CHINESE ASTROLOGY (no author or source mentioned; no copyright noted)

Chinese Astrology is the divination of the future from the Chinese calendar, which is based on astronomy, and ancient Chinese philosophy. In particular, Chinese Astrology is based on the sexagenary cycle of 60 years that has been documented since the time of the Shang Dynasty at the latest. This basic cycle has been constructed from two cycles: the 10 heavenly stems (the five elements in their yin and yang forms) and the 12 earthly branches, or the 12-year cycle of animals referred to as the Chinese zodiac. The Chinese animal zodiac also operates on a cycle of months or 'moons' and of hours of the day. The Chinese zodiac refers to a pure calendrical cycle; there are no equivalent constellations like those of the occidental zodiac. In imperial Chinese times there were astrologers who watched the sky for heavenly omens that would predict the future of the state, but this was a quite different practice of divination from the popular present-day methods.

Background of Chinese Astrology: The ancient Chinese astronomers called the 5 major planets by the names of the element they were associated with: Venus corresponds to Metal (gold); Jupiter to Wood; Mercury to Water; Mars to Fire; Saturn to Earth. According to Chinese Astrology, a person's destiny can be determined by the position of the major planets, along with the positions of the Sun, Moon and comets and the person's time of birth and Zodiac Sign. The Chinese Astrology system of the twelve year cycle of animal signs was built from observations of the orbit of Jupiter. Chinese astronomers divided the celestial circle into 12 sections to follow the orbit of Suìxing (Jupiter, the Year Star). Astronomers rounded the orbit of Suixing to 12 years (from 11.86). Suixing was associated with Sheti and sometimes called Sheti. A laborious system of computing one's fate and destiny based on one's birthday and birth hours is still used regularly in modern day Chinese astrology to divine one's fortune. The 28 Chinese constellations are quite different from the 88 Western constellations. In addition to astrological readings of the heavenly bodies, the stars in the sky form the basis of many fairy tales. For example, the Summer Triangle is the trio of the cowherd (Altair), the weaving maiden fairy (Vega), and the "tai bai" fairy (Deneb). The two forbidden lovers were separated by the silvery river (the Milky Way). Each year on the seventh day of the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, the birds form a bridge across the Milky Way. The cowherd carries their two sons (the two stars on each side of Altair) across the bridge to reunite with their fairy mother. The tai bai fairy acts as the chaperone of these two immortal lovers.

The lunisolar calendar in Chinese Astrology: The 60-year cycle consists of two separate cycles interacting with each other. The first is the cycle of ten heavenly stems, namely the Five Elements (in order Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) in their Yin and Yang forms. The second is the cycle of the twelve Zodiac animal signs or Earthly Branches. They are in order as follows: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep (ram or goat), monkey, rooster, dog, and boar . This combination of 5 elements × 12 animals creates the 60-year cycle, which always starts with Wood Rat and ends with Water Boar. Since the zodiac animal cycle of 12 is divisible by two, every zodiac sign can also only occur in either yin or yang: the dragon is always yang, the snake is always yin, etc. When trying to calculate the relevant year, an easy rule to follow is that years that end in an even number are yang, those that end with an odd number are yin. The cycle proceeds as follows: 
If the year ends in 0 it is Yang Metal. If the year ends in 1 it is Yin Metal. If the year ends in 2 it is Yang Water. If the year ends in 3 it is Yin Water. If the year ends in 4 it is Yang Wood. If the year ends in 5 it is Yin Wood. If the year ends in 6 it is Yang Fire. If the year ends in 7 it is Yin Fire. If the year ends in 8 it is Yang Earth. If the year ends in 9 it is Yin Earth. However, since the (traditional) Chinese zodiac follows the (lunisolar) Chinese calendar, the switch over date is the Chinese New Year, not January 1 as in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, a person who was born in January or early February has the sign of the previous year. For example, if a person was born in January 1970, his or her element would still be Yin Earth, not Yang Metal. Similarly, although 1990 was called the year of the horse, anyone born from January 1 to January 26, 1990 was in fact born in the Year of the Snake (the sign of the previous year), because the 1990 Year of the Horse did not begin until January 27, 1990. For this reason, many online sign calculators (and Chinese restaurant placemats) will give a person the wrong sign if he/she was born in January or early February.  
The start of a new Zodiac is also celebrated on Chinese New Year along with many other customs.

