Not sure if this is normal or if anybody could, but I've been feeling very uneasy for a few months and I'm feeling like I need some clarification as to some big issues I'm facing at this time. Anybody who is welcome to achieve a connection with my guides or family would be very helpful!
I' m definitely needing to make some great connections at this time, and it's a very lonely path right now and I would love anything we can produce.
Thank you so much. :)
Have you tried using the oracles? Facade is an excellent site for Tarot, I-ching, Runes, Biorhythms, etc. What is your sun and moon signs? Do you know your four core numerology numbers? Do you even know what kind of year it is, or month, or day? I'm a pretty weird person, but have found advanced astrology / numerology profiles to be very insightful. I don't follow it on a day to day basis, but I am aware of it in the fixed aspect of reality. I am aware of the influnece of the planets, but I will not be ruled by them. Nevertheless, for psychoanalytical purposes all oracles are an excellent resource.