Caucasus Dolmens: (Russia)


The Caucasian dolmens represent a unique type of prehistoric architecture, built with precisely dressed large stone blocks. The stones were, shaped into 90-degree angles, to be used as corners or were curved to make a circle. The monuments date between the end of the 4th millennium and the beginning of the 2nd millennium B.C. They are situated in the foothills (about 250-400 meters above the sea level) along the coast of the Black Sea. This chain is the biggest conglomeration of dolmens in Europe.

Approximately 3,000 of these megalithic monuments are known in the North-Western Caucasus, but more are constantly being found, while more and more are also being destroyed. Today, many are in great disrepair and will be lost if they are not protected from vandals and general neglect.


Myth and Fable:

'Adygei legend says that once upon a time there were giants in the Caucasus. they were kind and strong creatures, and as it often happens, there were small and spiteful people near them. they were sharp, cunning, whining and artful people who were driven away by their former neighbors for their meanness and treachery. the giants gave refuge and a part of their lands to them. They were so kind that they made stone houses for their guests and they carried them on their shoulders to the most beautiful and dry places, to the banks of rivers and lakes. Instead of doors they breached round holes through which little people went hunting on lop-eared hares. However the giants were repaid for their kindness. In order to tame the giants the little people blinded them and began to give them different herbs and because of it, the giants began to lose their minds and conflict with each other. Once the giants freed themselves from charms a war began, resulting in everyone's death with just the stone houses remaining'.

(More about Giants)

The Architecture of the Caucasus Dolmens.

In the opinion of Vladimir Markovin, all forms of the Caucasus dolmens can be categorised into four main types:

Plate Dolmens: These dolmens are essentially stone boxes, formed with 5 complete plates of stone. It has been established that 92% of the Caucasus dolmens were built in this fashion. They are also considered to be some of the oldest, being dated at c. 2,700 BC.

"At the heart of the development of West Caucasian monuments is a plate dolmen built in the form of a simple 'house of cards'. In all variants of dolmen construction (compound, trough-shaped, monolith) with their complicated forms and constructions one can see their relation with plate monuments". "The period of flourishing of dolmen culture fall on the 3rd and second half of the 2nd [millennium] B.C. At that time there is a wide spread of plate constructions". The late period of dolmen culture falls on the middle of the 2nd [millennium] B.C. Plate dolmens lose clearness of their proportions, trough-shaped dolmens appear. By the end of the period, dolmen-monoliths appear. Approximately by 1,400 BC, many of the dolmens begin to be used as burials or as bone depository. By that time they stopped building them."

8110452661?profile=originalThe Yara Dolmen with facade similar in style to the Irish Court-Tombs and the Sardinian 'Tomba di Giganti'.



A Close up of the entrance shows the zigzag motif, common in the area and in several Irish Passage mounds. A single zigzag line around the top of the walls on the inside of the dolmen. 


Compound Dolmens: These dolmens were built partially into rock, but also have walls built of smaller plates or stone blocks.

8110452678?profile=originalA Compound dolmen, Caucasus, Russia.


Trough-shaped Dolmens: These structures were hollowed out from the living rock, then covered with removable plates.

8110452855?profile=originalHollowed out rock with removable stone slab roof.


Monolithic Dolmens: These structures were carved to simulate the appearance of dolmens, they were entirely hollowed out in large stones or rocks.

8110452872?profile=original8110452695?profile=originalThe Tuapse Dolmen with fake portal on the rear.


The variety of decoration for these tombs is not great. Vertical and horizontal zigzags, hanging triangles and concentric circles are the most common motifs. One decorative motif that is quite common is found across the top of the porthole slab. It can best be described as a lintel held up by two columns. Pairs of breasts, done in relief, have also been found on a few tombs. These breasts usually appear above the two columns of the porthole decoration. Members of Sochi geographical Society claimed  discovery of ancient writings on Dolmens located in Sochi area. During their expedition scientists saw images on some of the stones and noticed that they closely resemble Asian petroglyphs. They also believe that these petroglyphs are not just pictures, but have a meaning.


 Some unusual items associated with dolmens are big round stone balls, double balls and animal sculptures.

(More about Stone Balls)


The Portal Holes:

All of the dolmens are punctuated with a portal in the centre of the facade. Some are made of more than one stone, and others carved through a single stone. While round portholes are the most common, square ones are also found. Related to these are the stone plugs, which were used to block the porthole, and are found with almost every tomb. They are sometimes phallic-shaped. Typically, the entrance of a Caucasian dolmen is always at the south-side (as with the Dutch Hunebeds).

8110452484?profile=originalGelendjik dolmen: Note the carved Trilithon entrance:

(More about Holed Stones)

The Kolikho Disc:

The restoration of the "Kolikho" Dolmen from the Tuapse region, on the Black sea coast, Russia), was successfully completed in 2009. The dolmen was found by accident after the seasonal flood in 2008. It was buried beneath 3 m-thick river deposits and left untouched since the Bronze Age.

