Everyone Prepare To Relax!
Everyday I see adds and news articles about the end of the world coming and prophesies and so forth about preparations and such. Honestly I'm at the point where I'm just going to enjoy my life and not worry about all this anymore. There is no point in waisting energy in this with worry.
When Dec 21, 2012 comes it may be the end of the world as we know it, but Dec 22, 2012 will be the start of the new one lol. I think its just going to be a normal day and I think that there will be an increase in solar activity in 2013.
Here are my predictions, the end of the world is not coming, there may be a few changes in the weather and environmental changes with animals but other than that the world will keep on spinning.
On Dec 21, 2012 I'm just going to sit back and relax, maybe have a beer and listen to some nice music or watch a funny movie I like.
Click on the word "video" shown in the beach picture of this player and you can view a beautiful beach video of water just moving slowly and sun setting.
i'm sitting back and relaxing with you....much love
i believe whatever a person focuses their attention on is what they will experience be it good or bad so i think you are right that you will be doing exactly as you say on that day :)