quote-anger-makes-you-smaller-while-forgiveness-forces-you-to-grow-beyond-what-you-are.jpg?width=597Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness


The planetary elite have been on their last legs for some time now, and when they’re exposed and brought to divine justice, humanity will be tasked with forgiving the very people who’ve oppressed us for centuries.


I believe in justice, because I recognize that it’s an essential catalyst to the establishment of peace and unity. The cabal has devastated the rest of the world for centuries, and they deserve to be exposed and brought to justice for their crimes.


However, I think we’re meant to see beyond our deeply rooted ways of division-fueled vengeance, and this can only happen if we make the collective decision to forgive the cabal for what they’ve done. Learning forgiveness in the greatest sense by forgiving the evilest force on the planet will accelerate our growth and see us able to forgive each other much easier.


Thanks to channeled messages, we’re blessed with a lot of material about this subject. Here, I’d like to examine what’s been said about forgiving the cabal and using that forgiveness as a tool to advance our evolutionary growth.


I accept that some seekers don’t resonate with channeled material, but I think genuine channels carry more value than they’re given credit for. We’re encouraged to use our discernment and take only what resonates with us (like anything else), but for me, a genuine and positive channeled entity is a helpful source of information and energy.


Some channeled sources speak about the cabal routinely – exposing them and encouraging forgiveness at the same time. Our guides are here to help us become aware that our reality has been carefully crafted to keep us from a greater perception, but they’re also here to remind us about the importance of unconditional love and forgiveness.


Can you imagine what forgiving the cabal will do for humanity? I don’t think our feelings will ever be hurt again, and if they were, we might instantly forgive the other person. We’re going to learn how to master our emotions, and even though it isn’t their goal, the cabal will inevitably teach us how.


The ‘Great Divine Director’ through channel Elizabeth Ayres Escher tells us about the role the powers that were subconsciously agreed to play in our evolution, starting with the statement that we’re all masters who are practicing our abilities.


“You are ALL Masters. Every one of you, both those who play the dark roles and those who play the light ones; all of you are masters extraordinaire. There are many who would condemn us and our scribe for saying this, but sometimes those who act as villains in your life … are your greatest teachers.” (1)

Whether we realize it or not, we have a lot to learn from the cabal’s tyranny. They’re providing a mirror of what could happen to humanity if we give in to darkness by succumbing to the worst qualities to ever ravage the soul, and having witnessed the results of their descent, most seekers make it a point to root themselves in the light.


We’re then told that we chose the roles we’re currently playing before we made our way to the earth.


“In the higher dimensions, each of you chose the roles that you would play and how you would come together, if only for a short time, to play out those roles, offering opportunities for growth as a result. There are no ‘enemies’ that exist in this world, only teachers, only You, the great collective of humanity, as one entity.” (2)

We’re one consciousness that’s split itself into individualized Godsparks, and we’re meant to teach one another as our awareness grows. Our growth is based on our actions and what we learn from those around us, and in this case, the cabal’s providing a mirror of our collective negativity and, again, showing us what happens when it’s taken too far.


As we’re told below, losing the need to judge or condemn others is an inevitable result of our evolution.


“As each of you, especially the light workers, those who are more self-aware than the populace in general, as each of you opens to this self-awareness and begin to reconnect to the Source of your being, you will let go of the need to condemn self, whether that self takes on your own image or that of another human being.” (3)

It’s very easy to judge ourselves and others, but this tendency will fade as the ego loses the control it’s had over us for millennia. Certain aspects of the lower, survival-driven mind were necessary for our lower-dimensional sojourn, but now, we’re ready to incorporate a new way of life that the ego will inhibit.


Judgment will be a thing of the past when we learn to love and accept each other, but presently, it’s still a big part of our existence. We can change this by changing our own deeply rooted ways, and when we do, we’ll enable the rest of the world to open up to the things we’ve discovered.


Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow.




(1) “The Great Divine Director: Be True to One’s Self,” channeled through Elizabeth Ayres Escher (Tazjima), 1 June, 2013 at bluedragonjournal.com.


(2) Loc. cit.


(3) Loc. cit.


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  • We must have truth and reconciliation while protecting those who might be harmed again by negative energies.  Until all beings agree to cleanse themselves of their harmful actions and attitudes towards others, the innocent are at risk. Punishment does not work.  Rehabilitation may be required.  

    I run a cat colony and there are bully cats everywhere. I do not permit a cat to bully other cats. I socialized all my cats and now they live in peace.

    We may perhaps have to socialize those who see others as less than themselves and slaves, people they can Lord over.  There's something wrong there and to just forgive without protecting others seems irresponsible to all. 

    We can forgive all and love all unconditionally in our hearts. Love and involvement are two different things. Do we want to remain involved with those who harm while we are still here in 3D bodies?  Yes, we are aware of the divine play. of lila, of the roles of all beings, light and dark, villain and victim in this giant, never-ending passion play. 

    All have to be of the same mind-set for forgiveness to work where all wish to be involved with one another or are even safe enough for that to happen. We practice AHIMSA, do no harm and the golden role, do unto others as you would do to yourself. If all can come to that awareness, that agreement, then we are all safe. 

    You can forgive the pedophile. But you don't want him to babysit your children. 

  • We must have truth and reconciliation while protecting those who might be harmed again by negative energies.  Until all beings agree to cleanse themselves of their harmful actions and attitudes towards others, the innocent are at risk. Punishment does not work.  Rehabilitation may be required.  

    I run a cat colony and there are bully cats everywhere. I do not permit a cat to bully other cats. I socialized all my cats and now they live in peace.

    We may perhaps have to socialize those who see others as less than themselves and slaves, people they can Lord over.  There's something wrong there and to just forgive without protecting others seems irresponsible to all. 

