Yikes!!! "ebola is only transmitted by bodily fluids" then cdc doc Friedman said "there are no symptoms for weeks" so if someone has it and scratches their wet nose then shakes your hand your dead. We should find out if there are more cases in Texas within a couple of weeks.

Chris Matthews turns on baraq!!

Hawaii ebola scare;http://khon2.com/2014/10/01/patient-in-isolation-in-honolulu-hospital-officials-say-ebola-a-possibility/

Texas family on lock down;http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2014/10/02/texas-orders-family-of-ebola-patient-to-stay-home/


Wary of Ebola, Dallas parents pull kids from schoolhttp://www.star-telegram.com/2014/10/01/6165611/officials-say-only-one-ebola-case.html?rh=1

On MSNBC's Hardball tonight, host Chris Matthews tussled with Obamacare architect Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel over the how serious a threat Ebola is to Americans. Matthews and Emanuel also spar over President Obama saying it was "unlikely" that an Ebola case would strike the U.S. 

"Obama said it was unlikely. It has happened. It's here," Matthews said.

Dr. Emanuel said there is some "fear mongering" going on here, but Matthews said he was just quoting the president and stating facts. Here's a bit of the argument that lasted nearly ten minutes:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: I'm just trying to follow the logic here. Everybody's being told, don't worry unless they have the infectious symptoms, you can see them, that you don't have to worry about catching them. Yet, this guy picked up the disease apparently from somebody who did not have the infectious symptoms. 

DR. EZEKIEL EMANUEL: Again, don't hypothesize because we just don't know. We have no idea what he did or didn't do and how he got it. I'm sure that's going to be vital information to try to understand the transmission, but the idea that there's going to be a widespread outbreak here, I think is just, again, it's a bit of fear mongering. We have a single case. This is not a big, widespread --

MATTHEWS: Yeah, yeah, but I'm just going back to the president's statement, doctor, and that is that the president said it would be unlikely if we had a case in this country. Unlikely to even have one case. You want to see the tape again?

EMANUEL: He said there wouldn't be an Ebola outbreak.

MATTHEWS: No, and in the second part of his sentence he said in the unlikely case someone brings it here. In the unlikely case someone brings it here. Well, they've done it. We're living in the world of the unlikely already. That's all I'm saying. I'm not fear mongering. I'm stating the facts and I wonder if everybody else is.


EMANUEL: The reason we can be assured here that this isn't going to be a major outbreak is we have a CDC that can do very good contact tracing. We have a very good health system that takes universal precautions on all patients, with the gloves. And you're not regularly in contact with people's bodily fluids the way it is much more common in Liberia. I think those things distinguish it. And I don't think we should get into a panic because we were reassured it would never be in the United States.

MATTHEWS: No, the president said it was unlikely two weeks ago. Well, it's not the unlikely, it has happened. It's here.

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  • wasn't a dream-it was a vision-the viruses are released in spirit form first then those who have chosen the experience before birth-as per their contract for this life, let's say-catch it when it manifests, although ebola has been around awhile I saw this vision just before the new strain of H2N1

  • Let's not overstate the issue. Everyone who have had contact with this patient are under close observation. Therfore, there's no "spreading like wildfire" here.. More like "spreading like snail-goo" in this case. Those closest to the patient have even been ordered to stay home while others stay home just as a precaution. ;)

    It may however, be wise for everyone in and around Texas to make sure they have food and water in the house for at least 6 weeks of total isolation. If this thing does break out, that preparation could save your life since it'll allow you to isolate yourself from everyone during the initial and largest incubation period of the populace.

    • problem is you won't know you have it for at least two weeks after you contract it

      • Luckily, it wont be infectious until you get the symptoms so .. Until you feel it, you'll not be contaminating anyone.

        The two days this person were at large may have caused some problems though. He were indeed symptomatic, and the stupid ass Texas-inbred-moronic-half-mexican doctors may have caused him to infect a great number of people during this time. That's why they are being monitored right now.

