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Alex Jones explains…
The time selected for the horoscope chart will be when the gates open, and not kick-off time. The Eagles are expected to wear midnight green jerseys, and the Chiefs will probably wear white. These are the reported…
used to take 7 hrs from nyc to san paulo-now it's 10 hours!!! I've heard our position in the milky way is different
that's Jerry Garcia and his spirit entourage! Summer time with the Dead!!!
As much as I like the idea of things leaking in from other timelines...and as often as we jump timelines there should be a few things out of place....I have seen nothing to convince me of the so called Mandela effect. Eastern thought says that our whole experience is based on mis-perception. We perceive and interpret 85-100% of things of course our memories are also wrong and we repeat these mistakes aloud until whole groups are repeating and believing wrong things. (a mistake that repeats and spreads like a virus...does this sound familiar.) . What I see with this Mandela effect is some people who will believe anything just so they don´t have to admit that they were wrong or did´t know some things...
You know Feather, you may be right (at least on this Jesus statute)
I´m just watching and wondering...
I disaggree Feather, the phenomenon of the Mandela Effect is clearly happening in so many areas, look at the Ford logo for example, or the Volkswagon logo.. look at the way peoples names have changed, continents shifted, the list goes on.. its a baffling phenomenon, even the human anatomy has changed considerably.. if you haven´t seen anything to convince you of the Mandela Effect (as you say) then you must be living under a rock! .. lol..
Check out what John Lash makes of the Mandela Effect, he is also in the process of decoding the Mandela Effect through a Gnostic perspective which is really rather mind bending...
Luke,,,We can change the past by going to the point in the Morphogenic field (akashic records) and changing the past, this would also change the present. When we understand Time as information embedded in space (space/time becomes space/information) it opens the view for many possibilities. Energetic healing uses the process of changing the past to clear original causes and clearing karma also changes the past, but I am not impressed by the examples of mandela effect from all the vids I have seen or discussions I have been in. One condition of the mandela effect is that all the past information around an example has been changed...we don´t find any examples the way we remembered them, so this would corespond with changing the past.. I´m just starting on the Lash vid, I will see what he has to say on this... Here is a vid by Sheldrake on the Morphogenic field..
Feather, I definately aggree that it is possible to alter the outcome of the past by accessing the Akashic records, most certainly, despite what many people say, that you cannot change the past, I think they are simply not informed of the alchemical and / or supernatural methods we inherently have at our disposal, but the question arises, how many people are actualy doing it? Probibly not that many, if any. We are a population of great talkers, some would say babblers and wafflers, but how many actually get proactive and put all of their big talk of entering higher states of conciousness into practice? How many people do you know are deliberately accessing the Akashic records with the intent of altering the past? How many people are really in telepathic communication with Extra or Ultra Terrestrial beings as they claim to be? Who knows, but one thing is certain, Love does not find it's home in every human being, that is a fact, it does not reach every living being, it only reaches those who are recepive and open to receiving that Love. Where does the Love come from? Well, to my understanding, it comes from the center of the Universe, or the center point of the Multiverse, therefore either way it comes externally, not from within. Our ability to respond to that Love is what comes from within ourselves, how we respond to the Love given to us, and how we can direct that Love outwards. As debatable as that sounds, it is merely my perspective, as there are countless millions of so called new agers sitting in the lotus position on yoga mats who would raise their finger in objection, determined to continue to believe that all the Love they have resides within them. One thing they haven't payed attention to, is the origin of the Love that they think comes from within them. Little do they realize that they don't actually have a life of their own, but are in fact charactors in the dream of their Earth Mother. If you tell this to those who think they are deeply spiritual, what arises in them is like a surpressed belch or a multi colored yawn as they blurt out the ole favorite, as the mighty "I AM" suddenly makes a cameo appearence in their vocabulary. Sure, "I AM" presence is what its all about but how many people give full credit to the Originator, or God to be able to say those words, to first recognise that God is abundance, all love, all life, all power and all present before they unify it with themselves? The moment we surrender and fully accept that we don't actually have a life of our own, despite the antithetical contrast that arises in anyones mind anytime they look in the mirror, that is the point when we become fully lucid ourselves and that is when we really stand at the threshold of really understanding the devine supernatural nature of our "so called lives".
We could listen to and absorb, intergrate and relate some of the most mind bending data from some of the most clued in seers and brilliant contemporary shamen in the world, such as John Lash,Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, Carl Sagan, Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda, to name but a few committed to driving home the teachings of the Mystery schools until the cows come home, but what good is any of it less we live by those teachings, unless we put them into practice, unless we act accordingly? Without doubt, these brilliant and wise souls have paved the way for and provide essential guide books and tool kits necessary for humanity to avoid the traps on the path of awakening and unlock its full potential, and without whom I would personally miss on a very deep level as teachers who helped enable me to open my eyes and my mind into the multidimensional and cosmic nature of all that is. Truely, there is great remembering of our true origin underway as you know, with an untold number of well connected souls busy in their spiritual practices, but as you also know, there are untold billions who are disconnected from their hearts, a legion void of Love, compassion, empathy and devine intelegence, throngs of ignorant sheeple distracted by fear, lost in the sauce and who have given in to their pain bodies, allowing their conditioning to continue steering the wheel of their so called lives. Okay, where are we going? Back to the center of it all. None shall be left behind, and for sure, we are magical children, many of us are aware of it, spiritual alchemists capable of realizing and actualizing some astonishing realizations and manifestations, but to my understanding, the master stroak belongs to the one who gave birth to us, our real Mother, Gaia, and that is tremendously forgotten and often overlooked by vast numbers of so called critical thinkers, yogis, gurus and full conciousness seeking individuals in the so called healing game. The fact that the Earth itself is a living organism, a devine living, breathing being and that we her offspring, her children, and that we are being dreamt by her, not the other way around, hints at the notion that most people who are unaware of that fact, and who spout metaphysical mumbo jumbo are basically not grounded in reality, moreso their heads are in the clouds. Therefore, all that you can see happening around you, including this Mandela Effect phenomenon, is part and parcel of the dreaming of Gaia. The more we ground ourselves into her dream, the better we will understand the phenomenon of the so called Mandela Effect.