    We can forgive all and love all unconditionally in our hearts. Love and involvement are two different things. Do we want to remain involved with those who harm while we are still here in 3D bodies?  Yes, we are aware of the divine play. of lila, of the roles of all beings, light and dark, villain and victim in this giant, never-ending passion play. 

    All have to be of the same mind-set for forgiveness to work where all wish to be involved with one another or are even safe enough for that to happen. We practice AHIMSA, do no harm and the golden role, do unto others as you would do to yourself. If all can come to that awareness, that agreement, then we are all safe. 

    You can forgive the pedophile. But you don't want him to babysit your children. 

  • Adama Head Priest of Telos: everyone is subject to the laws of karma nobody escapes the Spiritual Hierarchy karmic board current to the planet ...they decide who to forgive and forget...they are at this time being lenient giving a chance to people to turn to love and light through ascension and awakening spiritual teachings for your highest benefit.
    The Karma on this Planet is heavy ...very heavy
  • But even the dark ones who may be teachers, I do not dispute that, need to learn lessons and in their case, the lesson of justice.

  • yes ... the Kabbalah offers much to humanity in so many ways

  • YES
  • The beings that we are of Infinite LOVE and LIGHT, being forgiving is part of who we are.

    Having resentment, hate or any other negative feelings will not help your spiritual growth.

    Thank you for posting this, and reminding people the importance of forgiveness.

    • Well, I feel it's time for another go around verbally at this point, including facts and the like.

      Now this isn't a fact, but it's to the best I can tell and guess what happened. Quite a while ago, this galaxy was full of Love and nothing else. Well, then the highest being in charge of this galaxy allowed warlike beings such as the reptilians to come in, which resulted in a lot of dead people and planets, which resulted in a need for survival, which resulted in people like me coming here to put the brakes on it and it's about to be stopped finally, and it means justice was applied to enough of a degree that the evil is eventually going to be stopped.

      Now, let's try to not be as naive as we've been, because the result is piles and piles of dead bodies proportional to our naivete. For those who seek Love, you can offer them helping hands out of their error. But, as evidenced by our (now) asteroid belt, countless other asteroid belts and giant plumes of (now) gas, lots of dead people, and lots of tortured souls across this galaxy, if you maintain that position towards every single being with no exception you, for instance on Earth, allow certain beings to use you to build such a big bomb that quadrants of the galaxy / the galaxy itself is threatened with utter annihilation if nothing is done such as strange matter / quark bombs like have been (supposidly and if not that then something else  if not her ethen elsewhere) stored historically on planets that haven't learned what fundamentally deceptive beings do, which is lie to you till your all dead, and if it means you like Love they get you to believe that you can Love them, or whatever else works.

      So, really, it is factually and historically apparent that without evil entering this galaxy and causing people such as infinite soul and countless others to be able to go into survival mode and thus it become possible to make a as it were immune system against this stuff (meaning people willing to kill / torture the evil ones if you want to be factual, and partially just about it that is) so that we don't carry on like infinite soul implies towards everyone without question to the point that something worse takes us over till the whole galaxy becomes a production center for torturing and destroying whole other galaxies, quite simply because something bad enough to put the galaxy in survival mode came but not so bad that we had enough power still left over to get some beings off the ground that would effecitvely and efficiently destroy those beings whose very essence would lead them to so modify this galaxy and all in it as just described. So, if you have to keep applying so little justice that even more of your brothers and sisters wind up in torture chambers on reptilian ships using infinite life extension technologies, do me a favor, and volunteer to the universe at large to be the very one that winds up in such a circumstance, causing an increase in the allowed desire for justice leading towards love rather than torture, instead of naively forcing other brothers and sisters you otherwise love to do it for you because you can't add up 2+2 = 4 when it comes to justice, freedom, consequence, and historical facts that have played out for ... since the beginning of free will. I mean, we need to make enlightened decisions on what we're doing or we're not being wise and going where we want to go, but instead loving (enabling) the devil to torment more of those we in all other ways love but are still producing circumstances ending in their being tormented for God knows how long, and maybe even our own selves winding up right there in the torture chambers, yet again, because, frankly, I'd put you in it if you were stubborn enough about this because of the amount of damage that kind of stubbornness causes, just reread this till you see that that's a fact, or God help you, you may need to be off to the reptilian bases for the furtherance of your education. Looking at the magnitude of the consequences involved, how stubborn beings in this galaxy originally were about it, and the destruction resulting thereof, I would say to that circumstance 'se la vi' or 'such is life' in English. Have a good day, and try not to be so stupid you get vast numbers of more people murdered in the most sadistic ways possible, just at thought, cheers.

      • By the way, if you think that was cruel to suggest for an instant that a being of Love would wish such circumstance as reptilian torture on someone else, well, what do you think God did when it was allowed for all this to kick off? As with all learning, reread the aforementioned material and if you do that I guess beyond the point that you can stand it anymore you might make some progress. :)

        • Well, I'm not saying that literally you go to hell like a Christian church might say.

          I am saying there is justice, and though you blow up say 1000 planets you'll never do infinite damage and deserve infinite punishment like the christians say you get for picking your nose and not calling on Jesus. Now, that said, I assume you try to get people to learn whatever God wants in, well I won't say an efficient way, but the best way people are willing to put forth. And if you have beings that want to torture a planet to death and then are willing to die for that cause, I instinctively assume torture and threats of torture is a portion of how they can be deprogramed. I mean, really, some of these things may indeed be unredeamable based on how far they will go to harm and then not change when it's in their best interset to change. I have to say I'm ignorant of the mechanics of what allows a soul to cut it's love ties and then if they can be bound back again. I look at how these beings know they won't survive or win and want to blow up the planet instead of go to the light and wonder if they have the option of converting to the light through free will choices quite frankly.

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