hi all
Dr. Boylan: Thank you for participating in this Joint Psychic Exercise and providing protective energy and shielding to

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 6-Mar-2010 22:55:59

Thank you for participating in this Joint Psychic Exercise andproviding protective energy and shielding to the Star Visitor craftthat landed in various locations in the U.S. Southwest today.
This was not a series of landings for show, but rather a massLiberation of Star Visitors and their families being held captive atmilitary-industrial locations.
Here are the full details on the Jan. 21 Joint Psychic Exercise we just completed, with a brief background.

Over the years the Cabal have managed to capture a number of StarVisitors and their families. Certain of these were tortured andextorted to give up personal tissue samples, which the Cabal have usedto fashion into Artificial Intelligence (AI) components of a variety ofdifferent-models starcraft. The AI serves as the guidance andnavigation system of the starcraft as well as the communicationsinterface with the Human pilot.

Each Star Visitor "donor"'s genetic material was used to outfit the AIfor a number of craft of a certain design. The Cabal have been buildinga number of different designs of starcraft in their plans to travelinto deep space and to other star systems where they would continuetheir mischief. Grand plans, but as of today's Joint Psychic Exercise,not so grand.
What follows are the identities of the Cabal installations where theStar Visitor (SV) captives have been being held, where their familieswere being held as hostages to force the captives to reveal informationabout craft design, and the number of crafts of various design at eachinstallation.

- Lockheed-Martin Advanced Design Programs (aka Skunk Works), Palmdale,California": Two Uestagrie SVs and 1 Auostrega SV. There were eightcrafts there being completed, 5 of Uestagrie AI and 3 of Auostrega AIformat.

- at/beneath the Bush Circle Bldg., NASA-Ames Research Center, MountainView, CA: one Sesstian SV and one Fahroovian SV, and 6 craft ofSesstian or Fahroovian format; there were also 16 Star Visitor familymembers being held there as hostages;

- Los Angeles Air Force Base, Area B, El Segundo CA, in/under the longrectangular building between 120th St & Mariposa Street: OneBetelguesi SV and one Beelalttah SV, 8 craft of Betelguesi orBeelalttah format; and 5 family members hostage at this location, allunderground;

- 4) at/beneath Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical (TDY Industries), HarborBlvd., San Diego, CA; one Sirian SV and one Pleiadian SV, and 8 craftof Sirian or Pleiadean format; plus 7 family members of these specieshostage below ground;

- In addition, there were more family members held hostage at moredistant locations in NV and WY as "insurance" against escape attempts:
5 Star Visitor family remote hostages in north Las Vegas, Nevada, theywere being kept at one of a complex of dark industrial buildings in alarge triangular commercial parcel bounded on its left and right sidesby Union Pacific railroad tracks and on its south side by E. TropicalParkway. The triangular commercial parcel is in-between S. LambBoulevard and Nevada State HWY 215; and, 3 family remote hostages beingheld at Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, Wyoming, they were being heldin a dark building that is the left-hand one of a pair of darkbuildings in an industrial parcel between the residential and theadministrative sections of Warren AFB. That industrial parcel isbounded on the north by Diamond Creek Way and the Colorado &Southern train tracks; on the east by S. Frontier Rd., on the south byCrow Creek and Missile Drive, and on the west side by S. Creek Drive.

All of these Star Visitor captives and the hostage families wereliberated at 07:00 hrs., PST, today, Jan. 21, by Star Nations jointextraction teams. First, SV security forces went in comprised of anespecially burly and resolute star race. After the Cabal Human guardswere overcome and disempowered at each installation, additional StarVisitor extraction teams came in and rapidly moved the captives andfamilies out to waiting Star Nations crafts for flight from Earth nandreturning the captives and families to their home worlds.
Star Nations also took custody of the Cabal starcraft because theycontain living tissue of Star Visitors. These liberated craft werecommunicated with by Star Nations personnel, advised that they were nowfree of Cabal control, and free to return to the home world of the StarVisitor whose tissue went into the make-up of that craft.

At five minutes before our JPE, and the Star Nations Liberation, TAUSS,the Cabal's secret underground extreme-speed magnetic-levitation subwaysystem, was taken down for the Western United States sector, at leasttemporarily, to provide a distraction.

At one minute before the JPE/Liberation, Star Visitors advised thecaptives and their families that liberation was imminent. Also at oneminute before, the magnetic containment fields, and the implants in theSV captives, and the black boxes tying the SV's to the Cabal painadministration equipment were deactivated.
The precise locations where the Star Visitors were help is given to youto assist you JPE participants in geo-locating the Liberation projectsites in case you want to time-jump back and lend specific energy tothe Liberation effort as it is going on. It will be useful.

