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"Trey searching for michelle obamama maternity records-if you find them please post here
they paid two lawyers in chicago for those childre-one looks like the real father-the other looks like the real mother-marxists are insane"
they paid two lawyers in chicago for those childre-one looks like the real father-the other looks like the real mother-marxists are insane"
Knowledge of Uranian Astrology (and use of the 90 degree dial) is required for understanding this analysis. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The analysis will focus on use of the Ascendant, which represents "the environment of…
"The Obamas are yesterday's news, nobody cares about them any more...So, Michelle (or is it Michael..?) not attending the upcoming Trump inauguration, is no big deal...In fact, America and the world is pleased that Michelle won't be attending....…"
"Former investment banker Ross Mandell claims that BlackRock employees are already targeting homeowners in California""
Mulling over the hidden events which are on my website,
"The Divine Heresies".
"The Divine Heresies".
Knowledge of Uranian Astrology (and use of the 90 degree dial) is required for understanding this analysis. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The analysis will focus on use of the Ascendant, which…
"David Keith" Geo-engineer partially and publicly funded by bill gates and owner of Carbon engineering Ltd, had officially proposed atmospheric geoengineering to control the climate by spraying 100-200 million metric tons of nano-sized ALUMINUM in the stratosphere to deflect sunlight and reduce global warming. During his speech he even made the disingenuous statement, and I quote "We havent done anything serious on aluminum (research). So there could be something terrible that we will find tomorrow that we havent looked at. (Today)" As in, they are spraying today.
The aluminum is to be delivered in several ways, including jet aircraft fuel that transports the aluminum to the exhaust which forms the contrail. The trail then expands into a cloud, deflecting sunlight. The aluminum eventually falls to the ground.
People have been saying for as long as 20 years, that what amounts to an identical program, is already ongoing.
The video below illustrates the pH levels where citizens have discovered alarming levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium, and how Aluminum Oxide has positively contaminated entire regions of heavily sprayed areas.
You can point to the water, air, and soil tests, several smoking gun patents by US military contractors and the OBVIOUS increase and longevity of expanding aerosol jet trails.
One area alone, from the first tests that recorded precipitation in the spring of 06'tested 7 parts per billion, of aluminum. There have since been tests that have escalated as high as 3,450 parts per billion. That is a 50,000% increase in aluminum.
Before we go on about how many tons of the heavy metals are released into our environment by industry, it needs to be understood, that these metals are hard enough to dissolve, let alone evaporate into the atmosphere. Its understandable how we may find high concentrations of the metals in rivers and various "dump sites" but not evenly distributed along the country side. It is also "perhaps" understandable how we can find high concentrations in our local watershed, but not in fresh 'Rain water"
The fact that they are spraying is irrefutable, as it has been publicly announced under the guise of global warming. What they are doing now, is taking a covert operation that has been going on for the last 20 years "the tropospheric aerosol program" and other names, and making it overt.
This is one of many smoking gun videos feturing "David Keiths" admission
The idea of "the tropospheric aerosol program" comes from a 1963 global think tank that met at "Iron Mountain" to discus the possibilities of economic sustainability, in a word with out war and is part of a long running functional eugenics program.
The question asked and answered was regarding the transition into the 21 century. Keeping growing populations manageable, and the large corporations in power. The participants thought that war necessary for political economic and social stability. It was decided that a viable political substitute for war must posit a generalized, external menace to each society, of a nature and degree sufficient to require the organization and acceptance of absolute political authority. To control population with out destroying expensive infrastructure.
The report developed economic substitutes for war. It recommended developing a comprehensive social welfare program, a giant space research program. An omnipresent international police force "global terrorism assures this" and fictitious enemies. Ecological, bio terrorism and human genetic destruction was also recommended by the report. Developing a comprehensive program of applied "EUGENICS" which included lowering life expectancy and birth rate, or simply having people die prematurely due to environmental toxicity. This was in order to control the growth of the less desirable populations.