Five elements in Chinese Astrology: The Yin or Yang is broken down into Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) on top of the cycle of animals. These are modifiers and affect the characteristics of each of the 12 animal signs. Thus, each of the 12 animals are governed by an element plus a Yin Yang Direction. The Chinese conception of 'element' is therefore quite different to the Western one. The Western elements were seen as the basic building blocks of matter. The Chinese 'elements', by contrast, were seen as ever changing and moving forces or energies - one translation of xing is simply 'the five changes'. The balance of yin and yang and the five elements in a person's make-up has a major bearing on what is beneficial and effective for them in terms of feng shui, the Chinese form of geomancy. This is because each element is linked to a particular direction and season, and their different kinds of qì or life force.

Wood in Chinese Astrology: The East Spring Azure Dragon The Planet Jupiter The Color Green Liver and gallbladder Generous, Warm, Persuasive, Co-operative, Seeks to Expand and Grow Idealistic, Ethical, Enthusiastic, Seeks to Explore Wood 'Governs' the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon

Fire in Chinese Astrology: The South Summer Vermilion Bird The Planet Mars The Color Red Circulatory system and Heart Dynamic, Humanitarian, Energetic, Passionate, Enterprising, Adventurous, Restless Competitive, Leadership Skills, Strong, Single-minded, Loves a good laugh Fire 'Governs' the Snake, Horse and Sheep.

Earth in Chinese Astrology: Center Three Enclosures, Change of seasons The Yellow Dragon The Planet Saturn The Color Yellow Digestive system, Spleen and stomach Patient, Militaristic, Prudent, Stable, Reliable, Hard-working, Ambitious, Stubborn, and very energetic Disciplined, Tenacious, Logical, Governed by Service and Duty to Others 'Governs' Dragon, Rat, and Ox. It is the central balance of the elements and can lend qualities to all 12 animals as well.

Metal in Chinese Astrology: The West Autumn White Tiger The Planet Venus The Color White Respiratory system & Lungs Determined, Self-reliant, Unyielding, Strong, Tenacious, Forceful Reserved, Needs Personal Space, Sophisticated, Seeks pleasure, caring, respectful Metal 'Governs' the Monkey, Rooster, Dog.

Water in Chinese Astrology: The North Winter Black Tortoise The Planet Mercury The Color Black Skeletal/Excretory System and Lungs Secretive, Charming, Intuitive, Compassionate, Sensitive, Creative Flexible, Compliant, Eloquence, Intellectual Water 'Governs' the Pig, Rat, Ox.

Element cycles in Chinese Astrology:
Interactions of Five Chinese Elements - Cycles of Balance and Cycles of ImbalanceThe doctrine of five phases describes two Cycles of Balance, a generating or creation cycle and an overcoming or destruction cycle of interactions between the phases. 
Wood feeds Fire; Fire creates Earth (ash); Earth bears Metal; Metal collects Water and Water nourishes Wood. Overcoming: 
wood parts earth; earth absorbs water; water quenches fire; fire melts metal and metal chops wood.

The 12 zodiac animals in Chinese Astrology: In Chinese astrology the zodiac of twelve animal signs represents twelve different types of personality. The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the Rat, and there are many stories about the Origins of the Chinese Zodiac which explain why this is so.

Rat (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water): Forthright, disciplined, systematic, meticulous, charismatic, hardworking, industrious, charming, eloquent, sociable, shrewd. Can be manipulative, cruel, dictatorial, rigid, selfish, obstinate, critical, over-ambitious, ruthless, intolerant, scheming.

Ox (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Water): Dependable, calm, methodical, patient, hardworking, ambitious, conventional, steady, modest, logical, resolute, tenacious. Can be stubborn, narrow-minded, materialistic, rigid, demanding.

Tiger (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish.

Rabbit (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Gracious, kind, sensitive, soft-spoken, amiable, elegant, reserved, cautious, artistic, thorough, tender, self-assured, astute, compassionate, flexible. Can be moody, detached, superficial, self-indulgent, opportunistic, lazy.

Dragon (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Magnanimous, vigorous, strong, self-assured, proud, direct, eager, zealous, fiery, passionate, decisive, pioneering, ambitious, generous, loyal. Can be arrogant, tyrannical, demanding, eccentric, dogmatic, over-bearing, impetuous, brash.

Snake (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Deep thinker, wise, mystic, graceful, soft-spoken, sensual, creative, prudent, shrewd, ambitious, elegant, cautious, responsible, calm, strong, constant, purposeful. Can be loner, bad communicator, possessive, hedonistic, self-doubting, distrustful, mendacious.