        The moment they show symptoms, they'll be isolated and so will everyone else who have had contact with them during the minutes of those symptoms emerging (I'd hope, since I don't know about Texas medical policies, but if they fuck up again, it may ne prudent to nuke/fire bomb the entire state just as a precaution). 

        • the problem in west africa was they did not contain it by quarantining enough people -if it has spread in texas they will need to lock up dozens and hope-and still flights from west africa continue-complete insanity

          • "the problem in west africa was they did not contain it by quarantining enough people"

            Well they tried, but since quarantines of large areas also demand them to airdrop food and supplies by the tonnes ever hour, it of course failed since they didn't have those resources. Few countries does and the west SHOULD have sent Hercules planes as aid immediately when they heard of the quarantines and yet they didn't, which meant that hungry and thirsty people eventually HAD to leave their villages in disguise to survive.

            Starving people can not think rationally and this is a factor that have to be counted on in scenarios like these.
            Their brain chemistry won't allow it as it would compromise their chances for survival.
            The moment an area is quarantined, the govt takes sole responsibility for feeding, clothing and treating everyone in that area during the quarantine. In Nigeria this have caused additional problems since it's widely believed that the health workers are the ones bringing the disiease, which means that they are often attacked and killed on sight when going to these quarantined areas.

            "-if it has spread in texas they will need to lock up dozens and hope"

            Yes, I agree. Unfortunely that would cause some GREAT legal (and uproar)-problems for the govt since "normal people" won't accept being locked up/isolated for weeks just to be monitored for symptoms.
            Most people get upset when they get their email monitored. Imagine how they'll react if the govt tries to lock them up for four weeks for monitoring of their entire life-"cycle" just as a precaution. Alex Jones would have a Field Month with it (i.e. He'd go "Ape" and stay that way for as long as he could sell fearporn on it). ;)

            "-and still flights from west africa continue-complete insanity"

            Yes, when I become president of Earth, I'll isolate entire countries for months the moment we hear about a first case of diseses of this type, and IF it were to spread to say the west, I wouldn't hesitate grounding every airplane in europe for 6 months.

            But then again.. I'm more like "Hitler" than I'm like "Obama" when it comes to resolution, decisiveness and purposefulness and I'm not afraid of informing (and convincing) people of how catastrophic it all could be if we didn't do like I propose.

            Of course, the economy would crash, burn, melt into glass and shatter all over again with me at the helm during such scenarios. Would you be prepared for that? ;)

  • "without scientists playing with the viruses where would we be?"

    and just because AIDS is now under control, it doesn't mean that is was a natural, unless some body screw the monkey at some point, which is unnatural to humans ... ;))

    • You don't have to screw the monkey to get AIDS. All you need to do is to hunt it, touch its blood and possibly not cook it properly, and you're all in. ;)

      It may chock you to know that the main carrier of the Ebola virus is a bat that happens to be a delicacy in the area of the outbreak. Ebola may be nothing other than natures way of saying "leave my rare species alone!".

      Mad Cow disease for humans were natures way of saying "soylent green for cows is just as bad as it would be for humans, i.e. don't feed your cows with corpses of other cows" :)

  • http://www.uow.edu.au/~bmartin/dissent/documents/AIDS/Hooper03/Hoop...


    is it true? .... what they say ?.... for some strange reason everything that sounds 'inhuman, and involves government' goes to 'conspiracy theory' almost right away. So i could say that yes this virus may be engineered in the lab, and maybe there is a vaccine for that too. But then it's only me saying ... nobody will ever admit to this, so looking for proof is like looking for the needle in the hay, it's there but where ... plus i am not a scientist, however i can't ignore 'intuition' ... and mine tells me that this is not natural, too many coincidences that surrounds it ... ;))

  • there are definitely labs that produce viruses that are let loose on the population-it is population control-I saw one but it's in a spiritual realm-just like a lab you'd see anywhere-not saying I agree with it,working to get out of this nightmare school 

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