John Lash proposes that the Mandela Effect is the Earth Mother hacking into the human mind and into the Internet, in order to get your attention, even through seemingly trivial examples like subtle changes in car ornaments, product name changes and slight differences in movie scenes, celebrity name changes and so forth which may be deemed as nothing more than glitches in the Matrix or editing done on purpose. Why so, would people take it upon themselves to edit such seemingly trival things? It would take thousands of computer savvy indiviuals punching away at computer keyboards and using ridiculously advanced sofware to produce what we now see in all of these Mandela Effect examples. Why are their so many examples? I would suggest that the Earth itself is becomming lucid, and that the Mandela Effect itself represents certain signals and sign posts of that lucid dream, that we are being nudged by our Earth Mother in some supernatural way, so that we don't get psyop'd ever again and therefore, the paradox is that things are being edited on purpose, but not by the folks in CERN or by some laughable notion of a group of satanic otherworldly entities, but by the Earth itself, as a means of correcting the sickness injected into the human psyche through social conditioning, by the parasitic Archontic forces that have distracted the human mind for eons. Social conditioning is having the wool pulled over your eyes, perhaps the Mandela Effect is a ways and means to get clear in the mind, an oppurtunity to get sober, courtesy of the Earth itself grabbing your attention. Although I wouldn't refer to the Mandela Effect as a condition as you state, but you are right when you speak about all past information around an example having been changed, that we don't find examples the way we remembered them, bar residual evidence which does exist and can be found when one is prepared to undergo an investigation and turn over every stone. I don't think it's a question of being impressed as you say by the videos or discussions about the Mandela Effect, moreso it's a phenomenon that reaches people when they are ready to absorb it's depth and true significance at their own rate and in their own time. Of course, you can take it or leave it at your own will, you can decide what you want to make of it at your own comfort level and to your own resonance, your own understanding of the Mandela Effect, or not as the case may be. I certainly don't ask that anyone believes me, in fact, I don't want anyone to believe me, but to just pay attention, because the fact that the Mandela Effect has indeed sparked peoples interest, is a clear sign that it will eventually reveal itself for what it actually is and why it is occuring. What is undeniable, is that it is occuring and it appears to come in the same way that quantum theory defines your attention span, as anything does, when you are looking, it becomes a partical, when you are not looking, it resorts to a hazy wave. I think the more you focus on discovering the meaning of the Mandela Effect, the more is revealed unto you, through your undivided attention to it. Otherwise, it will simply continue its mission without your attention, and find its way to those who are open and attentive. Like anything, indeed Love in particular, what you focus on expands. This is the same reason why Love is always available to everyone all the time, but naturally does not reach those who shut the door on it. It finds its home through open doorways.
Luke....I take your reply to mean that you might be one who feels that Christ the Redeemer is asking for a hug......I think so, too...
So, where is the love...?...seems to me that love flows through us, it surrounds us, it is everywhere, love is free, unlimited and does not belong to anyone.. We just don´t notice it the same way we don´t notice oxygen. We block it out with our belief in lack. It is like a fish going around his whole life and looking for water and never noticing it is all around...both inside and out.. Was thinking that inside and outside is also part of the illusion..
Sophia giving us a nudge with the mandela effect and making people pay attention is probably the best explanation.. We all know that the evils do not really control this planet and there are larger forces at work here.
Not sure about Christ the Redeemer asking for a hug, he might have just pulled a muscle while he was stretching and and got stuck in that position, or maybe he was a flasher in a past life :) To my understanding, love flows through those who are receptive and open to it, allowing that love to flow through them, but it does not flow through people whose hearts are closed, rather it glides over those people like wind over rocks and find's it's home in others, where it is welcome. If love flowed through everyone, the world would be a far more pleasent place to live in. I think it's a mistake to think that love is in everyone, because it's not. Look how deep the Archon infection has spread in certain individuals, how blocked they have become. Anyhow, I think there is both the internal and the external, and yet nothing exists outside of our skin.. isn't it weird? Quantum Physics is nut's, the fact that nothing touches anything. If you're sitting in a chair, your technically not, because your arse and the chair and made up of atoms. How depressing, because when you kiss someone, or pet the dog, of hug your grandmother, you're not actually making contact with them at all, you're just feeling the repulsive force of their electrons. Same thing when you have sex, there's never any bodily contact, it's just magnetic repulsion forces pushing matter out of the way. Basically we're just hovering around everything, due to the fact there are billions of atoms, molecules and particles at a sub atomic level inbetween that act as a buffer. I must remember that the next time I have a wank, knowing that it's just a bunch of molecules bounching off each other and that I'm just feeling the repulsive pull of my electrons! :)