Again thank you for your participation. Your presence helped StarNations ethically intervene in Human affairs to liberate its ownmembers from Cabal criminal elements working in "black projects".Black, indeed!!

May you have a great day! Almost as great as those 49 Star Visitors who get now to travel home.
They will however be taking with them the body of a 9-year-old Siriangirl who was killed by the Cabal in captivity when she tried to escapethe magnetic confinement field, and the Cabal's contract mercenaryguards turned up her field intensity to lethal levels to prevent herescape.
We participants have shown Star Nations that most Humans here are ofgood heart and good will. And we put into perspective that thedepravity of the small minority of Cabal is NOT representative of theHuman race.
Again thank you all for your participation and protective energy-sending.

in the light,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

More at link below

http://www.drboylan .com/01.21. 10jpe.html

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  • G'day, Jason!
    Thanks a millon to you, mate, for this post; and for the very interesting link. I added Dr Boylan's webpage to my favourites.
  • Yowan. what you just thought what you just said down below, i have just brought up to your attention as this one here i also put onto ashtar is also speaking of the exct same thing about being sheep

    The Creator Son on Sex and Marriage Through Ceanne DeRohann from Right Use of Will

    read this i know it's long but it has heart soul and truthfulness in these words....
  • Wow, Thanks for posting!

    This is the kind of news I love hearing! I mean, it smells of fun and exciting... not the tragedy, but I mean... This is the real news from the real world. It reminds me so much of how much the people relying on mainstream media and their government become as just a sheep in herd. Obedient easy to fool sheeps following the herd, who is the pastor? Those very few elites who is deluded in playing as gods.

    It came to my realization that these kinds of events I seen often on japanese cartoons that I've watch. It shows so much about the Big Scene. On how much we people are often easily swayed by our government and its media. It is no wonder that the America banned the Japanese cartoon before.

    It is like, when the mass people (sheeps) are so busy with their daily common lives (going to work, going to school, other activities), not knowing in background there has always been the ongoing hidden war between different forces. They kept people busy with unnecessary things like the economy, entertainment gossips, war, terrorism, accidents, disasters which is their own doing, to keep the minds and thoughts of the sheeps from thinking outside the box. When the people has lots of free time to recollect things and stuffs in their life... they will realize...
    • Yep, keep the sheeple distracted at all costs! Day to day existence is enough to keep most people occupied so that they don't ask questions or try to understand what is really going on in our world. Once you start questioning, and thinking, there is no going back......!
  • well i hope i bring great info to everyone as my archangel jophiel is direcing me to instant messages. I swear i don't go looking for it. it's like i got a radar tracking device the moment the story is printed, because when i can not sleep it means i have to search for something and when i get it it is just there for me to send to other url sites. i think i was meant to do this.
    • Exciting. You have a fun life. :D
  • Boy he has some interesting things to say about cabal-faked alien abductions which left me wondering deeply if all these years I have been mistaken about who was abducting me and for why. If it was faked or hypnotic suggestions, it was very very real to me. I always had a gut feeling though that humans were somehow involved due to human activities that involved trying to intimidate me through phone calls and stalking me with the purpose of making me "shut up" about my experiences....I had trace memories of humans being aboard (or where ever to hell I was taken), nothing tangible, just remember seeing a couple of humans walking down a hall in some sort of jumpsuit garb and that always made me wonder what they were doing there. Now I wonder even more after reading Dr. Boylons article about how the cabal was taking people and leaving the suggestion that aliens did it. Would not put it past the cabal to do that....... Guess I will never know for sure, but hope I will know some day just for closure.
    • Hi Marique

      Did you ever read Stephen Greer's 2nd to last book, Hidde truth, Forbidden Knowledge. He explains that many abductions are done by US Military with PLFs, or programmed life forms that are essentially small greys. Worth reading for that info. I do not buy all of Greer's theories though, such as all ET's being friendly! Hahahahahaha! Yes, just about fell off my chair when i heard of that.
    • They are doing the abductions and blame it to other aliens/ETS for people to fear and hate.
      Poor UFO/ETS whose been framed. Very tricky, that's how deceitful they are.
  • Shades of Star Wars......very interesting. I think nothing would surprise me anymore. Curious why Area 51 in Nevada was not mentioned. I KNOW there's some dark s**t going on there......it's too carefully guarded.

    "Black, indeed!" And, I keep wondering why people don't realize that the "color" black is the absence of color......I see people constantly wearing black, and they're using a lot of black in interior design now......look around you. What does this tell you about the consciousness of this country at least? Observe, observe, observe.... black, black, black. White incorporates ALL colors, while black is the absence of color......OR the absence of Light. I refuse to wear it, and won't have it in my home unless there's no way around it.
This reply was deleted.

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