b5ff5-thepracticeofforgivenessisourmostimportantcontributiontothehealingoftheworld.jpg?w=596&h=410&width=596Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm


Concluded from Part 1


According to the Great Divine Director, awareness of our interconnected nature will drive us to diminish judgment and condemnation.


“Soon, you will no longer have a need to see enemies all around you or danger in the air. You are returning to the awareness that you belong to a unified field of consciousness, that you have never left this field, but have only stepped away from it in consciousness for a short time.” (1)

This awareness will lead us to unite with people we might’ve judged before, and even the sternest, most judgmental person will learn to love those around them when they see that we’re all cut from the same cloth.


We’re returning to a much more harmonious way of life, and it’s essential that we move beyond the division-fueled condemnation that’s kept us apart. It clearly hasn’t worked for us, and we’re ready to embrace a more sustainable mindset that works for the common man.


Apparently, even the cabal has the potential to dissolve their boiling hatred and see the light.


“Your awareness of Self has been blocked by self-imposed veils of forgetfulness; those veils have been torn asunder and are swiftly dissolving for all humanity, even the most intransigent of beings, the former ‘controllers’ of this planet.” (2)

Nobody’s being left out of our evolution, and even though justice is important, it isn’t the sole way to achieve peace. Perhaps we should forgive the elite after their punishment, which’ll be determined by a higher authority than the vengeance-fueled humanity.


In my eyes, Source Him/Herself knows the ultimate fitting punishment for the cabal.


Do you really think you or I could devise a proper punishment if we came from a place of spite and hatefulness? I’ve read things that claimed the cabal was going to be hurled into the sun when justice is delivered. Does this type of behavior really incorporate a new way of life, or does it orient to the same negative ways that’ve kept us down?


As the Great Divine Director tells us, the cabal are quickly going from behind the scenes controllers to targets of the rage of conscious seekers.


“Beneath the attacks and vile deeds, the manipulations of corporate interests to control whole governments in an attempt to control the entire planet, these beings have taken on the darkest roles in the ‘game’ of duality.

And now, as the rest of humanity begins to awaken to the horrors and the misdirection taken by the world as a result of the guidance of these beings, they are now suddenly taking on a new role, not of directors behind the scenes, but of being the newly exposed targets of a growing anger, rage and a desire for vengeance emanating from an awakening populace.” (3)

Awareness is growing more than we might think, and as millions of independent writers, musicians, etc. speak up against the cabal, our words grow stronger. People are awakening every day, and soon enough, the entire planet will be aware of what the former powers have and continue to do.


How will we behave when awareness reaches a critical mass?


Being targets for the public’s growing rage can be difficult and uncomfortable, as we’re told below, but it’s a role the cabal created for themselves.


“This is a new and generally uncomfortable role for anyone to assume, especially for those persons whose arrogance and contempt for society at large thought themselves far superior and unique from the struggling masses.

They are to be greatly pitied, for their role, although … being born into wealthy and powerful families, has taken them into areas far afield from the connection to their own inner beings, to Source.” (4)

Some of the more radical revolutionaries out there might not resonate with the idea of the cabal being pitied after they’re exposed, but it makes sense to me. We’re already starting to hear about ‘class warfare’ and other things that suggest the elite know about the public’s growing contempt for them.


They’re going to seek forgiveness for their most heinous crimes, and they might do it in a way that comes off as pitiful or sad. This will, of course, be where humanity is tested. I’m sure some of the people in the Illuminati will be genuinely sorry for what they’ve done, but will we be able to forgive them?


Even the darkest souls can eventually find the light, as we’re told below, and our collective forgiveness will help the cabal embrace the light after justice is delivered.


“Yet, even these ones, who have temporarily taken on the mantle of great evil, can turn to the light, learn to love themselves, especially when the light of others is shined upon their activities and they are shown forgiveness and understanding from those they formerly sought to destroy.” (5)

If we can find it in our hearts to forgive the cabal, we’ll make it possible for them to actually embrace the light and ascend. Some of you out there might think they don’t have the right to ascend after what they’ve done, but if we’ve learned anything so far, it’s that ascension entails experiencing the karma we’ve created so we can bid it adieu.


