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"For 16yrs Chris Bledsoe has been seeing and inviting ufo orbs to his and others vision, he's been investigated by the highest ufo experts, history channel have done videos of him, fox news and other media have interviewed him, he's been on many…"
Be The Joy That You Would Feel Joyful About Be the blessed person that you would love to know, and that blessed soul you shall always be.
...I stand in the center of my truth, radiating balance, strength, and authenticity....I transform fear into courage, doubt into clarity, and chaos into creation....I am aligned with the cosmic rythm, embracing my divine purpose with faith and…
Meditating With The Violet Flames & White Light Creatrix Energies By Steven Hutchinson Ideally, you call forth from the Great Compassionate Light the Violet Flames and White Light Creatrix Energies and visualize them permeating your heart space,…
"Heres a compilation of him summoning them to show themselves to him..""
"Chris Bledsoe claims he's had full contact & has been for years and he apparently summons them to show themselves to him to be filmed..""
"Hi! I can relate to supra-consciousness as it were."
Our world has been put into a coma for years by the media and paid truth tellers to the point where it is impossible for most people to tell the difference between real and fake news.Once again, we the people are on the verge of a breakthrough to…
Chapter XII
“Dark Mission” reveals how NASA operates as defense agency with hidden agenda
02/27/2025 // Kevin Hughes //…
Mr. Ed: I LOVE that Rev, Manning. He calls o-BOMB-a a Long-Legged Mac Daddy' (Whatever that is). Google: Rev,. Manning Long-Legged Mac Daddy.
Black People
Thank Me For Using
The Race Card
Pic of Obama with one of his college Pakistani buddies. Note this 2nd blow-up (enlargement) pic of their hands inter-twined around the smoke. Count the fingers.
People reveal themselves quite nicely ~
Jerome Corsi: Evidence Obama Was Married To Pakistani Man
In a video recently uploaded to YouTube, tea party activist and author Jerome Corsi said there was evidence that President Barack Obama was married to another man before he married Michelle.
“The evidence, I think, is very strong,” Jerome Corsi states the video. “The question is not to condemn Obama here for being bisexual or gay, if that’s in fact what he is, but to wonder why he’s gone to the extent of hiding it, especially when he now is supporting same sex marriage what’s the duplicity? What’s the hypocrisy?”
Mr. Ed: I have seen this photo before, though it is very funny.
Mr, Ed: I know that YOU are not being RACIST, I was just being sarcastic with the OTHER people who would THINK that it was RACIST. The Great Almightly o-BOMB-a sure has enjoyed plenty at our expense, I can agree with you there. I can't WAIT for your next photo! I'VE lightend up, Mr. Ed. Sincerely, 1 Darkstar, Queen of the Dark
Hmmm I didn't read all the comments below, and maybe I shouldn't be saying anything at all... yet I feel compelled to share just a small thought, or maybe a realization that I just recently came to myself. This doesn't really have to do with racism at all, but has more to do with unconditional love and understanding.
I like many here experiencing this earth realm have been dealt a shitty card from time to time, well about a month ago I did a job for somebody and they didn't pay me, and a guy I was dating stopped talking to me after he realized that I wasn't going to give things up right away. Well at first these events left me very bitter, and I just wanted revenge or to make them feel the way they had me. I stewed over it for a while, but I finally came to the conclusion that it would benefit all included if I simply just forgave them and moved on... Well the most incredible thing happened, I felt all the anger and malice and distrust I had been harboring just melted away! A huge thorn was taken from my heart and that was the beginning of my awakening. Knowledge, love, affection, all started to flow to me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that despite if you may feel justified in your negative opinions, beliefs, feelings ect... in the end it it will probably just end up harming you, by taking up the precious space that would be better used by love, forgiveness, creation and uplifting things such as those that can benefit, instead of any kind of negative reaction.
Is unconditional love not the key to world peace and harmony? It makes sense to me that it would be. We never know other peoples circumstances and what has led them to where they are now. Maybe we should feel concern and compassion in contrast to judgement and condemnation. Nobody likes to be judged, it makes me feel terrible, and misunderstood.
Ha ha I said I had a short thought... wasn't too short, and I hope I didn't offend any one, just my thoughts.
and this just shows how drexs furthers the divide around here.