Horse (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Cheerful, popular, quick-witted, changeable, earthy, perceptive, talkative, agile mentally and physically, magnetic, intelligent, astute, flexible, open-minded. Can be fickle, anxious, rude, gullible, stubborn, lack stability and perseverance.

Sheep (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Righteous, sincere, sympathetic, mild-mannered, shy, artistic, creative, gentle, compassionate, understanding, mothering, determined, peaceful, generous, seeks security. Can be moody, indecisive, over-passive, worrier, pessimistic, over-sensitive, complainer.

Monkey (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Inventor, motivator, improviser, quick-witted, inquisitive, flexible, innovative, problem solver, self-assured, sociable, polite, dignified, competitive, objective, factual, intellectual. Can be egotistical, vain, selfish, cunning, jealous, suspicious.

Rooster (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Acute, neat, meticulous, organized, self-assured, decisive, conservative, critical, perfectionist, alert, zealous, practical, scientific, responsible. Can be over zealous and critical, puritanical, egotistical, abrasive, opinionated.

Dog (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Honest, intelligent, straightforward, loyal, sense of justice and fair play, attractive, amiable, unpretentious, sociable, open-minded, idealistic, moralistic, practical, affectionate, dogged. Can be cynical, lazy, cold, judgmental, pessimistic, worrier, stubborn, quarrelsome.

Pig (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Water): Honest, simple, gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving, patient, loyal, hard-working, trusting, sincere, calm, understanding, thoughtful, scrupulous, passionate, intelligent. Can be naive, over-reliant, self-indulgent, gullible, fatalistic, materialistic.

In Chinese astrology the animal signs assigned by year represent what others perceive you as being or how you present yourself. It is a common misconception that the animals assigned by year are the only signs, and many western descriptions of Chinese astrology draw solely on this system. In fact, there are also animal signs assigned by month (called inner animals) and hours of the day (called secret animals). 
To sum it up, while a person might appear to be a dragon because they were born in the year of the dragon, they might also be a snake internally and an ox secretively. In total, this makes for 8,640 possible combinations (five elements x 12 animals in the 60 year cycle (12 x 5 = 60) , 12 months, 12 times of day) that a person might be. These are all critical for the proper use of Chinese astrology. 
The months - the inner animals in Chinese Astrology: The 12 animals are also linked to the traditional Chinese agricultural calendar, that runs alongside the better known lunar calendar. Instead of months, this calendar is divided into 24 two week segments known as Solar Terms. Each animal is linked to two of these solar terms for a period similar to the Western month. Unlike the 60 year lunar calendar, which can vary by as much as a month in relation to the Western calendar, the agricultural calendar varies by only one day, beginning on the Western February 3rd or 4th every year. Again unlike the cycle of the lunar years, which begins with the Rat, the agricultural calendar begins with the Tiger as it is the first animal of spring. An individual's monthly animal sign is called their inner animal and is concerned with what motivates a person. Since this sign dictates the person's love life and inner persona, it is critical to a proper understanding of the individual's compatibility with other signs. As each sign is linked to a month of the solar year, it is thereby also linked to a season. Each of the elements are also linked to a season, and the element that shares a season with a sign is known as that sign's fixed element. In other words, that element is believed to impart some of its characteristics to the sign concerned. The fixed element of each sign applies also to the year and hour signs, and not just the monthly sign. It is important to note that the fixed element is separate from the cycle of elements which interact with the signs in the 60 year cycle. 
The hours - the secret animals in Chinese Astrology: The Chinese zodiac is also used to label times of day, with each sign corresponding to a "large-hour", which is a two-hour period (24 divided by 12 animals). It is therefore important to know the exact time of birth to determine it. The secret animal is thought to be a person’s truest representation, since this animal is determined by the smallest denominator: a person’s birth hour. As this sign is based on the position of the sun in the sky and not the time of your local clock, it is important to compensate of daylight savings time. However, some online systems already compensate for daylight savings time, and astrologers may compensate your time for you oblivious to the fact that you've compensated it yourself, leading to an inaccurate reading. The large-hour in which a person is born is their secret animal. It is a person's own true sign which their personality is based on. Note that while this chart is quite accurate, the exact time at which each animal begins shifts by the day. 
23:00 - 01:00: rat 01:00 - 03:00: ox 03:00 - 05:00: tiger 05:00 - 07:00: rabbit 07:00 - 09:00: dragon 09:00 - 11:00: snake 11:00 - 13:00: horse 13:00 - 15:00: sheep 15:00 - 17:00: monkey 17:00 - 19:00: rooster 19:00 - 21:00: dog 21:00 - 23:00: pig

