Chemtrails anyone?

I've noticed that there aren't any chem-trails in the skies over the south of Sweden.
Clear blue skies as far as the eye can see, BEAUTIFUL.
I just saw a you-tube clip from Holland that stated the same...

Any chem-trails where you live??

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  • I have seen chemtrails in many countries (Sweden, Norway, France, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, etc.). I travel a lot and I see the spraying going on in most countries. Does anyone live in an area where they are NOT spraying?

    Here's a photo from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. ( This is a remote area where very few people live). This picture was taken today, 2 hours ago.

  • These were taken in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, mid June.
    I have not noticed any in Derbyshire just recently.
    Expect photo's when they do appear again. =)
  • Still chems big time,nthern NSW,hear them even when they have succeeded in creating their gray blanket.Yes,they are hip to the big trails attracting too much attention,& using new techniques, flare type spraying where I am.I have had a sore throat for days now,& slight cold,but my immunity is fighting it off well,thanks to aura clearing I believe, & probably have raised my vibration I hope! Still feel they are not achieving what they are after, will just have to wait & see,like everything else I guess.
  • I live 2 hours from Toronto and there are chem trails here almost daily and 9 out of 10 people don't even notice them until I point it out to them.
    Sometimes the sky gets so bad that the trails block out the sun and it looks really hazy.
    A typical day will start as follows:
    8:00am - perfectly clear skies.
    10:00am - you can visually see multiple air planes leaving long distinct lines
    12:00pm - the lines are now crossing at multiple points like a tic tac toe game
    2:00pm - the lines will begin to expand in length and width
    4:00pm - the frequent air plane fly bys' will usually stop and the sky has begun to haze up
    by the time the sun sets you can't even see the outline of the sun

    When this doesn't happen the sky is crystal clear and the sunsets are breathtakingly beautiful. Funny enough that's when people really notice the weather and say, "wow such beautiful weather, gorgeous sunset, I feel so good today...etc...etc"
  • No they are GONE!!! Here in Germany I experienced the very same as you Hogan: NO CHEMTRAILS ANYMORE!!!

    WHAT A LOVELY DAY! The sky is soooo beautiful today.
    • We have had a couple of clear days but they are spraying ..something else... maybe they are getting ready to spray something so they can use the huge vaccine mountains they have sitting unused in so many countries over the winter...??
      The little white planes with their long 'tails' flying quite low, have been out daily and my nose has been burning and many people are coughing etc... Usually the next day if they do it a lot, the chemtrails are really stick and result in a thick soup overhead. We had overcast weather for days last week and it was very depressing, maybe that is also their intent, no VitD, no sun day in day out, this will definitely increase people's desperation...
      ....not normal for us to have this kind of weather...then they announced an 'Indian Summer' , 22 degrees cels. for Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was grey and a cold wind blew..??

      Some chemtrails to see over London UK and blue sky to see them over the last couple of days, but the air is not clean.....also the weather is usually/almost daily different than they tell us on the news or in the papers.
  • New York City covered in chemtrails the sky is white and the mist hangs in the air. Tonight at 9PM lighting thunder rain and sleet the size of rock salt. We got UFOS over brooklyn you can see it on you tube.
    But no worries mates We will prevail Love Conquers all.
  • Lots over western New South Wales in Australia, and usually, when they spray here, they spray Sydney too.
    • Hi Leo,Yes I think they are spraying up big time in the west,letting the winds carry their crap across the country.Then there are planes over individual areas that add to the mess.I also wonder if they are working out of pine gap,exmouth etc,& if they are under contract to our government Also,If you get under the eaves of your roof & look up at the sun corona, with the gutter blocking the actual sun, you will see flaky web like stuff falling from the sky,& it seems to me the insects & birds are eating this stuff.
  • Nothing here on the island neither...been here a year never have seen any.
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