taking us ever deeper into Zero Point, and amplified with beautiful Invocations.




These 12 Universal Heart Zero Point New Earth Frequencies Are:


  • Self-Worth – These activation points are found on the left and right side of the body just below the collar bone, and assist us in the recognition of our Divinity, and worthiness, whilst releasing lack of worthiness issues from within the body.


  • Integration – This activation point is found centrally along the body around the thymus area, assisting in the collapsing and dissolving of the old, and bringing online higher perspectives and new levels of integration and stabilization.


  • Transformation - These activation points are chest level along the left and right side of the body, taking us through the continuous death and rebirth cycles, and the ability to embrace all that arises through the alchemical fire of transformation, the Atomic/Christ Light.


  • Divine Love - This activation point is found centrally along the body at the heart chakra area, assisting us to expand the Universal Heart of Love, with Self-Love, Love for one another, and caring and sharing and simply being the highest versions of ourselves we can be in each Now moment.


  • Divine Service - These activation points are found to the left and right side of the diaphragm, assisting us to create and accomplish from the Higher Realms as we dream into our reality all we need to express the Universal Heart of Love in each Now.


  • Merging Timelines - This activation point is found centrally along the body just above the solar plexus chakra area, offering us the opportunity to merge into the highest timelines available whilst expanding beyond the lower timelines and programming, and additionally offering us the power to change the dreams we live in.


  • Letting Go - These activation points are found on the left and right side of the belly button. Letting go takes us out of the ego struggle and perceived separation into a deep sense of trust and surrender to our Universe. As we listen to the guidance of our Universe, we release and let go of karmic patterns, blame and judgment as we expand beyond old Earth and into New Earth.


  • Divine Flow - This activation point is found centrally along the body around the Tan Tien area (below the belly button). It takes us into an organic Christed Flow, with deep respect for all, through our actions, behaviors and experiences to present a deepening grace, and ease, trust and surrender and flow of abundance in each Now moment.


  • Going Within – This activation point is found centrally along the body just below the sacral chakra, assisting us to go deep within in the knowing that our entire Universe and all we create starts from the inner reality. It is from within that we experience the shifts and upgrades, assisting us to expand through the DNA activations, as we deepen into our Divinity as the Light of God We Are.


  • Alignment - This activation point is found centrally along the body just below the Pubic Bone area, assisting us to expand into the frequencies where all is Soul Aligned through our choices and Consciousness and the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence.


  • Soul Embodiment - These activation points are found along the back of the body, to the left and right side of the heart chakra which assist in the embodiment of the Christ Child, the Innocence and Purity within, whilst expanding the frequencies of the fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Light Body.


  • Observational Awareness – These activation points are found on the left and right side of the body around the waist area, assisting us as the Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am to expand our Consciousness/Awareness through the observation of subconsciousness programming as well as the Self Awareness to Master all through the Universal Heart of Love.


Lastly, we create the Toroidal Field around our bodies and energy fields. The Toroidal Field is created through two counter-rotating or oscillating forces of energy which opens and expands the Portal of our Loving Hearts to Zero Point, and Divine Love, and at the center of this is to be found the Visica Pisces.




We then experience the Universal Heart Toroidal Field breath. This is a five-step powerful Toroidal breath utilizing the energy of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces as it extends from the base chakra to the Crown Chakra and takes us ever deeper into the Stillness of our Loving Heart’s as the Universal Heart of God We Are.


This beautiful Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation further assists us to experience Quantum Consciousness where all slows down and linear time ceases to exist.


Join us beloved hearts as the Universal Heart of God We Are as we deepen into Zero Point, where all is Love and Love is All There Is.


Replay video and audio recordings, with and without background music will be available.


Credit: Toroidal Field Gif by Pamela Richards

Suggested Reading: Lisa Transcendence Brown



Video Link: The Universal Heart of God I Am - 555 Light Code Activations - https://youtu.be/JQJd54Gx1Bk?si=4NpcdOiAdpwJTZxV


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