Church Group Kicked Out Of Public Park For Handing Out Thanksgiving Dinners To Homeless
Park ranger demanded church group leave for violating an alleged city ordinance
Mikael Thalen November 29, 2013
A church group in Lake Worth, FL was kicked out of a public park Thursday afternoon after a park ranger spotted them feeding homeless residents.
Members from the Acts 2 Worship Center, who headed to Palm Beach County’s John Prince Park to feed the homeless, intended to teach their children a valuable lesson about the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
“We brought our kids out here so they could see what it’s really like for people that are struggling,” Acts 2 member Brian Oakes told CBS 12.
The park’s growing homeless population, many who have been hit hard by the weakening economy, were more than thankful for the warm meal.
“We’re grateful you know. They hand out, we meet the guys and stuff. They give us a prayer and everything,” homeless resident Kevin Rudd said.
Unfortunately, a Palm Beach County park ranger “just following orders” soon approached the group and demanded they leave for violating an alleged city ordinance.
“It’s very disappointing. We didn’t intend for this today,” said Brian. “ We just wanted to give the food and be able to bless people.”
Despite being told to leave, the church group sided with humanity, defying the orders as they finished handing out the rest of their meals.
After being confronted by CBS 12 reporter Israel Balderas, the park ranger declined to comment, admitting he was given “strict orders” not to discuss the matter with anyone.
“I can’t talk to you. my bosses don’t want me to talk,” the park ranger said.
According to the park ranger, who had to radio supervisors to learn the ordinance he was enforcing, feeding the homeless was not permitted by a “large group.”
Sadly, the situation in Florida is an eye-opening representation of the country’s current state, where hoards of shoppers violently fighting over fake deals are praised, and those actually engaging in thanksgiving are defied.
This article was originally posted on
Spoken like a true Nazi and follower of Mao. With vegan leanings.
malcolm, thanks for a good laugh brotha...................
Hey, it's Thanksgiving. Glad to hear you say thanks instead of judgement calls.
vegans allow other humans to murder and kill animals~!~..........this is getting better by the minute...........did you know that few slaughterhouses had closed its door , in amerika, because the demand for animal flesh is decreasing in past few yrs as the # of vegetarians and vegans had doubled in last 5 yrs............did you know that average vegan saves about 100 animals a yr and you write such a smuck above..............
I think that a bit of education for you is in order.
Atleast you have the option to CHOOSE what you are putting in your mouth, in poverty you can't really choose (I know firsthand because I live in a country with lot of injustice and poor people)
...Yep...+ There Is More To Come.....They Are Already Stocking Up Their Freezers With Dead Animals...For Their Festive Christmas Feast.....Hmm Strange Human Animal Eaters.......................
vegans allow such slaughter ~?~...............come on, be serious, please
I give thanks that I'm still alive, and working with people who care and living among people who respect me for what I am, and not for what they think I should be.
If you are so concerned about the innocent birds being slaughtered, maybe you should go live among them and protect them.
If you live among people and have differences of opinion with your human neighbors about their lifestyle or choices, then either mind your own business or do what is legally right, Or try to be nice, regardless of your beliefs.
...Ok Malc.... See....I Dont Choose To Eat Animals...But I Also Dont Judge Those Who Do...Just Giving.... MY... Individual Opinion....On This Matter......You Take Everything Wayyy To Seriously......Chill Out Mate.........
But they weren't kicked out. They ignored the order and stayed. This would only have been a story if the police would have forcibly removed them, which they didn't.
I think this is a storm in a glass of water.