What a free-for-all between two different schools of political thought!!

Click https://youtu.be/_m-42A37zxM for the entire free-for-all between "The Young Turks" moderator Ceng Uygur with ex-Trump Manager Roger Stone and Alex Jones of Infowars.

Click https://youtu.be/412aatJqbzo for a good close-up of the face-spitting incident with comedian Jimmy Dore spitting in the face of Alex Jones.

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  • You're All traitors to the American Way, and the moment Trump win the election, all of You will be put in camps for the filthy minds that You actually are. . ;)



  • I didn't watch the whole video (I thought it was rather disgusting), but it looks like Alex Jones was just there to cause TROUBLE.  It looks like he interrupted The Young Turks show. I think that he is getting too big for his britches. 

    • DARKSTAR: I think you're right. It looked like there was something personal between Roger Stone and Ceng Uygur that needed to be settled, and when Jones interrupted this by "jumping in," that was when all hell broke loose.

      Knowing how Alex Jones is, I predict  there may be some sort of score to settle between him and Jimmy Dore due to Dore spitting in his face.

  • Whats the point, Malcolm, in posting this ultra low vibe, violently aggressive and confrontational bullshit? Its like the MMA pre fight face off, complete with pushing and shoving, physically and verbally aggressive confrontation, threatening behaviour, and spitting! Give me a break, you can do better, unless you get your kicks from watching these kinds of fear based scenarios... as Feather Winger would say, "you are feeding your pain body by absorbing this kind of shite!".. and .. by sharing it in here, it feeds into the pain body of others so its hardly serving to uplift the community, I mean its not exactly high frequency material. Sorry bro, nothing personal but Im going to skip this post, (no offence), I guess Im just more interested in higher conciousness and spiritually deeper, more multi dimensional data.. each to their own I guess.

    • LUKE: PLEASE CHILL OUT DUDE. This posting is not posted under "Spirituality" or "Guidance." It is under "Alternative Media," of which both Infowars and The Young Turks are classified as per description. Also posted is a description of a "heated debate" and "Alex Jones getting spit in the face" with content. I never said anything about it being uplifting Get Ben to remove the Alternative Media selection, and I promise you won't see postings such as this; only the astrology and non-alternative media subjects of which I never see your comments posted (BUT OH BOY, DO I EVER SEE YOUR TWO CENTS POSTED (and usually with a picture of my face) WHEN I POST ANYTHING POLITICALLY RELATED).

      If you have a problem with the described content of any posting or feel it may disbenefit you spiritually, then don't watch it  I already know that I am on the right path spiritually without needing someone "holier than thou" to tell me otherwise.

      • Malcolm, cool down. First and foremost, I already told you the other day, that I only posted approximately "two" pictures with your face in them, which was months ago, (when I was farting around in photoshop) both of which were done in good humor as I reminded you of that the other day, and by the way, dont forget, you found the first one of those pictures to be "hilarious", because you told me so in a private message. The second (and final one) was your face on a fake cover of "TIME" magazine, and I already told you ages ago it wont happen again after you threw a bit of a strop about it, I said to you that I wouldnt be posting any more, so please, please dont go over the same ground on that one, I already told you it wont happen again and plus, it is never 'in anything political you post', it was done "twice", thats two times (2) and done as a joke but you keep harping on and on about it, after I reassured you that it wont happen again, so please dont keep blowing that out of proportion. If I posted you face in everything political you post, I would have to post countless pictures of your face, every second or third day, so your claim is ultimately not true at all. Let me remind you once more and for the final time, it was done "twice", thats "two times" Malcolm, the first of which you found "hilarious" (as you wrote me and told me, and the second of which you didnt feel too happy about, which I accepted and respected, ok? Are we clear now? I hope you dont keep going on about that, because Im not going to continue reminding you that it was only twice, done with a sense of humor and that it wont happen again, (as I reminded you yet again just the other day, after you exploded at me yet again the other day about the same issue that was already over "a long time ago", I seriously hope that has registered with you by now. 