Consistent with the report from iron mountain, US government records show a definitive genetic eugenics depopulation campaign was well under way by the early 1970's. See: This is a National Security Memorandum, completed on December 10, 1974, under the direction of Henry Kissinger, that called for massive depopulation of 3rd word countries. It was adopted as official U.S. policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975, and is a fundamental ideological force behind modern applied eugenics and the all powerful ""Codex Alimentarius"" I believe chemtrails are directly related to food and food production, rather then that of project bluebeam and such.
Ironically it was "Fritz der meer" Free-masonic, Illuminati, then president of IG Farben that drafted the modern eugenics "Codex" But that it a different story.
Chem trails and population reduction. In Africa its starvation. In America its toxins. Around the world its cancer, aids, and ect. It is simply the totalitarian tip toe of the global elite. "At the same time actions and programs must be tailored to specific countries and groups" - Kissinger
The health affects of aluminum:
- Damage to the central nervous system
- Dementia
- Loss of memory
- Listlessness
- Severe trembling
The health effects of Barium:
- Paralyses and in some cases even death.
- Breathing difficulties
- Increased blood pressures
- Heart rhythm changes
- Stomach irritation
- Muscle weakness
- Changes in nerve reflexes
- swelling of brains and liver, kidney and heart damage.
The health effects of Strontium (radioactive)
- Lung cancer
- Bone development
- Skin problems of any kind
- Anaemia and oxygen shortages
- Cancer
Nasa's own site show pictures of a somewhat invisible to the eye cloud covering the whole planet, you can see it if you look carefully at sunset or sunrise. Aluminium is a highly reflective matter and barium is widely used in imagery technology for its luminosity property. If you add to that the possibility that molecular nanotechnology (MNT) could already exist, despite declaration to the contrary, it is possible that those particles are being sprayed in the stratosphere to form some type of giant screen. With MNT, it wouldn't be necessary to use satellites to project 3D images as it would become just like a plasma screen. Some movies like The Truman show could be foreshadowing this false sky theory, even The Simson's movie has a scene with projections being shown on a glass bubble covering the town. As in a Bluebeam project scenario, you couldn't see the difference between the projection or reality. In your home, a NMT screen would allow you even to look at it with binoculars and see details with almost infinite precision. This type of giant screen could really be usefull to TPTB and could probably be worth the investment.
There is also the possibility of the ''smart dust''; nano-robots-sensers that could be a nice tool for big brother. You can search that on youtube, there is plenty of info. Those would also have to be airborn, and nothing says thay can do both at the same time. Jesus warned that even some of the chosen ones would be fooled by incredible spectacles in the sky. Did he have Bluebeam in mind?
I hear you on what seems to be normal. Its sad.
We agree,
Love and light for the sky and the mother of nature.
I have heard of (MNT) and believe it does exist. I was under the impression that it would be "HAARP" creating a sort of electro-static harness in order to hold the "bluebeam" scenario in place. This along with "Neurophone" technology for an audio frequency:
Take the display of project blue-beam found in the Norway spiral. There was purported HAARP activity during this phenomenon. David Wilcock and his research team "among others" have come to a consensus and believe that the Norway Spiral was a "HAARP Project Blue Beam, electro-magnetic torsion wave test" See: for the article found somewhere on Daves site at ""
I think it is no coincidence that this event happened just under the (Tromso EISCAT facility "HAARP"), and that this test was perfectly timed to coincide with Obama's Nobel Peace Prize reception speech, and also coincided with Maitreya's World Ad Campaign. "Maitreya" Is from a "new world order" International website that has taken credit for the Norway spiral as a Divine manifestation heralding "Maitreya" as the new world teacher. Benjamin Creme has proclaimed "Maitreya" as the second coming of Christ. No doubt we will hear more of this as events for the "New World Religion" unfolds.
I wont rule out the chem-trail/project bluebeam connection, though I have my doubts.
When UFO's/Ships appear, It will be amazing beyond imagination - and your instincts will tell you if it's real...
You'll know what to trust and what's real, atleast that's how I feel ... :)