In 1987 there was acceleration in evolution. The length of 1 wave cycle went from 19.7 years to 360 days by 1999. This acceleration brought end to war being accepted. It started the evolutionary period of balancing the two hemispheres of the brain and the world. The cold war ended and the Berlin wall fall 1989.
In 1992 the first internet went up and developed as the rate of evaluation accelerated.
The internet is playing a big part of balancing the two hemispheres of the world and the brain
Once the west and east hemispheres are balanced, telepathy and other mystical experience will activate. This is shown on the Mayan calendar as 1 wave cycle will go from 360 days in July 18th 2010 to 20-days by Feb 11th 2011.
The internet is a bridge between the industrial world and the world of oneness.
By the end of 2010 you must tell the truth because others can pick up the lies by telepathy.
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The Intensity will be felt worldwide be September 2010. 20 days cycle has alway been there in the far background. . We just need to synchronize with it.
Sorry if I`m going in too deep here but honesty and transparency are hopefully what lightworkers are about
Waterox, your comments are interesting, the intense energies you are beginning to experience may be your awakening to a higher vibration. My hope trust and faith is that these things will be purposeful, if not in the immediate future after a training and adjusting period to fulfill your purpose.
But I get your point, on the psyche in which we have been trained to trust sooo well it`s very wierd untill you figure out it is the truth.
I have noticed a lot of people are experiencing things in their growth that they cant understand, it seems the great plan of those that would stop ascention would love us not to communicate about this. So I am beginning to train people in thier gifts to support them and bring understanding. With what i have noticed happening it seems what i have been called to do.
So wierd intense stuff is going to increase, don`t think your going crazy. :)
Is all these and many do you think because of I am cursed or unfortunate. On the other hand, I was the most clever student in my schools, most interesting, dancing, singing, writing, drawing alway ran 1., became a beauty contest in my country, had marriage purpose more than many and from extreme educated rich people just I could never feel I was for them anyway.. So here a life I found pretty much easy or could compete without much efforts and on the other hand it is like things in me brings something total undecent besides my so hard work, extreme sacrifices and pure intention.. How could I not feel cursed or how could I do stop this all, where do you think the balance for me. Talking others something may live a black hole in my heart if I say something along with my ego, actions worse.. What the hell I am do you think, sincerely I feel strong in mind but lost somehow at the same time too. Hypnosis, reiki, meditations I have to perform after being influenced to any others, why?
Now you know more than anyone know about me, I just need to understand a bit better, there are things I believe I had to get help but not from doctors, I tried when I thought it may be depression and I found myself didn't need any drug, suddenly recovered by smelling a flower or touching a tree. One thing for sure I sense is a thing so strong in me that I am not able to know or control over. Please don't forget I try my best to express all and be frank what do you think so I will be working on. This may make you feel too much put on you without even knowing who I am but somehow I felt that you know better then I do and I need your idea on these..
your level of gifting is increasing exotenially, your sense that something is happening and going to happen is correct. trust it, i might know some of what but I`m sure not all nor when.
You may feel like your going crazy with the gifts, i`m guessing your becoming energetically clairvoyant and it feels strange, many are going through this now and have no-one to turn to.
Those with gifts can help those with gifts,
Those with knowlege can help those seeking
I would recomend you read a book by jo wilcox called illuminating the soul mate path. for me reading this book helped me realise i wasn`t the only one with gifts nor the only one this was happening to.
when gifts come...or unfold, its for a purpose, often without warning nor with an instruction manual,
i reccomend that if you feel negative energy, remove yourself untill your stronger, take breaks as this is at the moment a dark world for a feeler/perciever.
its like if a plane is going down then parents put on your oxygen mask first, so you are then able to help others, many others. purpose for this is coming..your gifts are your tools...embrace your gifts ( your truth) and nurture it knowing that some others are not yet as awake.
another thing that may help are these, a series of videos on youtube, but i recomend that you watch all 11 of them they can help things make a lot of sense.
the link is:
i am here to help if you want to break down what is happening for you into questions i am happy to help
I know recently my transformation get speed up maybe because of my reiki practices and meditation but all I sense is this is not because I did something all just urges me somehow and even I am so behind. I found my self a bit close to spiritual burn out by always trying to keep my heart open unfortunately not being so experienced enough harsh influences left me right at the middle. This may be a reason for my increased curiosity what is in me and I believe a thing in me makes me reveal flaws-identifier wherever whatever I do, whomever I am with, like truth has to set up or I feel something so wrong and it is like a thing has no way I can stop even it is for my disadvantage (mostly), makes me feel like cursed sometimes but I don't know how to be otherwise but again I can easily get a balanced way out of all. As a nature actually I am so calm nurturing and brave logical person, what made me maybe deny a bit my senses since my childhood but somehow also naturally challenged. Indeed feel like I knew all already and wasted much of my sources only because I didn't want my intuition in my physical world much. I get flashes, names and somethings more freaks me out just gain much speed and I don't even know how to stop being drained by someone if I am in crowded (I have been told something to do, just not practical for me as I feel already late whenever it happens to me, like being too open all). All of these set me in search a bit, no one in my close distance has any similar thing but happy copers with physical world. I definitely do work hard, to cope all more than who claims successful but only because of my practical loyalty and giving personality just have a big issue with others, crowded, on fun things I can not help to keep myself out of all somehow makes me feel so tired even if I just think of them. Have great discipline but have no light mind or heart to fulfill my part in this world. I believe that I was at the middle and trying to find a balance between but maybe because of speeded transformation I became more spiritual than a physical person but only taking caring my things so well feeling like I have no space or energy for other things.
My close friends tells commonly about me is the strongest point of my being is high extreme kindness-compassion-trutfullness-braveness and as a nurturing type these all reflects me just I would like to know more and able to balance things better for my own life. I don't wanna feel like the way I do, maybe a big part is missing what lacks my steps or isolate myself from what many others enjoy.
I don't know all much just I wanted to share as it comes, sorry If I made wrong statements, consider me as learning or new. I would like to get training if it is possible and the conditions what training would require for me to response.