The following article was transcribed verbatim from:http://www.naturalnews.com/027434_cilantro_detox_health.htmlCilantro helps detox heavy metalsMonday, November 09, 2009by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews EditorKey concepts: Cilantro, Detox and HealthView on NaturalPedia: Cilantro, Detox and Health(NaturalNews) Heavy metals are extremely toxic to human neurology. Mercury, lead and cadmium all contribute aggressively to the deterioration of neurological function. Fortunately, there's a simple, natural way to detox your body and remove these toxic substances from your tissues.The solution is cilantro. It's that magical-tasting herb often used in Mexican food recipes. As it turns out, cilantro not only taste great, it also binds to heavy metals and helps remove them from your body.Below, we're collected some important research on this remarkable ability of the cilantro herb. Read them all to learn more, then whip up your own delicious recipes using raw cilantro in your own kitchen!Food, after all, is really potent medicine. You can also purchase cilantro liquid extracts from places like Baseline Nutritionals (their product is called "Metal Magic") or other vendors of quality superfood supplements.Cilantro removes heavy metalsSupplements helpful in the detoxification process include: cilantro, Vitamin C, selenium, garlic and others. Eating a clean diet, free of pesticides and hormones, is a must for a detoxification program. I encourage my patients to eat whole foods, with adequate amounts of protein. Eliminating the "whites"-- refined sugar, refined flour, and refined salt will help any health condition and help any detoxification program. The glycemic index of carbohydrates can be a helpful guide on which carbohydrates to eat and which to avoid.- The Miracle of Natural Hormones by David BrownsteinAdd cilantro to meals; it can help remove heavy metals. Add dark green leafy vegetables, which contain chlorophyll, a helpful detoxifier. Get curcuminoids from spices such as turmeric. Try herbal detoxification teas containing mixtures of burdock root, dandelion root, ginger root, licorice root, sarsaparilla root, cardamom seed, cinnamon bark, and other herbs.- Ultraprevention : The 6-Week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life by Mark Hyman, M.D.There are several natural chelation products that use only the cilantro and chlorella to extremely positive effect supporting the basic premises being put forth here. The addition of ALA brings in the leading work of Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler, who is one of the world's leading experts on mercury detoxification. His extensive and successful use of ALA has won him a large devoted audience.- Transdermal Magnesium Therapy by Mark SircusMetal Magic is made from two simple herbs: cilantro and chlorella. Alone, each of these has the ability to bind with heavy metals, and together they make a very powerful metal detoxification substance that can literally pull mercury, lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals right out of your body, thereby sparing your body the damage that would normally be caused by those heavy metals. This is potentially a life-saving product, and it can certainly save the health of a fetus, if you happen to be pregnant or you plan to have a pregnancy in the near future.- Natural Health Solutions by Mike AdamsEat more foods that contain Vitamin C, such as the supergrain Chia, or red-colored fruits and vegetables, for about ten days. Use cilantro leaves and green leafy vegetables in every main meal to help clear mercury and other metal deposits from the body. Drinking several cups of Pau d'Arco (Lapacho) tea per day, or taking four capsules of its extract three times daily for two weeks may greatly assist you in the detoxification of the blood, liver and kidneys.- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas MoritzSince 1 couldn't afford $9,000 for those treatments, I intensified my detoxification program by taking in more wheatgrass, the sea vegetable chlorella and cilantro, reputed to be a good heavy metal chelator. Fasting is also effective at reducing the body's toxic burden. Third, make sure you get enough sleep. Studies show that people who don't sleep enough have intensified appetites due to a lack of the hormone leptin. I have also found coconut oil or butter to be extremely helpful in burning fat. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, or triglycerides (MCTs).- The Live Food Factor: The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet by Susan E. SchenckAs you can see from the following recipes, I adore cilantro! It is said to be a good heavy metal chelator to aid in detoxification. I put an entire bunch of it in almost anything that is not a dessert. Feel free to reduce the amount. You could also use parsley or your own favorite herb as a substitute. When I first started preparing raw dishes, I omitted many of the fresh herbs because I didn't want to pay two dollars for some fresh organic herbs when the recipes called for so little of them.- The Live Food Factor: The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet by Susan E. SchenckWe helped him detoxify from this mercury poisoning with foods such as kale, watercress, and cilantro; herbs such as milk thistle; nutrients such as selenium and zinc; and chelating medications that helped him overcome his genetic difficulties getting rid of toxins. We lowered his cholesterol with diet, herbs, and exercise. We lowered his homocysteine with high doses of folate, B12, and B6 to overcome his weak MTHFR gene. And we added an extra, special form of folate called methyl folate, the active form that bypasses the ineffective gene.- The Live Food Factor: The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet by Susan E. SchenckInitial studies indicate that fresh cilantro may be extremely effective in helping flush heavy metals out of the blood. Taking 400 mg of cilantro a day can pretty much clean heavy metals out of the body in just 2 weeks. Dr. David Williams has a great recipe for cilantro pesto in his June '98 Alternatives newsletter. Process one cup packed fresh cilantro and six tablespoons of olive oil in a blender until the cilantro is chopped. Add one clove garlic; a half cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts, and two tablespoons lemon juice. Blend to a lumpy paste. (Add a little hot water if necessary.)- Whole-Body Dentistry: Discover The Missing Piece To Better Health by Robert C. Atkins MDCilantro stimulates the body's release of mercury and other heavy metals from the brain and CNS into other tissue. Cilantro's postulated mechanism of action is to act as a reducing agent changing the charge on the intracellular mercury to a neutral state allowing mercury to diffuse down its concentration gradient into connective tissue.