Categorizations of the twelve signs in Chinese Astrology: Power Signs
Rat Ox Tiger Dragon Snake Monkey Romance Signs
Rabbit Horse Sheep Rooster Dog Pig

The Four Animal Trines in Chinese Astrology:
The First Trine in Chinese Astrology: The first trine consists of the Rat, Dragon, and Monkey. These three signs are intense and powerful individuals, capable of great good or great evil. They make great leaders, but the three have different approaches. Rats and Dragons have a tendency to be quite dictatorial and autocratic, whilst Monkeys are more diplomatic. Frustrated when hampered, these signs are ruled by highly potent energy and unpredictability. They are intelligent, magnanimous, charismatic, charming, authoritative, confident, eloquent and artistic. They can also be tyrannical, bombastic, prejudiced, deceitful, imperious, ruthless, power-hungry, and megalomaniacal. 
The Second Trine in Chinese Astrology: The second trine consists of the Ox, Snake, and Rooster. These three soul mates conquer life through endurance, application, and slow accumulation of energy. Although each sign is fixed and rigid in opinions and views, they are genius in the art of meticulous planning. They are hardworking, discreet, modest, industrious, charitable, loyal, punctual, philosophical, patient, and good-hearted individuals with high moral standards. They can also be self-righteous, vain, critical, judgmental, unimaginative, narrow-minded, petty, and pessimistic. 
The Third Trine in Chinese Astrology: The third trine consists of the Tiger, Horse, and Dog. These three signs seek one another, and are like-minded in their pursuit of humanitarian causes. Each is a gifted orator and excels at verbal communication. Relationships and personal contact are of highest priority and each one seek their intimate soul mate. Idealistic and impulsive, the Tiger, Horse and Dog follow the beat of their own drummer. Defiant against injustice, these three signs wilt without large amounts of physical affection and loyal support for causes. They are productive, enthusiastic, independent, engaging, dynamic, and honourable. They can also be rash, rebellious, quarrelsome, hot-headed, reckless, anxious, moody, disagreeable, stubborn, and selfish. 
The Fourth Trine in Chinese Astrology: The fourth trine consists of the Rabbit, Sheep and Pig. The quest for these three signs is the aesthetic and beautiful in life. Their calm nature gives them great leadership abilities. They are artistic, refined, intuitive, and well-mannered. These souls love the preliminaries in love, and are fine artists in their lovemaking. The Rabbit, Sheep and Pig have been bestowed with calmer natures than the other 9 signs. These three are compassionately aware, yet detached and resigned to their condition. They seek beauty and a sensitive lover. They are caring, unique, self-sacrificing, obliging, sensible, creative, emphatic, tactful, and prudent. They can also be naive, pedantic, insecure, cunning, indecisive, and pessimistic. 
Origins of the Chinese Zodiac in Chinese Astrology: According to one legend, in the sixth century B.C. the Jade Emperor invited all the animals in creation to a race, only twelve showed up: the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Lamb, Monkey, Cock, Dog, and Pig, and according to their places in the race, the Jade Emperor had given them each a number starting with the Rat who was the winner of the race. Many legends arose from the Race of the Chinese Zodiacs. One told of the reason why cats and rats shall always be enemies: He and the cat (at the time good friends) were poor swimmers, so they asked the ox if they could stay on top of his head to cross the river. Along the way he pushed the cat off of the ox's back. And the cat, incapable of swimming, lagged behind. The rat stayed on top of the ox's head until the ox was almost at the finish line. And as the ox was about to cross it, the rat jumped from the ox's head and became first place. And the cat and rat have been enemies ever since. Another legend tells that the cat had asked the rat to wake him up the day of the Race. The rat agreed, but on the said day, he did not wake the cat in his greed to win. When the cat finally woke up and got to the racing ground, he found the race to be over. The cat then swore revenge upon the rat. The legend of the