"It's not the largest dolmen, or the best-preserved, and certainly not the most beautiful," said Dr. Viktor Trifonov, a Bronze Age expert and the head of the restoration project. What makes this object unique, he said, is its status as "the first honestly acquired museum dolmen."..."These [monuments] were built to be part of the landscape," Trifonov said, "Ancient people would see them and understand — this is a tomb holding someone's remains, this is someone's territory. It's an entire language."

8110453059?profile=original The Kolikho Plate Dolmen and goods on display in the Moscow State Museum.


The burial chamber was full of partly disarticulated human remains. All of them were put in the chamber through the hole in the façade slab. Radiocarbon dates of human remains (72 people) covers the period (approx.) between 1800 and 1300 B.C. with no signs of chronological gaps. In other word, the dolmen was in use for about 500 years. The grave goods were small and consist of pottery, a bronze javelin head, bronze spiral earrings, a bone belt buckle, a few stone flakes and a sandstone disk about the size of a dinner plate with signs on both sides.

On one side of the disk are “astral” symbols (an eight pointed star), on other side - marks along the rim of the disk. The last thing is absolutely unexpected find! It looks like sort of device, perhaps the Caucasan version of the Nebra disk. At present nothing more is known.

(More about Archaeoastronomy)


Gallery of Images: The Caucasan Dolmens:

8110452501?profile=originalThe Jane Valley Dolmen, Russia with stone pavement.


The Mamed Canyon Dolmen, with its appearance of a pyramid from the side.

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  • 8114494675?profile=original

  • ...;) Shama-an,

    I had that conversation before … ;) .... my life belongs to me  … this planet is my home … with this comes the responsibility … in some way the word ‘own’ is a strong one … however it’s more ‘respect’ and ‘protection’ … and it’s the sense of belonging than anything else … in so many aspect humanity could be striped from everything, so the word ‘own’ gives ‘grounding’ … plus if Celts would hold the land in the hearts (not separated by clans) but as one land/home they would still be present by this day.  Physical world is different from spiritual one – however one creates the foundation for the other.  Without your body ironically you would never be so close to God Himself (as a divine spark) … anyway I will not get into infliction … but I felt this since I was a kid … a great respect to this planet and its people because it’s  – “Mine” … lol … and I am expanding my territory to the Universe as well … lol …

  • Funny how our modern buildings seem the exact 'replica" of the dolmens, minus the spiritual and mystical aspect.  I wonder if the ancients required a building permit and land survey.  

    • ... ;) the principles of land surveying is probably as old as the ownership of the land and it was different at that time ... however there is a theory  Based on this website:

      “Ancient application of Euclidean geometry to non-Euclidean sphere surfaces is shown on the Phaistos Disk. A special 72-degree geodetic version of the pentagon was used for the triangulation. Based on these reference points, the ancient sea-going megalithic peoples then measured the earth by parallelograms, each in width equivalent to ca. 5° of current longitude (72 x 5 degrees for 360 degrees).

      8115996077?profile=originalMany megalithic sites in Europe and similar ancients sites around the world (e.g. the gigantic circle carved in solid rock and found recently near Miami, Florida) are remnants of this ancient gigantic surveying project to measure earth and heaven …”

      Speculative - Ancient Earth Survey
      Speculative - Ancient Earth Survey
  • You have put a lot of effort and research into this, Ara...thanks my friend...

    It's good that you are shining some light on these structures, as they are not often spoken of, in comparison to the famous neolithic stone circles and ley markers of Great Britain, Ireland and France..

    Facinating pix too and so many of good quality....and very good subject matter for presentation....10/10...  ;-)

    Thanks and bless you, dear sister,


    • Thanks Drekx ... ;)

      the interesting part in all of this - all dolmens looks very similar in all countries, and just from observation it seems that once upon the time there was some 'race or spiritual understanding' that has been shared all over the globe ... well at least with structural buildings and similar properties .... now for why and whom .... i guess it's another question.


  • There are so many sites all over the world are build according to alignments of the Sun, Moon, Constellations, Stars ... the mathematical precision is amazing indeed and also their positions. It has been my favorite topic as well. - prehistoric astronomers (it's fascinating)

    Thanks Shama-an for the vids .... ;)

  • Yes the engineering of Newgrange is pretty awesome, also there Knowth and Dowth in the Boyne (Brugh na Boinee) valley … which is one of Europe’s greatest megalithic sites.


    It seems that the orientation of the passage-mounds that the whole complex was devoted to accurate measuring of both the lunar and solar cycles simultaneously.

  • good link ... thanks,

    or the term Dolmen originates from "Taol Maen" - which means "stone table' ... maybe the giants were using it as a table and the bones of ancestors around was their food ... lol ... ?

  • yea Andy  ... eventually one day we'll know the whole one .. ;) But those people could build ... i know for sure that my house will never survive 2,000 years ... lol .... (and our century will be a missing link) in our history, when one day (our time will be called 'ancients") ... lol ...

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