I consulted a lawyer friend of mine concerned that my grandchild would receive the swine flu shot in his school without his parents permission because this week they started vaccinating at his school in Maine. The school had sent a form home via the students to the parents which read that the parents must sign this form saying that they did NOT wish their child to be vaccinated, and sent the form home with the children to give to their parents. The wording on the form was that "if the parents did NOT wish their child to recieve the shot, the form had to be returned signed by the parent or legal guardians to the school the day before the shots were to be administered, and if the form was NOT returned, then that constituted the parents permission to have the shot administered." (which I thought was a very sneeky way of doing it...) My lawyer friend said that if a parent did NOT want the child to get the shot to be sure to call the principal, and call the teacher, and call the school nurse and tell them all that you do NOT want your child to get the shot. Sign the form and send it back, being sure to make a copy to keep, and also to send a handwritten note specifically stating that you do NOT under any circumstances want your child to get the shot. Make it a big deal, and make sure you have copies of the note you write to the school. The lawyer said that because the child is a minor and it is a medical decision, that sending a note home saying you do not want your child vaccinated is an acceptable practice but also calling and writing your own note is a very good idea, so they cannot say that they did not know because the note was never returned so they gave your child the shot. Leaving something so important as a medical decision about your child as a permission slip to NOT vcaccinate sent home with a kindergartener or any student for that matter is a poor way of doing things, as the child may forget to give the note to the parent, and is a very bad way of communicating with the parent about something so important. I do not know if that is the way other schools are handling the shot situation, but my advice is to make your decsion about your child not having the shot heard by as many people in authority as possible as there is no liability to the school, the givers of the shot, or the manufacturer of the shot if something harmful were to happen to the child as a result of the shot. Do not take chances...If it is a policy that if your child does not receive a shot, that your child is banned from attending that school, or other stipulations, it is a small price to pay for a child's health, and seeing how the state is obligated to make sure that each child is to receive an education, other arrangements have to be made, such as with hadicapped children. Each school will have its own policies concerning the shot so get informed about policies in place. This is VERY important.

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  • I agree withthe whole discussion. First all by saying thank you for posting this we all need to know what is going on in our children's school. My daughter never gives me anything... I always find out too late. My daughter also knows everything she needs to about vaccinations... I made sure that she was well informed just in case something like this happens in school. My son goes to a special school for Autism where most of the children there have vaccine waivers... they make sure they know where every parent stands on the issue.

    It is easy to fear when you have loved ones... especially children that we are looking after and keeping their best interest in our hearts. But Sathiaseelan is correct. What will happen in lif will be. Nothing is coincidental! Instead of living in fear and surronding our children in this fear we need to let it go and live our life the way we intend to... in love, peace and happiness. Again, I know it is easier said then done but we can all do it. We are all here for a reason... for higher understanding.... and love. If we all stick together in love and greatness then we can prevail over anything in life!!!
  • Thank you for your loving and compassionate answer to my ramble. You have much calm and wisdom and are a truly beautiful soul. I am glad that I know you and so many other people I have met that refuse to let fear run their life. You are right, I have yet to transform some of my pain and worry and I did not mean to come off as I did toward you. I saw my fear in my post when rereading it, and thought I had definitely not meant to sound so cynical and like such a sludge hammer. I am truly sorry for the atmosphere I created in my zealousness. You are right about the powers that be wanting us to live in fear and I admit I to myself I went off the deep end in my concern about the swine flu shot issue because it was such a personal one. When I reread my words I realized I came across as a very bitter and angry person and that made me realize that I have much grounding work to do and fears to transmute into light. Thank you for recommended the book by Bruce Lipton, I will be getting it and checking it out. It is so true that when one lives with constant fear and trepidation that it reeks havoc on the body. So true. I also agree that we chose our dramas and lessons before we incarnate into our life, but sometimes I lose track of that. I am glad to have wonderful kind souls touching my life that remind me of the woundrous experiences we can have and share if we do not operate out of a place of fear, but rather a place of calm and love. I am sure I included them in my life plan so I will not be afraid and to draw strength. I will rejoice when the darkness crumbles and looks and turns to the light and are healed. And the polarity game will be done, and we can say been there, done that. I chose LOVE.