The cabal will reap what they sow no matter what, but something tells me that once their karma’s out of the way, they’ll seek forgiveness, which a conscious public might just be able to give. Ultimately, we won’t be able to forgive them if we can’t come together and love each other, but if we can, we’ll break the harmful cycle of division-fueled hatred.


In a beautiful quote, we’re told that hurting another is akin to hurting ourselves, because again, we’re one consciousness.


“Destruction of other is destruction of self. To condemn another is to condemn self. You are all a part of the collective of Humanity, one being, who, for the sake of experience and learning has been divided up into seemingly independent and lonely individuals.” (6)

In truth, we don’t have to be separated from each other. We can easily come together with respect for our perceived differences, but we make it harder on ourselves by refusing to give up our ego-driven views of ourselves, each other, and the reality around us.


If we were to move beyond our egos, we could collectively and harmoniously create the utopian society of our dreams. If we could only dissolve separation and pettiness, we’d find that a heavenly reality has always been waiting for us.


Finally, we’re told that loving ourselves enables us to experience a greater level of mastery.


“As you come into self-awareness and learn to love yourself, you naturally open your heart to receive the guidance of your Higher Self. Your connection through the union of heart and higher mind, binds you to the path on the journey home to self-mastery.” (7)

As we were told earlier, we’re all budding masters who are learning the ways of the higher dimensions from the darkness and density of the earth.


Exposing and forgiving the elite forces who’ve ravaged the planet to no end will catapult us to a heightened level of mastery, and tapping into the love we’re being given from our higher selves and guides will enable us to start mastering our lower emotions – vengeance being one.


In a new era, everyone will work together in harmony to thrive. The division of man will be replaced with unity and a collective restoration of the planet, and our consciousness will grow to such heights that we’ll be able to forgive the cabal as we recognize the ultimately necessary role they’ve played in our growth.


I’m not saying we should lesson our efforts to dismantle their empire, unless we feel inclined to do other things, but after the hardest work is done in that avenue and justice is delivered, the real work will begin. After the cabal’s exposed, humanity will be tasked with embracing a level of mastery that’s beyond most people’s ability.


I’m confident that we’ll be able to master all of the challenges ahead (and there’ll be a lot of them) because the human spirit is willing to endure in the name of excelling. The conscious public has come pretty far in exposing the cabal and the incredible spiritual teachings they’ve tried futilely to suppress, but we haven’t done the greatest of our work yet.


Our work in the immediate future will entail introducing a way of life that’ll take balance and effort to achieve, and ultimately, we’ll see that the cabal helped us attain such balance by showing us what not to do.


Wes Annac – Excited to embrace the challenges ahead, however difficult or seemingly impossible.




(1) “The Great Divine Director: Be True to One’s Self,” channeled through Elizabeth Ayres Escher (Tazjima), 1 June, 2013 at bluedragonjournal.com.


(2) Loc. cit.


(3) Loc. cit.


(4) Loc. cit.


(5) Loc. cit.


(6) Loc. cit.


(7) Loc. cit.


I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.

The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.

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  • If we are enlightened and have come to the realization that we are One, then there can be no US and THEM, no judgement, no distinction between shades...If we are enlightened then we will understand that everyone of us has had an equal part to play in unconscious actions that have hurt our Mother, denied our Father and Ourselves as co creative beings on this planet... Their consciousness will be affected by our own, they will be reborn...there will be no awareness of duality...because WE ARE ONE...if you are still holding onto a dualistic retribution and revenge based attitude then you are still in the 3D and are still playing the same game as those you condemn...build that bridge and get over it!!! Let's just focus on LOVE...cause it is all there is!...

