A lot of channelled messages are becoming boring and a lot are like made up and very few are actually genuine.

Please recommend your best chanellers and give good reasons why you selected and follow this Chaneller so others looking for genuine chanellers can follow.

Brad Johnson has quiet a lot of followers :

Check @ https://www.newearthteachings.com/

 Bashar has quiet a lot of followers ..

Check @ https://www.bashar.org/

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  • Since when has truth seeking ever been popular lol You know, from these flouride ridden mfers, their idea of truth is whatever the government says, MATRIX SERVING MFERS.
  • I have been following Blossom Goodchild and Mike Quincy for about a decade.
  • Yes..Brad Johnson Adronis, Bashar, Daniel Scranton channels everyone,I have lots of his recordings,Sharon Stewart channels IVO,Judy Satori,Wendy Kennedy...I belong to the Stargate Experience Academy and Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard channel Alcazar of the 12th.dimension
    Sharon Stewart of Implant Communications works with Ashtar Sheran as an ambassador of Earth..Theyre going into the DUMBSs and using other helpers to clear the negative energies out of there ,I helped a few times when she wanted volunteers, Jim Charles and Human Colony are wonderful,Steve Noble,sharons website=sharonandivo.weebly.com....Brad Johnson has digital Mind Code Healing Cards out now...purchase @newearthteachings.com(they are "b" amazing,Jamye Price is a great channeller(these are all my truth chancellery that I can think of at the moment) Sharon- Ann- Riley...thats it for me!
  • I enjoy Ronna Herman. I feel that she does an awesome job channeling AAMichael. I hope I'm not wrong, but if I am, someone please correct me. I'm pretty new to 5D, and learning about ascension, etc. But the more I learn, the more I begin to realize how much I do not yet know. This is all exciting. :-)
    • We are always learning.....knowledge =light..
This reply was deleted.

Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Views: 1617

Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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Views: 778

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Help and support Uk.....ASAP...
Solve the weapons.....ASAP.....

Thanks for the good datas and informations...Always.........
1 hour ago
John Jancar replied to Mr.Ed's discussion Some recent GFL craft sightings ***LOOK*** here is your proof!
"I mean you can watch all kinds of UFO videos and documentaries and TV shows like Sightings lol And see all kinds of craft, of every size and shape and description, yet the GOVERNMENT EXPECTS US TO BELIEVE THIS SHIT NOT REAL lol

As if we don't have…"
1 hour ago
John Jancar replied to Mr.Ed's discussion Some recent GFL craft sightings ***LOOK*** here is your proof!
1 hour ago
John Jancar replied to Tesla_Lion_2's discussion What is the best way you have used to meet with your higher self?
"I mean the whole goal of Ascension, is to embody your Higher Self lol And you do that, simply by living in your heart, speaking your truth, being you lol Seek the higher. And asking God to lead guide and direct you, then you'll begin embodying your…"
1 hour ago
John Jancar replied to Tesla_Lion_2's discussion What is the best way you have used to meet with your higher self?
"You don't meet your higher self, you ARE your higher self lol You just got to BRING IT DOWN, or bring it up lol More specifically, from within.

Let go of fear, BE YOURSELF lol Be you, and more and more, you'll embody your higher self, which again,…"
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John Jancar replied to turtles's discussion What shifts and changes are you noticing??
"What changes have I PERSONALLY NOTICED, you don't wanna know lol I mean I take awakening TOO FAR lol That's my only downside."
1 hour ago
John Jancar replied to turtles's discussion What shifts and changes are you noticing??
"Very little lol

I do notice people waking up, very slowly lol You know, people are feeling the CALL, yet they fighting against it lol

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1 hour ago
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"I mean humans have to be reminded to DRINK WATER, YOUR DOG MORE EVOLVED THAN YOU lol You think you put some coffee in front of a dog, he gonna drink that SHIT lol

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