    Namaste my dear friend
  • That's pretty sneaky. Kids tend to forget to show school forms to their parents. They usually just play outside or watch tv when they come home from school. That's a very good idea to make it known to the school administrators that you don't want to get the kids vaccinated. The vaccines haven't been completely tested! If something bad happens to a vaccinated kid, they're just going to chalk it up to a 'disorder' or a 'syndrome'! Sometimes they have news items about kids who are happy and active when they're babies, then when they hit 2 years or older, they start getting moody or quiet, or just become lost in thought. Then the doctors will say he has a 'disorder' or autism. That's from the blasted vaccines! Anyway, people are finally waking up and putting two and two together. And it couldn't come at a better time.
    • Amen Teddy. This is my point exactly. So true about media and medical companies just chalking off bodily damages from a drug to a syndrome or preexisting condition...Every day now you see lawyers commercials on tv saying if you have this disease or that disease from taking such and such a medicine call the law offices of (fill in the blank). That is because many of the common drugs that were rushed onto the market without adequate time to study the long term effects are killing and messing people up now. I hope people are waking up. A prime example of this was a drug commonly used in the 50s to ease the discomfort of morning sickness. It was called Thalmidimide. It caused a large number of children on the 50s to be born missing whole limbs or parts of limbs. It was a common thing. Still the medical community just chalked it off as bad genetics although almost 100% of the people born this way had mothers who had used the drug. Also it was practice in the 50s to use straight oxygen at high levels in incubators because the makers of the incubators said that the high level of oxygen their machines used was not harmful even though doctors themselves had their doubts. All of a sudden after these incubators were used a lot of premies in those incubators ended up with retrolentil fibroplacia. I am one of those children..This disease is caused by too much oxygen in an incubator and causes the babies retinas to be burnt leaving the child with little, if any, vision. I was one of the lucky children who had some retina not burnt out so I have a field of vision about the size of a quarter and have complete tunnel vision and am considered legally blind. Yet the manufacturer was not liable and the doctors were not liable because then just chalked it off as a coincidence that all the children with retrolentil fibroplacia were premature and in those particular incubators. Coincidence I think not.
      • I'm speechless. Did that really happen in the 50's? Just terrible. I'll look into that. Eugenics program did kick off in the 30's so it's no surprise they continued their wicked exploits in the 40's and 50's till today. Just sickening. But I'm really glad that you're able to keep some vision and be able to see. Much blessings.
        • Yup it sure did happen Teddy. And it was kept pretty quiet too...no surprise there. When I was growing up I did not even know my kind of blindness had a name till I ran across it in some reading I was doing on visual disorders when I was in high school. Before that I just thought I was weird.... Then I found out I was far from alone in my condition. I worked for a School for the Deaf for many years, and I was the blind girl working at a deaf school that used only sign language for communication. That was a big hurdle for me trying to learn ASL because most of the time their hands flew about so quickly that it was usually out of my line of vision and I just sat there with a "whaaaaaa" look on my face. Finally I was taught finger spelling and when a speechless deaf person wanted to talk to me they would take my hand and finger spell in the palm of my hand. That was the only way I got by......Was a learning process for sure. I never would have gotten hired for the job but they wanted a token blind person in their multihandicapped staff so I was lucky. We both learned so much from each other, especially tolerance of each others challenges...Really helped my attitude about my vision lack and I realized it did not really matter, and lost that chip on my shoulder I had had all my life....sorry for the ramble....got drifing there for a minute....
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    • A great suggestion Sathiaseelan, HOWEVER...living in peace and unconditional love is a great concept and if practiced this might be true that a positive attitude and ignoring imminent danger to ones body will make everything wonderful however, I as a parent and a grandparent would still not have them recieve a swine flu shot. Period. I care that my grandson's life could be lost or impaired for the rest of his remaining life and if you had loved ones facing the decision what would YOU recommend to your loved ones? You say well we are eternal beings yes, but we each chose to be here in body at this time for a reason. I think endangering a body with known poisons is tantimount to suicide and I do not condone that. Neither do I condone murdering innocent people deliberately (as an example), even though people are eternal beings. Seems to me that those who did not question what was being injected into their bodies and were all positive life was all roses and everything was hunky dory and had calm and peaceful unquestioning emotions are the ones who have suffered irreversible damage that has altered the course of their life as well as all their loved ones. People have free will and a brain to figure things out, so I do not see choosing not to have poisons injected into their bodies as people who are neglecting their energy fields, I find it just using discernment and protecting the physical body from harm. If all is as you say then people would not need flu shots anyway becasue the flu could not hurt them so I assume you will NOT be getting one and advocating your loved ones to not get one due to your your knowledge that a positive attitude is all you need to remain perfectly healthy so it seems maybe we are on the same side of this issue for different reasons. Or are you you so enlightened and together spiritually that you WILL be having your flu injection like a mild little lamb and encouraging your loved ones to also follow your lead?? I pray for your bodie's safety if that is the case. I assume that you do not believe in ANY medical intervention of your loved ones because if they keep a positive attitude that they will never suffer any bodily ailments or if they do or die that you will say oh well they are immortal beings anyway so who cares ???? Just wondering.