Zodiac Race, of course, is by far the least credible of all explanations of the origin of the Chinese zodiac. Because the "twelve earthly branches" which correspond with the zodiac, was already in existence as early as the Zhou era, long before the advent of Buddhism. A parallel decimal set of symbols called "ten heavenly stems", corresponding with yin-yang dualism and the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) was in existence in the Shang dynasty as the stems were part of Shang rulers' names. The Zodiac, or the "twelve earthly branches" is probably devised together with the ten heavenly stems. As a duodecimal numeral system, the twelve earthly branches is probably evidence for trade between early tribes that later contributed to the Chinese civilization on the one hand, and the Mesopotamian civilization, which perfected duodecimal arithmetics, on the other. The Chinese zodiac, though not entirely identical with the Greek zodiac, nonetheless shares with it the duodecimal system and the idea of using animals as numerical symbols. This is a hint for the triangular relations between early Chinese, Mesopotamian and Greek cultures. When the Bulgars, an early Turkic tribe within the Hun tribal federation that invaded Europe at the end of the Roman Empire, brought with them the very same Chinese zodiac. This is a probability that the Chinese zodiac is of northern Chinese origin, commonly shared among Altaic and northern Chinese tribes. However, nowadays the Thai and Tibetans use the same zodiac with slight modification, probably due to millennia of contact with the Chinese civilization. 
Chinese zodiac in other countries: The Chinese zodiac signs are also used by cultures other than Chinese. For one example, they usually appear on Japanese New Year's cards and stamps. The United States Postal Service and those of several other countries issue a "Year of the _____" postage stamp each year to honor this Chinese heritage. However, those unfamiliar with the use of the Chinese lunar calendar usually just assume that the signs switch over on Jan 1 of each year. Those who are serious about the fortune telling aspect of the signs can consult a table, such as the one above. The Chinese zodiac is also used in some other Asian countries that have been under the cultural influence of China. However, some of the animals in the Zodiac may differ by country. East Asia: For example, the Vietnamese zodiac is almost identical to Chinese zodiac except that the second animal is the water buffalo instead of the ox, the fourth animal is the cat instead of the rabbit and the eighth animal is the goat instead of the sheep. The Japanese zodiac includes the wild boar instead of the pig, and the Thai zodiac includes a naga in place of the dragon. Turkic people: The European Huns used the Chinese Zodiac complete with "dragon", "pig". This common Chinese-Turkic Zodiac was in use in Balkan Bulgaria well into the Bulgars' adoption of Slavic language and Orthodox Christianity. Following is the Hunnish or Turkic Bulgarian Pagan zodiac calendar, distinctive from the Greek zodiac but much in conformity with the Chinese one: 
History Of Chinese Astrology Chinese Astrology is more than 2,000 years old. Originally, astrology and astronomy were inseparable. Practitioners were always present as officials of the imperial court. Astrology was also used to show what would even happen to a nation. By the time of the Tand Dynasty (618-907) a whole encyclopedia had been written about how to give astrology readings for people. Astrology was always traditionally regarded very highly in China, and indeed Confucius is said to have treated astrology with respect saying: "Heaven sends down its good or evil symbols and wise men act accordingly". The 60 year cycle combining the five elements with the twelve animal signs of the zodiac has been documented in China since at least the time of the Shang (Shing or Yin) dynasty (ca 1766BC - CA 1050BC). Oracles bones have been found dating from that period with the date according to the 60 year cycle inscribed on them, along with the name of the diviner and the topic being divined about. One of the most famous astrologers in China was Tsou Yen who lived in around 300 BC, and who wrote: "When some new dynasty is going to arise, heaven exhibits auspicious signs for the people".

