The new tools for healing chakras above the head, the phobia from past lives & accumulation of Divine Spirit.
Chakras above the head
The healing process for function multidimensional healing pyramids. Design pyramids are in form of obelisk consisted from multiple pyramids that are made layers - one over another. Central (Inner) pyramid is functioning as distributor of energy received from universe and from Cosmic Rays into pyramids that corresponds to chakras. The program of work of pyramid depends on its shape, inner structure, an organization of elements their color, substance, shape. So, flow of healing energy utilizing created pyramids is similar to the flow of energy through mandala's during healing process. But pyramids have multidimensional structure (3D - 6D) and have more quantity of details. When healing is requested the information about person is being loaded into Pyramid. That connects Super Consciousness of person with Divine Plan of Universe. It creates a program of needed energy and process of healing. The system gives the standard or an example for organization of structure of healing energy. Scalar Fields are functioning as diaphragms. The height of construction is 2, 5 meters (8 foot). 21 chakras and 3 flat diaphragms that perform role of Scalar Fields are included in this construction. They are located outside of physical body. |
In the top part of construction are located 21 chakras above the head in addition to first 7 main chakras of the physical body.
From 1st to 7th Chakras are connected with the 3 D; - Ankh model of chakras system
21 chakras above a head (crown)
From 8 th to 15th Chakras are connected with the 4D;
16th to 22th Chakras are connected with the 5D;
23th to 28th Chakras are connected with the 6D; - this information will be added later.
Some chakras or are not appreciable in a photo or are closed by others.
8 Chakra is the first chakra of 4 D, a soul place. In three-dimensional charkas the Earth designated by number 0, represents physical existence.
It's felt as strong and defined. The soul place becomes now a place of our existence just as Earth is a basis of our existence in the 3D.
9 Chakra is corresponding to Light of the Body. It is connecting with pleasure. When this chakra is activates Light Body is in your cellular and sub cellular structures.
10 Chakra of a Polarity are connecting with integration polarity of male and female aspects of self. This Chakra actually starts functioning when man and female energies are in full balance. It’s sensation of easiness in (absent efforts and pressure).
11 Chakra is corresponding to solar plexus of three-dimensional charkas system. Connection of those two chakras allows us to reduce traumas of current and past lives that been stored in Solar Plexus. Often sensation of healing reminds flow or moving waves that will pass through your body and further outside. At that case traumatic energy being fully released from the body and not being stack in the field of erroneous perception.
12 Chakra is the connection to Christ Consciousnesses, energy of transformations which connects all energy forms. It associates with Chakra of a hearts in 3D system system of charkas.
13 Chakra is connecting with Vibrating Communications. This chakra used in materialization (dematerialization) of the things, for teleportation and also for healing.
14 Chakra is connecting with the Divine Plan. It allows mental mind to surrender, allow the Divine Plan to showing to you a way without revision or a judgement of your mental belief. It’s corresponds to chakra of the third eye and brings claircognizance in the 4D and starts to activate infinity.
15 Chakra is connecting to the level of Monads and corresponds to Chakra 7. The seventh chakra is your spiritual communication with the Monad. It leads us to door of Ascension. When this Chakra operates it means that the structure of your soul the sufficient is stable to cope with energy and quantity of the information proceeding with the level of the Monad.
16 Chakra is the first Chakra of the 5D, connecting to Ascension Process. It descends into Chakra 7 during Ascension. It is also Chakra of Ascension in the Monad and I am Presence, formation by a universal being and become new basis.
17 Chakra connecting with universal light this corresponds to Chakra 9. So, we firmly passed from the 3D into 4D and into 5D which is total light.
18 Chakra is connecting with 5D divine intention. When this Chakra is activated, it bears ability to bring in reality of the 5D.
19 Chakra is connecting with universal energy and its warm energy is focused into 3D. This also is connecting with the Christ Consciousness in 4D. The Universal energy of 5D can be felt by those who allow a new energy source to pass through this source, through them Monads, through them souls to a physical body.
20 Chakra is connecting with Life. In the 3D it was necessary to communicate with Physical body. In 4D is possible to communicate in more extensive way by means of vibration communications through Light. In the 5D there is no necessity for an exchange or for dialogue.
21 Chakra is connecting with Divine Structures. When you will develop the consciousness, this chakra will allow you to see the Divine Plan. Now you are outside of structure of the fifth plan in training which occurs in Divine structure.
22 Chakra connecting with the Source or Divine, allows communication.
Construction of pyramids and their design is contently changing because of changes of vibration levels within us and also changes in Ascension process - as receiving from the guidance. The colors of chakras are more various, than it is possible to describe. That is why colors of chakras in 5D are omitted.
Chakras of 6D: this information will be added later.
Multidimensional healing pyramids
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