      I am sorry if I come on like gang busters but this is a very sensitive topic for me having nearly lost my son at the age of five while living with blind faith that the medicines must be safe if they are being used by doctors. I just feel differently now about things and research things greatly. I do not mean to offend you. I am just asking some questions for consideration.
  • WOW that's horrifying!

    I know from personal experience that PLENTY of sent home notes don't actually make it home!
    I would be absolutely horrified if I found out my child had been vaccinated at school!
    • I do understand your point and if I felt that the shot WAS a lifesaving thing to have then of course my family would chose to have him have the shot, but that is not our perception that the risk is too great having the shot.

      My son's choice not to have his son innoculated with the swine flu shot was an informed choice, and not to do with any conspiracy theory. It was a personal decision arrived at after comprehensive study of the ingredients in the shot. Some of the ingredients are listed below. Also they made the choice for no shot due to the fact that when my son was five he was given his first flu shot and ended up in intensive care at the hospital with encephalitis and swelling of his brain due to allergic reaction to the ingredients in the shot which included squalene and thimerisol. The assault to his brain has left him with permanent disability and debilitating cluster migraines that last for days that will be with him for the rest of his life. There is a good chance that his son (my grandson) could also have the same sensitivites as he did so for them the decision not to risk having his son innoculated was a responsible decision to make. The ingredients in the swine flu shots are concern causing ingredients as seen below.

      1. What’s in a swine flu shot?

      Egg proteins: including swine and avian contaminant viruses

      Gelatin: known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin

      Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis

      Formaldehyde: known carcinogen

      Triton X100: a strong detergent

      Sucrose: table sugar

      Resin: known to cause allergic reactions

      Gentamycin: an antibiotic

      Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose vials and could easily be misadministered accidentally

      squalene: a deadly poison used in shots to us military men and is suspected to be a contributing factor to gulf war syndrome and many other autoimmune illnesses

      Federal officials admit risk of autoimmune disease from use of adjuvants;

      Preliminary data from GlaxoSmithKline show that a vaccine with an adjuvant might use only one-fourth as much antigen. But federal officials say the savings are not large enough to offset the possible risks and extra complexity of using the adjuvants.

      While adjuvants tend to increase the temporary pain, swelling or fatigue caused by a vaccine, the main concern is whether they might cause an autoimmune disease, like rheumatoid arthritis, encephalitis, and swelling of the brain, in which the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues. Some animal studies have suggested that possibility.

      So for me and my family the decision is that the risks of this vaccine are just to great. Also the fact that there is a proviso stating that the drug company will bear no liability for any harm done by the shot. That alone is cause for concern. If they are so sure that the shot is not harmful then they would not feel the need for zero accountability. To me that is a huge red flag!
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