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I have several books on chakra balancing, e.g. by Anodea Judith, Diane Stein, Choa Kok Sui, etc. etc. etc.; some are more complicated than others. But for me, the simplest and most effective one so far is the 'Reiki Chakra Music Attunement' CD by Steve Murray. You don't have to learn Reiki, or read and follow instructions from books, or listen to monotonous or irritating voices; nor do you have to perform rituals or even meditate. All you have to do is listen to the CD when you're relaxed (i.e. not driving or operating machinery), and let the music flow within you. I copied verbatim here a 5-star comment:
"I have listened to many music cds that claimed to help allign the chakras,or heal emotional and mental scars. This cd is the best I have ever heard! It actually soothed and calmed me after an extremely harrowing day. I have used this cd several times now and find the effects to be better each time. Truly worth the money. I was able to release my frustration and go on with peace in my heart."
This CD worked for me, so I agree with the above comment.
I actually just bought a chakra balancing book by Doreen Virtue, which is very good also.
I must say Thanks to everyone for all the responses and kind words of support, I will pursure all your recommendations.
I am still wondering however, would a psychic perhaps be able to speed up the process of aligning my chakras since they know exactly what is going wrong? Also how would I go about finding where the negativity comes from in the first place?
Your intention and desire to heal yourself and to become whole is all you need to get there. For as above - so below. And what that means is everything else follows higher consciousness.
Another way i work with the chakras that have benefited me greatly is by "toning" the sounds of the chakras while focusing on the corresponding chakra. If you ever see me online i can teach you these sounds and do what i can for you in terms of helping you with your healing. But know all outside sources of help are reflective of your own awareness. What you attract into your life, you create for yourself. What i am saying here is that you are the Master. You have the power, and you can change yourself and your life and you do each moment.
Keep Strong with your Faith Friend!
I realise I have attracted awareness of my imbalance, but to actually heal them properly seems to be an impossible task. Also, I dont know exactly how the imbalances were caused or where exaclty this negativity comes from in the first place.
I really really want to heal and get on with my life, I just dont know how to go about it exactly.
I guess it is just hard not to feel like it is too late when I have almost no options left in my life.
I had some questions, you said that I should go back and send my past selves love, do you mean past selves in this lifetime or another one?
What is the best way to connect to light beings who can help me?
Can you tell me more about "toning" the chakra?
Thankyou again!
Can you tell me what you mean and feel when you say "I have no options left in my life?".
I feel like your throat chakra problem comes from being disconnected from your emotions. Although the throat chakra is the chakra of communication, it is also a channel of energy between your heart and your head. The heart being you center of emotion and the head being the center of intellect and awareness (the mind).
(Also to be noted here that it makes sense, since you feel your 3rd solar plexus chakra is off, as the chakras are balanced in circles. eg. Chakras 1st-7th, 2nd-6th, and 3rd-5th and the heart chakra is the center and may be used to balance all of the chakras.)
As I feel it is your disconnection with emotion that is at play in wreaking havoc on your chakras, creating a dialogue with you emotions and heart chakra is central to your healing. The mind will bring nothing but confusion and frustration without the guidance of the heart.
I feel a good way to tune in to your heart would be for you to lie down, close your eyes, breathe deeply and place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on you head. Do not intellectualize anything in this process... you are just creating the circuit of energy so that it may transfer between your chakras. You do not need to feel anything or know anything, simply be. Allow the balancing to happen on its own. If you need something to focus on, focus on your breath and your heart chakra.
(Using your hands and your breath in this manner you can create a circut between any of the chakras. I suggest if you use this with any of the other chakras to focus on balancing other chakras with the heart or their corresponding chakra eg. 3rd and 5th etc)
You ask me what i meant by give your past selves love - i meant it in terms of this life... remembering past moments that may have been particularly traumatic and sending that moment the love and courage and what ever energies that you would have needed in that time. If you are deeply connected with you past lives then by all means use this on those past live moments as well. Time is an illusion and sending yourself love in all of its aspects will be very beneficial to your healing.
The best way to connect to light beings other then simply asking the universe (which works). Is to try to refine yourself so that you may be more harmonic with them.
For your healing and for your desire to connect with light beings. "Love" or any other positive feelings you feel you can connect with (such as light, peace, harmony, compassion, empathy, blessings, happiness) is the answer. Every day, when you wake up, send your positive energy (Love energy) out to yourself, your environment, your enemies (if you have any), the earth plane, the sun, the planets and the universe and everything else you may think of or come across. This is the way. For what you put out there and concentrate on, comes back to you many times over and becomes your reality. You are the Master!
(I wish i could teach you the chakra sounds in person, but i guess you will have to try them for yourself on your own. I hope they resonate with you.)
The tones for the chakras are as follows:
1st Root Chakra - Uh as in "but"
2nd Sacral Chakra - Oo as in "boot"
3rd Solar Plexus (chi) Chakra - Ah as in "bat"
4th Heart Chakra - Aw as in "bought"
5th Throat Chakra - Eh as in "bet"
6th Third Eye Chakra - ih as in "bit"
7th Crown Chakra - Ee as in "beet"
Have fun with these using different tones and pitches. Try blending them together. Try ascending and descending through the chakras. Try balancing with corresponding chakras and/or the heart chakra. There is no right way to tone chakras. There are other versions to be found that may also resonate with you. The point is to become very connected to your chakras through the resonance of sound. I also recommend free style toning simply to make the sounds spirit tells you to... this is also a very healing modality.
May the light permeate every aspect of your being each and every moment!
Best Wishes To You on Your Journey!
- Being
I definately have the desire to change, I am so sick of living in such misery. One problem I have is that something seems to keep holding me back, a part of me that seemingly doesnt want to change.
You asked why I said I have no options left in my life...well I guess it is my situation which is really my biggest problem right now. I am writing a book right now, which no one seems to be interested in.
It really was my last hope as I am now stuck in a place where I dont want to be and I basically have no money...I feel totally trapped. Its my most horrible nightmare come true, and I really dont see how I am going to get out of it. I feel like my life is effectively over.
You were saying I am experiencing a very extreme overhaul in your internal and mental systems...
is this a result of the changes happening on the planet?
You were explaining that I have a disconnection with my emotions, which I definately agree with
as I rarely feel any strong kind of emotion anymore Actually I feel very much like a robot.
Can you tell do you think this disconnection could have occurred?
It make alot of sense sending past selves love. I have certainly had alot of traumatic experiences in recent years. the exercise you mentioned works very well!
thankyou again!