  • Wes, thank you.   for my part yes I can forgive the Cabal.  do I wish to live in the same environment as them, I can not answer that yet.  for my part having attracted abusive relationships into my life.  I have learnt to forgive.  In truth, I found grace and the divine gift as to why these people where in my life.  When I could no longer blame them for what happened when I truly had to own my part, how i was "irresponsible" and didn't honour and love myself, then I realised they were there to reflect those aspects of me that needed healing.  In the end it was about spiritual evolution and great changes started happening in my life.  In other words once we all as individuals get honest, look in the mirror, accept that they are here to show us thing then yes forgiveness will start to happen.  Will it be easy? - It will be challenging because it will take us to those places inside we want to gloss over and hide.  And we will have to stalk our shadow, walk the razors edge.  And then it will get easier.  And yes all we can do is love those who are on the path, and have faith that life,the divine (whatever you relate to) will give them the opportunities for them to grow and return to unity.  Just as we are every moment.

  • Ariel has said it all ,forgiveness = unconditional love

    Remember the story of the little angel in heaven ?

    • The Cabal are true losers. No they cannot be saved and are imploding as we speak THis NWO that is so pushed is crumbling at the foundation because they cannot bear up to the light because they have none. They are so weak and pathetic that they will grovel before anyone that can show them true intelligence. It's like a moth to a flame so they will just get burned in their minds being around true light. Know your strength because they are way more scarred from you then you them you see.

                                                Hey, I tell it like it is because I'm the real thing and they are not our parents but the little black ants that started it all. 

                                                            LOL thank you for listening, peace and salutations

  • The answer to the question on whether the cabal can be forgiven or not resides in myself when I ask myself what I'd do if I had the opportunity to live out my darkest fantasies and also get away with it, and I'm forced to confess that indeed I would use those opportunities. Now, if I wouldn't be able to stop myself from going total Bad if faced with the prospect of being able to live exactly the kind of life I've always fantasised about, I can't really expect that anyone else would either, which therefore means that if I can forgive myself for what I would be if I were in their shoes I can certainly forgive Them for being it now. Besides, I have a sense for business and know exactly how they have used our own systems against us to rip us for money. We wrote the rules, they just abuse them and so far it's not illegal anywhere to use clever ways to circumvent or adapt laws in business. :)

  • Can the Cabal be Forgiven?

    I'm not sure if it was said, but this was supposed to happen in us for a very real reason. "You" understand I assume.

    • You/we forgive.. because we recognize. This is the greater "sadness".

  • I have perhaps a different take but, read along and see what you think.  Earning forgiveness and paying for the crimes against humanity are two of the most important conclusions in the discussions so far.  Now many are aware that the cabal has set up confinements for humanity as their modas operendi.  Elements of a slavery system that we all learned about first hand by being on the inside of it. 

    Another thought is that any new system is probably not going to show up tomorrow on a snap of the fingers.  We are going to have to create it.  The labor involved will be extensive.  Who better to build a new reality, and tear down the old one, than those who assisted in its demise.  They can all experience the "slavery" we all endured with wages, taxes and other limitations that they forgot existed.  They could even be "directed" to outline recent history to the children and explain why they did what they did to their faces.

    Death or torture would not be as soul shaking as facing themselves in the mirror after a new and magnificent paradigm has been established in the absence of their control.  The monster is their own ego that I sure wouldn't want to face.

    Of course this new society without their control will be a much more open and free reality.  The question then becomes why didn't we do this sooner.  Exactly, why didn't we do this sooner?   

  • In the name or force of unconditional love with solidarity and service to others.I forgive the dark cabal unconditionally!

  • I appreciate the discussion that's been generated from these articles! The question would then be how we can address and eventually move beyond the shredded trust after the cabal's answered for their crimes. I don't necessarily agree that the rest is 'hearts and flowers' as you say, because the intention of all of this is to address the idea of forgiveness and moving beyond the need for vengeance.

    You definitely make a great point, though, which is that our trust has been severely betrayed. Forgiveness can't just happen - it has to be earned.

    Much Love :)

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