Year Of The Rat The Year of the Rat in Chinese Astrology. Rat people are expressive and can be talkative sometimes. They like to go to parties and spend time chatting with their friends. Rat people usually have more acquaintances than real friends. The Rat is also quick witted. Most rats get more accomplished in 24 hours than the rest of us do in as many days. Rat people are Stubborn. They prefer to live by their own rules. They are very organized and talented. The Rat makes a good businessman or politician. Unfortunately, as soon as the Rat earns money, they spend it. Ranking order : First Hours ruled by the rat : 11pm - 1am Direction of its sign : Directly North Season and principal month : Winter December Corresponds to Western sign : Sagittarius Fixed Element : Water Stem : Positive Year 31 January 1900 - 18 February 1901 10 February 1912 - 5 February 1913 5 February 1924 - 24 January 1925 24 January 1936 - 10 February 1937 10 February 1948 - 28 January 1949 28 January 1960 - 14 February 1961 15 February 1972 - 2 February 1973 2 February 1984 - 19 February 1985 18 February 1996 - 6 February 1997 7 February 2008 - 25 January 2009 24 January 2020 - 11 February 2021 Greatest Affinity : Dragon, Monkey Greatest Enmity : Horse.

Year Of The Ox The Year of the Ox in Chinese Astrology. Ox people are hard working and persistent. They hold up their high standards as a model and severely judge those who don't aspire to maintain these same ideals. They are capable of fearsome rages, therefore it is better not to cross an Oxen. They are patient, and caring and that makes the Oxen the best friend you can ever have. Ranking order : Second Hours ruled by the ox : 1 am - 3 am Direction of its sign : North-Northeast Season and principal month : Winter-January Corresponds to Western sign : Capricorn Fixed Element : Water Stem : Negative Year 19 February 1901 - 7 February 1902 6 February 1913 - 25 January 1914 25 January 1925 - 12 February 1926 11 February 1937 - 30 January 1938 29 January 1949 - 16 February 1950 15 February 1961 - 4 February 1962 3 February 1973 - 22 January 1974 20 February 1985 - 8 February 1986 7 February 1997 - 28 January 1998 26 January 2009 - 14 February 2010 12 February 2021 - 31 January 2022 31 January 2033 - 18 February 2034 Greatest Affinity : Rooster, Snake Greatest Enmity : Sheep.

Year Of The Tiger The Year of the Tiger in Chinese Astrology. Born Leader, is the key word for the Tigers. Tigers are unpredictable, always tense. and like to be in a hurry. They are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. Although they love adventures, and are addicted to excitement. Ranking order : Third Hours ruled by the tiger : 3 am - 5 am Direction of its sign : East-Northeast Season and principal month : Winter-February Corresponds to Western sign : Aquarius Fixed Element : Wood Stem : Positive Year 8 February 1902 - 28 January 1903 26 January 1914 - 13 February 1915 13 February 1926 - 1 February 1927 31 January 1938 - 18 February 1939 17 February 1950 - 5 February 1951 5 February 1962 - 24 January 1963 23 January 1974 - 10 February 1975 9 February 1986 - 28 January 1987 28 January 1998 - 15 February 1999 15 February 2010 - 2 February 2011 1 February 2022 - 21 January 2023 Greatest Affinity : Dog, Horse Greatest Enmity : Monkey.

Year Of The Rabbit The Year of the Rabbit in Chinese Astrology. Rabbits are usually kind, sweet and popular people. Rabbit people have good artistic sense and taste. They are also usually well-dressed. Rabbit people are also pessimistic. They are conservative and insecure. They can be great partners in relationships. Romantic and sweet, faithful too, rabbit people never lack of suitors. Ranking order : Fourth Hours ruled by the rabbit : 5 am - 7 am Direction of its sign : Directly East Season and principal month : Spring - March Corresponds to Western sign : Pisces Fixed Element : Wood Stem : Negative Year 29 January 1903 - 15 February 1904 14 February 1915 - 2 February 1916 2 February 1927 - 22 January 1928 19 February 1939 - 7 February 1940 6 February 1951 - 26 January 1952 25 January 1963 - 12 February 1964 11 February 1975 - 30 January 1976 29 January 1987 - 16 February 1988 16 February 1999 - 4 February 2000 3 February 2011 - 22 January 2012 22 January 2023 - 9 February 2024 8 February 2035 - 27 January 2036 2047 - 2048: Fire Hare Greatest Affinity : Sheep, Boar Greatest Enmity : Rooster.

Year Of The Dragon The Year of the Dragon in Chinese Astrology. Dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. Dragon people get things started and keep them moving. They are feisty and gifted with power and luck. Irritable and stubborn, the Dragon is a real big mouth and his words often outrun his thoughts. Nevertheless, his opinions are worth listening to and his advice is always good. The Dragon is often loved. He is never disappointed in love. In fact, he is frequently the cause of some drama of despair. The women of this sign are surrounded by admirers and often demanded in marriage. Ranking order : Fifth Hours ruled by the DRAGON : 7 am - 9 am Direction of its sign : East-Southeast Season and principal month : Spring - April Corresponds to Western sign : Aries Fixed Element : Wood Stem : Positive Year 16 February 1904 - 3 February 1905 3 February 1916 - 22 January 1917 23 January 1928 - 9 February 1929 8 February 1940 - 26 January 1941 27 January 1952 - 13 February 1953 13 February 1964 - 1 February 1965: 31 January 1976 - 17 February 1977 17 February 1988 - 5 February 1989 5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001 23 January 2012 - 9 February 2013 10 February 2024 - 28 January 2025 Greatest Affinity : Rat , Monkey Greatest Enmity : Dog.

