Christ Michael through unknown channel (DS) on Wednesday June 20, 2012, and dated Friday June 22, 2012
On the morning of the fourth day dawn will be burning in amber hues. The silence that had taken hold of one’s soul will still be embraced as this new day comes to light. For during the 3 Days of Darkness the Spirits and Souls of Humanity will awaken and be forced to see clearly their demise by which they had forsaken their truth within themselves on Earth and in the heavens above. In the midst of the darkness the silence will be heard so loud it will echo onto them by which ALL will know the Mighty Power of their Father/Creator. Much madness, sadness and tears will present itself, for denial was at the forefront of many issues. They will no longer deny the lighted truths from within as the crevices of hiding and denying will be lighted as never before. Shafts of lighted knowledge, truth, and divine scripture will come flooding into awareness, and the voice of their Creator will not be denied. Fear will rise and their core will be shaken, but for these souls, the days of darkness will be their ticket to freedom. Freedom by which many untruths and lies of deception had distorted their reality of what is real and what is false. Some will rejoice as a spark of lighted memory comes flooding onto them and some will spiral into the fear of uncertainty. A time of reckoning has occurred, that which was predestined to come. A time prayed for by many and welcomed in dreams. Nothing will ever be the same again! People will never be the same again! The nature of God will have been shown and his lighted love will transcend unto the world his glory and Oneness! Hearts will rejoice and be opened as love prevails and unites many! The golden Light of truth will flow in the air opening all doors to the soul. Clarity beholden to eyes opened and minds eager will come to them. Decisions will need to be made by each as to where they stand as the Lighted truths will no longer wait or be compromised. It is the time of reckoning! Each souls time to face themselves and see what they are made of, as they can no longer deny or hide that which they will know within. By the end of the 3 Days of Darkness much will have been addressed and confronted by each soul, as this has been ordained. As the morning sun rises on the 4th Day celebrations will be heard worldwide. The darkened cleansing will have accomplished its divine mission of awakening the masses, and mankind will have been purged of the evil dark cabal. This will be felt, sensed, and known and there will be no denying the changed energy signature within the air and of those around you. The hunger and thirst for truth will herald in the time of disclosure and announcements! May my Divine Light be upon my Anointed Ones. Blessed be to all!