The shifting energies, meeting grace, knowing that this and now is where God and you agreed to be, where you need to be. My whole life is turning and I'm letting go of so much and so many, I was so affraid of this time I was so sad for it, but somehow I've come to realize that this is God's gift to me, to us.
The addictive relationship with the old self destructive way of living in this world is finally coming to an end and it feels beautiful, I've been having so many revelations these past few days and I feel like there is absolutely nothing in this universe I could fear.
Despite this overwhelming times I finally feel that this is where I have to be, this is what I have to face, is any of you feeling like this?
email I sent last night to a friend:
My whole life I've always had the feeling that there was something missing, and no matter how much I did or accomplished I felt as if that feeling would never leave.
But I realized I don't feel that anymore, and for me that trully is a miracle.
It seems that the old is falling away to make way for the new. I think the best thing we can do is identify what's negative in our reality, and reduce that as much as we can. If anyone who's feeling this does stay around these negative energies, most likely suffering will be the result.
I only say this because I've suffered a lot in the past, because of some negative people too, but it just feels like something is telling me I can't be around that anymore.
Things are definitely... getting intense, and I think it's good to follow our higher intinct. We just have to make the choice to make the "change" in our reality.
Good message ~ thanks for posting, totally resonate with it for sure! It's speaking to me very loudly :)