Johns Hopkins Update.  Good article. 

Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins: 

 1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. 

 2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime. 

 3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. 

 4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. 

 5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system. 

 6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. 

 7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs. 

 8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size.. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

 9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person
can succumb to various kinds of infections
And complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites. 

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply

 aSugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white
in color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract.  Cancer feeds on mucus.  By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved. 

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic andit is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork.
Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and
parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment.About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable
juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to
cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of
healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try
and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean
sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).
e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or
filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water.
Distilled water is acidic, avoid it. 

12. Meat protein isdifficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested
meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more
toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it freesmore enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells. 

14.. Some supplements buildup the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants,
vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to
destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E
are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's
normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.
15... Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life. 

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells. 
1. No plastic containers in micro. 

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Dioxin
chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to
the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water
in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr. Edward
Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Cast Le Hospital, was on a TV
Program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how
bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in
the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to
foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of=2 0fat, high
heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and
Ultimatelyinto the cells of the body.. Instead, he recommends using glass, such
as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for h eating food You get
the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV
dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the
container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't
know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass,
Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast
food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The
dioxin problem is one of the reasons
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins
to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover
food with a paper towel instead
This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.

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  • lemon grass, layertril (probably spelt wrong) and vitamin B17 are all cures for cancer even if you only have 3 months left on this planet, but nobody listens, doctors know best they have the means to kill us and will given the chance.
    • im not blaming anyone here but its the way the doctors are teached. they aren't taught this stuff in medical school. these "alternative remedies" aren't teached properly. well maybe they are but most of time not, so the doctors come to think their ways are better and more effective. some are really really good doctors out there and im not calling anyone, im just trying to explain probably why alternate treatments are not recognised by doctors. hope this helps :) thanks for your reply Mo and thank you everyone else who posted comments here.
      • Alternative treatments don't make mega bucks for the drug companies, and consider this thought, if it wasn't for the dark side none of us would get sick or old, even , I have read the plague in London was preceded by a foul smelling smog, so they have been up to no good for ages.
  • Yes .. it is important all this .. however .. sometimes we humans need chemo .. no matter how much one does for the body .... tuning it up etc .... everything is here for reasons ... so all is an option ..... One man's poison is another man's medicine .. and some choose to take chemo etc .. simply to stay here longer for others when diet and inner cellular healing is not coming thru as much as one would like etc etc etc ... All has a space on this planet I sense - even what we as humans experience as something we do not like .....


    Ginger Running Down my Throat
    Clearing Out Poisons I have Spoke
    Sage Lit up Like An Angel On Call
    Positive Aromas I inhale A Toke

    Ginseng Leaves Room To RemoveTasteless Thoughts
    Angelica Pushes me Through More Doors
    Aniseed Relieves Of Indigestion Ways
    Valerian ROOT Changes Nerves Taught

    When We Attune Start To Understand The Being Within
    We Want Wot is Best For Our Bodies So Empty Out
    Wot Feels grim ...

    When We Begin The Sensitive Road We Walk
    We Suddenly Get More of an Urge To Draw Out
    Wot Feels Grim

    We Become So Refined In Choice
    Refining Every Tune We Play
    Sensitive to Every Sound
    Wot We take In 4 the day

    Sensitive We Are
    Refining All Things On Our path

    <3<3<3 RJK
  • I am going to go waaaaay out on a limb here (and probably there won't be much agreement....that's okay) and say that my feeling is that cancer is caused (or activated?) by a lack of forgiveness in the person's mind/heart who has the cancer.

    What is it that cancer does? Does it not "eat" at the body. What happens when we hold on to grievances for years and years? Is that not "eating" at our minds? Now, of course, I have no statistics to prove or disprove this, but, if I were treating a person for cancer, I would have them go back into their past and forgive and release in Love all those who have hurt or offended them.

    I've only know 2 people personally who have or have had cancer, but, each of them had the tendency to "hold on" to grievances. I DO know from my own personal experiences that forgiveness is very, very freeing, and it's not really for the benefit of the one being forgiven, but for the one DO-ing the forgiving.
    • I have battled cancer two times in my life sucessfully, once when I was a small child and then again in adulthood and I do not disagree with your theory hypothetically, only I would add to that, that you do not need to be holding grievances against SOMEONE else, it could be self loath directed at ones self. I think that if you are harboring hurt feelings about someone else's treatment of you OR blaming yourself and kicking yourself like a dog for something or just generally have very bad self esteem that THAT greatly lowers your immune system and health causing the environment for cancer cells to get assaserbated and start multiplying like mad. Also extreme depression also sets the stage for cancer as well because it ALSO lowers the immune system. I agree with Cedric that inner feelings count for a lot.

      I am totally pleased that John Hopkins, which holds credibility in the medical community has seen fit to speak up about the dangers of chemo therapy and radiation.......I had come to my own conclusion about Chemo when I was taking it recently and decided it made absolutely no sense from any angle to systematically poison one's good cells to be rid of the bad! It just made no sense whatsoever to do that, not to mention it makes you feel like absolute shit and makes you wish you were dead because you feel so aweful and sick and helpless, which does not help your survival rate and will to live very much. It is my feeling that the chemo and radiation is what causes so many people to die of cancer, not necessarily the cancer itself. It is the worse thing that a person can do to their body while being in a low immunity condition, and that is why I took my health into my own hands and said NO to chemo against my doctors pressing me to take chemo.

      Recently after taking myself off chemo, my biopsies were non cancerous and my bloodwork and liver function were practically on track. I dealt with many esteem issues and regrets I had been harboring because I thought I was going to die soon and felt it important to do, and that itself I think made all the difference. So I think Little Feather that your theory holds water.
      • Well Marique i am happy you made it and i do have respect for your courage and determination,i have gone trough a lot but it is smal compared to what you have endured. :))
        • Thanks Cedric. We all go through tough times, not just me. I am a tough old cootie, I will give you that. Also I want to add that if anyone with cancer asked my advice on medical treatments and interventions that I would NOT give any advice. It is a very personal decision. If I had a relative with cancer who wanted to skip the chemo and radiation, I would not give advice. It is up to each individual's inner voice. I just wanted to say that for the record. Just because I beat some odds, I would never want someone to follow my lead with that. It would have to be their decision. I would feel terrible if someone decided to not follow what their doctor feels is right for them just because I chose to ignore my doctor. I was lucky, and evidentally it was not my time, but I am certainly not a medical doctor nor would I ever give medical advice other than to myself. Now I feel better having said this!
    • I agree, altought environment and food etc can help cancer to grow i also believe it starts in the mind/heart of the person. I know a lot off people will say that they know a angel of a person that also got cancer or kids. It is not because you show love on the outside that your not hurting on the inside. And kids...i am a firm believer that a child in the making gets a lot of crap from the mother while in her womb. I have stuff i know i got from my mom,even psycological ones from before birth. With this i do not want to fingerpoint anybody because stuff does go from generation to generation,so i am not blaming anny mother who's kid has cancer at birth or just after birth. It might be good for people to go and chek their inner feelings and find out what makes you sick. I have done it and it works, and yes forgivness is a big one especially towards one self,once you forgive yourself on a verry deep level it is natural that you forgive the rest of humanity with more eaze. I have a uncle who had throat cancer not from smoking but from drinking, but me i always thought the poor guy could never speak his mind so it grew into a cancer. So even if you can not speak your mind it is good to write it down so that it does not grow into a monster. Little Feather i follow you on this subject, love and peace.
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