There is a rumbling of discussion among various people....

"I've had my chakras removed....! Now I feel so much better!!!!!"

They say this is not for everybody!! only if you agree to it.

I don't know how they can be removed. I've never heard of this before.

One site you can pay $330 dollars for the process. Has anyone had their chakras removed?

Do you feel its a good idea?

Do you feel its even possible?

It feels absurd to me. Please give me your feelings about this.

Here are two videos from YOU TUBE about what people are saying.

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  • Good luck removing your chakras. You can't remove them as they're not physical parts, they are energy points that are activated and deactived depending on your present circumstances (emotions/behaviour/eating habits, spirituality etc). If someone talks about removing chakras...the only thing that they can do is to deactivate them. You can't get rid of it. I haven't watched those videos. But according to me activating and opening your chakras will definitely benefit you and lead you in the right direction in all aspects of your life.

    If the chakras are blocked/deactivated then it creates all kinds of problems because it then starts to attract negative energy and stops the flow of positive energy. 

  • Hey, i have seen this around as well. so i decided to investigate what happens when this process of "removing the chakras" is done. and i used a combination of things why doing this which where asking higher self is this possible, talking to other people who have calmed to have done this by having someone to do it for them or have done it by them selves. and i discovered something interesting in the mix. well i first ask higher self if this thing they call removing chakras is true, I got the answer in a subtle voice of yes..So then i ask is it truly removing the chakras the answer was no. so i ask does this integrate the energy centers into the heart consciousnesses  and the answer was yes. so i talked to others and they always talk about feeling a big energy center in the center of the chest or just below it and its warm and loving energy but they can control it and they talk about how ego just seems to begin to fall away. So i had to think could this be less of a removing and more of a integrating of all the chakra centers. So being who i am i needed to find out the truth about this i was curious  to know what was happening. so i did this myself and found it was interesting the big energy center formed and the energy started to flow though out my body it was not hindered in any way it seems to flow though and heals the body from the inside out it well feels amazing. the mind starts to slowing become clear over time almost as if the person you thought you where is not longer that person. you gain more silence as time goes on. sometimes the head is empty and there is no thought. which i found seems to bring out fear in some people because they "cant handle the fact that they are losing them selves" "are no longer who they thought they where" "my friends say im different so they dont like me any more" this is responses i have gotten from more then a few people i have talked to. so i gather a few things out of this process. it brings a new energy into the body and aura its very loving and caring type of energy but its a whole new meaning on love as well its not a i love her i love him attached kind of love. its a cold love but very caring its a type like this is the best way i can describe it. you see someone in need and you help them you expect noting in return it could be a stranger or even a animal and then you go on doing what your doing and it just okay you need nothing but want nothing because you feel you have all you need and if you need it you'll get it by the universe. and then it seems to remove a huge chunk of ego. and if you have any more questions to ask me of what i have experienced in this process i am happy to answer them. And if you wish to know how i did it. i will be happy to give that information if asked for it. I also realize this is not for every one so if you ask i will check to see if its right for you at this time yes i can do that for you if you ask even if thats all you wish to know if its right for you or not. and i will give you all this information for free all you need is to ask. And one last point i will not remove your chakras for you but i will give you my self method that is a bit different then most but i think its safer and as i can tell i had not problem with holes. but i would highly suggest ypu just allow your higher self to guide you in the process so you know its Right for you :)

    Peace and love to all in the universe 

  • I don't know much about this area, but wouldn't it normally be better to have everything lined up. If you remove all of you chakras, what keeps your body from falling out of order? Isn't pain in a certain area the body's way of telling us something specific? Like I said I'm not educated much on this issue, but if you want to do this; hats off to you. You obviously are more aware of your consciousness and body than most of us only could envy.

  • Thank you Patti for you thoughtful response.

  • Getting rid of the chakras it seems like getting rid of the gums that encase your teeth, or getting rid of your spinal fluid.....I have done some exercises that you visualize the chakras merging and becoming one giant all encompassing chakra.. so that is a possibility.  I have read that certain aliens do not have a energetic body or a chakra system and that is why they are so interested in us......

  • I do not think it is physically possible, but, if your mind believes them to be shut down then your body may likely allow it. I think the main thing is belief that it works, like a placebo.

  • My question aren't chakras something we are born with maybe needed. I hear alot of clearing them of negative energies but never heard of removing them. Hmmmm.. interesting.
    • When I underwent my transition of 'removing' my chakras it is not so much the removal of chakras but rather breaking them open and releasing your energy from the traps and order from the chakras and instead having full control over your entire being. 

      Though I do advise caution for people who attempt this as I had done this after I had done such things as awaken the Kundalini entirely. 

  • Perhaps :) As I have explained before in previous comments I am indeed an ascended master. I've explained my evidence before and dont really feel like repeating myself right at this moment but feel free to message me about it. 

    Not to mention this is one of my last life times. I would be offended if it took me more than a few months to achieve what takes some people 10 years in a human body. 

    Right now I am 16 though :P I was 15 when I first achieved full kundalini - the same day I first achieved complete and utterly whole compassion for every being to ever exist. 

  • Had you have "removed" your own chakras, your wouldn't be able to feel anything anymore. Since they're your Soul's nervous system, between many many other functions. No emotion, no feelings (Levels of frequency, we interact with as emotions, trough mind and soul process) On higher frequencies of existence, more centers are added in, while others are turned off. For example, ego, which is turned into a root. It isn't gone, it's always there, in case you need it once again.

    I'm talking about the sixth center, which is used to see inside this projection's structure. Have you ever seen a chakra, the light body, it's components?

    -Aetheric body. A huge grid of light, linking thousands of dots, miniature chakras, perception, reception and emition centers... yeah, phantom pain.

    -Then there's Spirt, which is what everything is made of. The light or Love.

    -Your physical vehicle, a lower frequency echo from above.

    -Our higher-selves, which is the subtle voice from within, Us, the twelve main branches from Source's consciousness.

    -Soul, the Light body's inner system, which was composed by the former Seven chakras, and its sub centers.

    Our broher MTA(Meta) told me a little bit about the proccess, but there was so much technical stuff. Which I've locked in on pourpose in order to project myself inside Earth. So, whatever. I'm not gonna learn it all over again. You either unlock it back from within, or downlod it back from Source into me. Which you may notice as a piercing sound. "DOWNLOADING"

    I'm being a little bit too rational here, but believe me, the amount of Joy there's Above. You would be surprised on knowing your self from above, as the Twelve we're now. Originally Six plus the One, which we came from. Now twelve, you sure remember what happened then. So much fun, playing all together, exchanging information, so much liquid Light all over the place... such Pleasure.

    Anyway! The thing is, you can't remove your own chakras. You would be dead already. You can only disable them off temporally, as I do each time is time to pick up information on my own. Rather chaotic experience to be everywhere. You become a little bit like Source in full consciousness. Such a big surprise!

    Change is really close. Message from brother MKA, aka Archangel Michael.

    Here IIL


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