In case you don't know much about chemtrails, let me tell you that they are not a conspiracy theory - as some like to claim - but rather a conspiracy fact. The conspirators are high ranking governmental officials, which conspired to conduct genocide against humans for decades. The end goal? To have as many of us ill or dead, as part of their depopulation agenda. Here is the evidence to support my claims: 1. The term "chemtrails" originated from the US Air Force - they wrote the manual; 2. Chemtrails proven and lab-tested by national news station; 3. NASA scientist admits chemtrails; Following the exact modus operandi of the ruling elite, at first they have ignored the concerned citizens talking about chemtrails, then they have ridiculed them over and over again, only to later admit they were right all along, and poisonous chemicals were, and still are, being dispersed in the air. 4. Official Declassified Documents Reveal GENOCIDE: Poisonous Chemtrails Were Sprayed Onto the US Population - of course, without their knowledge or consent; You can download the official declassified documents HERE. Today, 'they' are using another tactic to keep the people from revolting against the ongoing GENOCIDE - they present chemtrails as something necessary: 'we are making you ill and even killing you, because it's for your own good'. 5. The UN also admitted chemtrails and stated that "the world won’t cool without chemtrails"; What a crazy world we live in ACTUALLY THE WORLD IS NOT CRAZY BUT MOST BEINGS WHO LOOK LIKE HUMANS ARE CRAZYNOW HAVE A LOOK AT THE PHOTOS @

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  • The question is do you still like your Leaders and Governments ..SURELY THE LEADERS KNOW WHAT CHEMTRAILS ARE SO WHY HAVE SUCH LEADERS LIKE OBAMA AND CAMERON ...
    Isn't it time to overthrow your leaders if they do not care about you.
  • Yes, spraying us like insects.

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