Year Of The Snake The Year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology. Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. They makes decisions quickly and firmly. Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. They seem to have a kind of sixth sense in this way. They are capable of telling big lies. The Snake should stick to careers that won't involve any risk, even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy. Snake can be jealous and possessive in love. Ranking order : Sixth Hours ruled by the SNAKE : 9 am - 11 am Direction of its sign : South - Southeast Season and principal month : Spring - May Corresponds to Western sign : Taurus Fixed Element : Fire Stem : Negative Year 4 February 1905 - 24 January 1906 23 January 1917 - 10 February 1918 10 February 1929 - 29 January 1930 27 January 1941 - 14 February 1942 14 February 1953 - 2 February 1954 2 February 1965 - 20 January 1966 18 February 1977 - 6 February 1978 6 February 1989 - 26 January 1990 24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002 10 February 2013 - 30 January 2014 29 January 2025 - 16 February 2026 15 February 2037 - 4 February 2038 Greatest Affinity : Ox , Rooster Greatest Enmity : Boar.

Year Of The Horse The Year of the Horse in Chinese Astrology. Horse people are active and energetic. They got plenty of sex-appeal and know how to dress. The horse is very quick-witted. The Horse is hot-blooded, hot-headed, impatient, and an egoist. The Horse is a worker, adepts at handling money and a good financier. The Horse will give up everything for love. Horses are proud yet sweet-natured, arrogant yet oddly modest in their approach to love, envious but tolerant, conceited yet humble. Ranking order : Seventh Hours ruled by the HORSE : 11 am - 1 pm Direction of its sign : Directly South Season and principal month : Summer - June Corresponds to Western sign : Gemini Fixed Element : Fire Stem : Positive Year 25 January 1906 - 12 February 1907 11 February 1918 - 31 January 1919 30 January 1930 - 16 February 1931 15 February 1942 - 4 February 1943 3 February 1954 - 23 January 1955 21 January 1966 - 8 February 1967 7 February 1978 - 27 January 1979 27 January 1990 - 14 February 1991 12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003 31 January 2014 - 18 February 2015 17 February 2026-5 February 2027 Greatest Affinity : Tiger, Dog Greatest Enmity : Rat.

Year Of The Goat The Year of the Goat in Chinese Astrology. Goat people are elegant, charming, artistic, gifted and fond of nature. People born under this sign are also the most creative. They usually shy from confrontation, pull back when faced with heavy decision-making and blatantly refuse to take an unpopular stand in a conflict. Goat people are dreamers. They are obsessed with their appearance. Goats like to study the esoteric to know more about the unknown. They enjoy reading books about horoscope and fortune telling. Goat people are very romantic sensitive, sweet and darling. Ranking order : Eighth Hours ruled by the Goat : 1 pm - 3 pm Direction of its sign : South - Southwest Season and principal month : Summer - July Corresponds to Western sign : Cancer Fixed Element : Fire Stem : Negative Year 13 February 1907 - 1 February 1908 1 February 1919 - 19 February 1920 17 February 1931 - 5 February 1932 5 February 1943 - 24 January 1944 24 January 1955 - 11 February 1956 9 February 1967 - 29 January 1968 28 January 1979 - 15 February 1980 15 February 1991 - 3 February 1992 1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004 19 February 2015 - 7 February 2016 Greatest Affinity : Rabbit, Boar Greatest Enmity : Ox.

Year Of The Monkey The Year of the Monkey in Chinese Astrology. Monkeys are fun and loving persons who are always cheerful and energetic. If you go to a party, you'll find Monkeys at the center of attention. Their charm and humor is the key to their popularity. Monkey people are very good at problem solving. Wherever you are, whoever you may be, if you've got a problem pick up the phone and dial-a-Monkey. Monkeys know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time. Ranking order : Ninth Hours ruled by the MONKEY : 3 pm - 5 pm Direction of its sign : West - Southwest Season and principal month : Summer - August Corresponds to Western sign : Leo Fixed Element : Metal Stem : Positive Year 20 February 1920 - 7 February 1921 6 February 1932 - 25 January 1933 25 January 1944 - 12 February 1945 12 February 1956 - 30 January 1957 30 January 1968 - 16 February 1969 16 February 1980 - 4 February 1981 4 February 1992 - 6 January 1993 22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005 8 February 2016 - 27 January 2017 26 January 2028 - 12 February 2029 Greatest Affinity : Dragon, Rat Greatest Enmity : Tiger.