        Secondly, Malcolm, I am merely stating my opinon about this particular post, there is no "holier than thou" aspect involved with it whatsoever, thats just how you are choosing to see it but I am only telling you like it is, from my perspective. I prefer posts related to multi dimensional topics and whats wrong with saying that? absolutely nothing. I stated that in my comment, that I am just more interested in higher conciousness topics and finnished by writing "each to their own", its not exactly the sermon on the mount, whereas you never cease telling everyone else what interests yourself, or what you find facinating, such as your interest in astrology for example. You sure let loose when you want to express yourself, dont you? I mean, you never hold back from expressing your own opinions, your own beliefs and your own perspectives about anything that you are interested in, you always come out fully charged, but you also have no problem telling others what gets your rag, what irritates you and what boils your blood and generally its done using block capitals to illustrate your points. (a side note, Malcolm, whenever people use block capitals, its as though they feel the need to shout at someone, as though, they need to raise their voice to be the loudest, I think its needless, personally). Anyway, whatever, the point is, when you post things in the forum, you are always 100% sure about yourself, and when you are challenged on a subject, you seem to retaliate, or react in a knee jerk frenzy kind of manor, all guns blazing. In this respect, some others may see that as you are the one being "holier than thou", without giving too much room to them to debate their version of events. Its as though your word is final, or that, you feel you need to always be in charge, and you "seem to" get angry when it dosent go your way. Now, Im not trying to cause friction with you brother, ok, all I am saying is that Im not into videos of people confronting each other in a negitive way, such as Alex Jones and co involved in "fear based", negitive expression.

        Ask yourself, do you really want to show people a video of Alex Jones getting spat in the face and if so, then why so? I dont understand that part, (well actually, I guess I do, its a "pain body" sort of thing) I mean, whats the point of sharing that? Seriously, read some of the quotes from Eckhart Tolle below, describing what the pain body actually is. Anyway, you are right, I dont have to watch it and the title of the blog itself is sufficient enough to tell me that. You know, I like you Malcolm, I dont see any reason for any bad blood between us. Ok, in a lighthearted manor of speaking, you actually remind me of Alex Jones in a kind of way, when he goes on his bullhorn rants, I mean, no disrespect, perhaps its your facination with "capslock" that gives me that impression. I just dont aggree with a lot of the content that you post, maybe thats all I needed to say from the begining. In regards to your astrology subjects, I have zero understanding about any of it, thats the reason I am absent from those blogs. There is little point in my contributions in those threads when I dont understand astrology, let alone make head or tail of the fairly advanced astrology charts that are included. Thats your thing, I dont get involved because its not my thing. I am not doubting that your own spiritual path is right or wrong or anything, you must do what you need to do Malcolm, so I suppose just go ahead and continue doing "you", I wont get n the way. So, on that note, and at the risk of appearing "holier than thou" in your mind, I will leave you in the capable hands of Eckhart Tolle explaining the pain body, perhaps his profound insights into the subject may benifit you, or others, should you care to move your spiritual compass in his direction, perhaps you have no interest in it, or. perhaps you are not ready to absorb and intergrate it, either way, Im not using BLOCK CAPITALS TO GET THE POINT ACCROSS!! .. :)

        Anyway, Peace Malcolm, its all good.


        "The pain-body is my term for the accumulation of old emotional pain that almost all people carry in their energy field. I see it as a semi-autonomous psychic entity. It consists of negative emotions that were not faced, accepted, and then let go in the moment they arose. These negative emotions leave a residue of emotional pain, which is stored in the cells of the body. There is also a collective human pain-body containing the pain suffered by countless human beings throughout history. The pain-body has a dormant stage and an active stage. Periodically it becomes activated, and when it does, it seeks more suffering to feed on. If you are not absolutely present, it takes over your mind and feeds on negative thinking as well as negative experiences such as drama in relationships. This is how it has been perpetuating itself throughout human history. Another way of describing the pain-body is this: the addiction to unhappiness.

