q hello ashtar how are you?
a well im flatterd your talking to me awlways an enjoyment to speak to starseeds
q what is your mission here ashtar
a well we are looking into to manifesting kendred spirits and to bring light and 5 demional cautiousness values all around to place a cosmic event that will flash through the day and the night to renew what was lost and to brinng peace to the gallaxy once again that is the light that was given to us and to y ou for you must conquer your fears and go onto a new ness with ones self for departure into the stars again for you devin only have a few lifes left so you see you know more than most people this is why im talking to you as we knnow now i knnow that your just remotley typing whawt i say but you must learn that time is a very small thing to understand in all its fundementals time can be long or short its how you use that time and will very for you in this regard i named you cleaner of ailments and give you the gift of healing from the 4 and 5 dimensions
q what is the color of your uniform
a erlederds flafiredeadfeadkdfreadfjeddfjedfffffffffd blue and purple and golden and green in your english terms