Year Of The Rooster The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology. Rooster people are very observant. Roosters have a very keen "sixth sense". With Roosters what you see is exactly what you get. There are no hidden depths to the Rooster's character. Rooster make great hosts and adore entertaining. The main virtue in the Rooster character is loyalty. They make devoted friends. When Roosters love and admire someone, they will even catch the moon just to keep them happy. Ranking order : Tenth Hours ruled by the rooster : 5 pm - 7 pm Direction of its sign : Directly West Season and principal month : Autumn - September Corresponds to Western sign : Virgo Fixed Element : Metal Stem : Negative Year 22 January 1909 - 9 February 1910 8 February 1921 - 27 January 1922 26 January 1933 - 13 February 1934 13 February 1945 - 1 February 1946 31 January 1957 - 17 February 1958 17 February 1969 - 5 February 1970 5 February 1981 - 24 January 1982 23 January 1993 - 9 February 1994 9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006 28 January 2017 - 15 February 2018 13 February 2029 - 2 February 2030 Greatest Affinity : Ox, Snake Greatest Enmity : Rabbit. 
Year Of The Dog The Year of the Dog in Chinese Astrology. Dogs are born old and get younger as they age. They take everything very serious. The Dog enters a relationship where he is the giver and the partner is the taker. He is usually very generous and loyal, and in love, he is honest and straightforward. Ranking order : Eleventh. Hours ruled by the Dog : 7 pm - 9 pm Direction of its sign : West - Northwest Season and principal month : Autumn - October Corresponds to Western sign : Libra Fixed Element : Metal Stem : Positive Year 1898 - 2 February 1899 10 February 1910 - 21 January 1911 28 January 1922 - 14 February 1923 14 February 1934 - 25 January 1935 2 February 1946 - 21 January 1947 17 February 1958 - 8 February 1959 6 February 1970 - 26 January 1971 25 January 1982 - 12 February 1983 9 February 1994 - 30 January 1995 29 January 2006 - 17 February 2007 16 February 2018 - 4 February 2019 3 February 2030 - 22 January 2031 Greatest Affinity : Tiger , Horse Greatest Enmity : Dragon. 

Year Of The Pig The Year of the Pig in Chinese Astrology. Pigs are models of sincerity, purity, tolerance, and honor. They are careful and caring, obliging and chivalrous. Put your trust in him, he won't let you down and he will never try to. Pigs are the people everyone admires most. In relationship, Pig people are sensitive, sweet but naive, and caring. They are romantic and certainly are the marriage type. But on the other hand, Pigs are also possessive, jealous and exclusive. Ranking order : Eleventh Hours ruled by the Pig : 7 pm - 9 pm Direction of its sign : West - Northwest Season and principal month : Autumn - October Corresponds to Western sign : Libra Fixed Element : Metal Stem : Positive Year: 3 February 1899 - 31 January 1900 30 January 1911 - 17 February 1912 16 February 1923 - 4 February 1924 4 February 1935 - 23 January 1936 22 January 1947 - 9 February 1948 8 February 1959 - 27 January 1960 27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972 13 February 1983 - 1 February 1984 27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972 16 February 2007 - 6 February 2008 5 February 2019 - 24 January 2020 23 January 2031 - 10 February 2032 10 February 2043 - 29 January 2044 Greatest Affinity : Tiger , Horse Greatest Enmity : Dragon.

Five Elements: Each animal has a predominant natural element that rules over them. There are five elements : water, wood, fire, metal, and earth. There are no earth elements because earth occupies the center of all elements. In addition to each animal having a natural element, each individual year has a presiding element. In some years, the year element is in sympathy with the animal's element, in other years it will work against. So in the non-sympathetic years, an animal might have to overcome more obstacles that the year encompasses. 
Animal Sign Origins The real origin of the animal signs in Chinese astrology is not clear. Legend suggests the creation is attributed to the Yellw Emperor in 2637 B.C. The Yellow Emperor is a semimythical figure. Another legend attributes Buddha c.563-c.483 B.C, with the creation of the animal cycle. Buddha had invited all the animals to visit him but only twelve

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  • I found this very interesting. Thank you for posting this. I am not only a rabbit...but also yin-wood which governs the rabbit...and my secret animal is a rabbit. Coincides a bit with my being a triple Taurus I think.
  • CORRECTION: go to the third paragraph on top of the article to find your element. Apparently it has a lot to do with the last number of the year of birth.

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