        Question: Can you suggest a way to eliminate the pain-body?

        Tolle: Yes. We release it by cutting the link between the pain-body and our thought processes, so that we no longer feed the pain-body with our thinking. Every negative thought has a similar frequency to the pain-body and so feeds it. It cannot feed on positive thoughts. When the pain-body no longer runs the internal dialogue of our compulsive thinking, we become aware of it directly. We feel the emotion in our body, and so we bring awareness to it, the light of consciousness. The old emotion is then transmuted into consciousness in the same way that a fire transmutes everything into itself. So disidentification from the emotion and just being in the now moment is the way to stop the cycle of constantly recreating painful experiences."

        The Media

        "If you were not familiar with our contemporary civilization, if you had come here from another age or another planet, one of the things that would amaze you is that millions of people love and pay money to watch humans kill and inflict pain on each other and call it "entertainment."

        Why do violent films attract such large audiences?

        There is an entire industry, a large part of which fuels the human addiction to unhappiness. People obviously watch those films because they want to feel bad. What is it in humans that loves to feel bad and calls it good? The pain-body, of course. A large part of the entertainment industry caters to it. So, in addition to reactivity, negative thinking, and personal drama, the pain-body also renews itself vicariously through the cinema and television screen. Pain-bodies write and produce these films, and pain-bodies pay to watch them.

        Is it always "wrong" to show and watch violence on television and the cinema screen?

        Does all such violence cater to the pain-body? At the current evolutionary stage of humanity, violence is still not only all-pervasive but even on the increase, as the old egoic consciousness, amplified by the collective pain-body, intensifies prior to its inevitable demise. If films show violence in its wider context, if they show its origin and its consequences, show what it does to the victim as well as the perpetrator, show the collective unconsciousness that lies behind it and is passed on from generation to generation (the anger and hatred that lives in humans as the pain-body), then those films can fulfill a vital function in the awakening of humanity. They can act as a mirror in which humanity sees its own insanity. That in you which recognizes madness as madness (even if it is your own) is sanity, is the arising awareness. is the end of insanity.

        Such films do exist and they do not fuel the pain-body. Some of the best antiwar films are films that show the reality of war rather than a glamorized version of it. The pain-body can only feed on films in which violence is portrayed as normal or even desirable human behavior, or that glorify violence with the sole purpose of generating negative emotion in the viewer and so become a "fix" for the pain-addicted pain-body.

        The popular tabloid press does not primarily sell news but negative emotion--food for the pain-body.

        "Outrage" screams the three-inch headline, or "Bastards." The British tabloid press excels at this. They know that negative emotion sells far more papers than news does. There is a tendency in the news media in general, including television, to thrive on negative news. The worse things get, the more excited the presenters become, and often the negative excitement is generated by the media itself. Pain-bodies just love it."

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
        • LUKE: please note that you actually posted three pictures of me in your postings in my political postings, and not two as you claimed.

          Also, please get over these attempts with this excessive dialogue trying to look for insight as to why I posted this crazy posting of Infowars versus the Young Turks..

          Here's a clue:

          CAPS ON:




          CAPS OFF

          I'm convinced that this harmless entertainment (occasionally and not frequently) is harmless and works better for some people susceptible to such depression compared to other means . This includes chanting Hare Krishna or searching for a Pokémon as a harmless means to fight depression (unless you look for a Pokémon sighted on the L.A. Freeway during rush-hour traffic)..

          Otherwise you can settle your depression via Acute Observer's advice for Krishna and take Zyprexa, one antidepressant drug of choice (of 11 such antidepressants) prescribed to 21st century U.S. mass shooters in gun-free zones (and of which these mass murderers were 90% registered Democrats).

          If these suggestions are too paramount for you, then just leave me alone.

          Go whine somewhere else. 


          • em ...

            oh dear..

            EditingAndLayout confused thinking jack nicholson cricket

            • LUKE: you need to update "The Shining" you inserted. HERE'S JOHNNY!!!!


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