- Transdermal Magnesium Therapy by Mark SircusThe amount of cilantro varied by individual because some subjects did not like either cooked or raw cilantro, but the researchers found that cilantro worked synergistically with antibiotic drugs and rapidly reduced symptoms and infection. They also found that cilantro accelerated the elimination of mercury, lead, and aluminum through the urine. They hypothesized that certain infectious organisms somehow use mercury or lead to protect themselves from antibiotics or that deposits of heavy metals somehow make antibiotics ineffective.- Disease Prevention and Treatment by The Life Extension Editorial StaffOrganic foods decrease the toxic burden that pesticides cause. Cilantro, parsley, dark leafy greens help to bind up toxins, such as heavy metals, for excretion. Goat milk, yogurt and cheese are more readily digested than cow dairy products. Rice and soya milk are alternatives to goat or cow milk. Cottage cheese and plain cow milk yogurt are acceptable. Oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa and brown rice are healthy grains that do not contain gluten. Sometimes oatmeal is cross-contaminated with wheat, which contains gluten. If you are a celiac, be careful with oats.- Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health by Heather CarusoOral chelators such as zeolite, cilantro, chlorella, the sulfur amino acids - methionine, cysteine and cystine - plus all sulfur containing foods, are preferred from a strictly natural health point of view. Exercise that produces perspiration, saunas, and steam baths in combination with the foods indicated above, are also helpful in eliminating heavy metals. Synthetic chemicals and their combinations pose a serious threat to health. It is reported that 80,000 chemicals are in use today, and that this number increases yearly.- Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means by Ron GarnerThe essential oils of cilantro are considered to have antifungal and antibacterial properties (Omura et al. 1995; 1996). In studies at the Heart Disease Foundation (New York), Omura et al. (1995; 1996) found that antibiotics used to treat infection were not effective in the presence of heavy metals such as mercury and lead. These metals appeared to coexist with infections such as Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes simplex, as well as with cytomegalovirus and other microorganisms, including viruses responsible for cancer.- Disease Prevention and Treatment by The Life Extension Editorial Staff******************************************************************************************************************The following article was transcribed verbatim from:http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/cilantro.htmlThe Health Benefits of CilantroCilantro is featured in dishes cooked everywhere from Spain to Mexico, the Middle East to the South America. The fresh leafs are often sprinkled over the tops of dishes, and the root is used in Thailand to give that distinctly powerful flavor to local dishes. You may already know that cilantro is one of the main ingredients in the salsa at your favorite Mexican restaurant.Cilantro, also known as coriander, has a distinct aroma due to its concentrated essential oils. This captivating aroma may have been responsible for humans around the world intuitively incorporating cilantro into their diets for health reasons that modern science is just beginning to understand.The History of Organic CilantroWhile it's difficult to prove where exactly this powerful herb may have originated, experts suggest that this valuable plant hails from the Near East or southern Europe due to the fact that these regions contain large amounts of the herb growing in the wild.³ Archeologists have also found remnants of cilantro cultivation in the tombs of the ancient Egyptians, including that of the famous King Tutankhamen.¹Cilantro was also cultivated in ancient Greece; the leaves being used for foods, and the robust essential oil being used for perfume-making. The Romans then introduced the herb to what is now modern day England during medieval times, where it was used to mask the smells of rotten meat. From Europe, the British brought cilantro to the North American colonies in 1670, and it has been a popular staple in the Americas ever since.²The Health Benefits of Organic CilantroThis herb isn't just a commonly-used leaf and seed ingredient found in many tasty and exotic recipes, it's also a powerful natural cleansing agent. Cilantro has been effectively used to help remove heavy metals and other toxic agents from the body.The chemical compounds in cilantro actually bind to the heavy metals, loosening them from the tissues, blood and organs. Cilantro's chemical compounds then aid to transport these harmful substances out of the body through elimination.There is also a large amount of literature suggesting that cilantro could be one of nature's best chelation agents, particularly for individuals who have been exposed to heightened levels of mercury. Mercury excess is a common problem that may be the result of metallic teeth fillings or over-consumption of predatory fish. Many people suffering from excess mercury report that the feeling of disorientation resulting from the poisoning can be greatly reduced through consuming large and regular amounts of cilantro over an extended period.Also, the rich qualities of cilantro oil have a powerfully positive effect on our inner digestive tract. The oils aid our digestive system in its production digestive enzymes, acids and juices. The oil also helps to stimulate digestion through peristaltic motion.The known benefits of organic cilantro are extensive, and researchers are discovering more every day. Currently, there are several well-known, well-documented benefits of organic cilantro, including:•Powerful anti-inflammatory capacities that may help symptoms of arthritis•Protective agents against bacterial infection from Salmonella in food products•Acts to increase HDL cholesterol (the good kind), and reduces LDL cholesterol (the bad kind)•Relief for stomach gas, prevention of flatulence and an overall digestive aid•Wards off urinary tract infections•Helps reduce feelings of nausea•Eases hormonal mood swings associated with menstruation•Has been shown to reduce menstrual cramping.•Adds fiber to the digestive tract•A source of iron, magnesium, and is helpful in fighting anemia•Gives relief for diarrhea, especially if caused by microbial or fungal infections•Helps promote healthy liver function.•Reduces minor swelling•Strong general anti-oxidant properties•Disinfects and helps detoxify the body•Stimulates the endocrine glands•Helps with insulin secretion and lowers blood sugar•Acts as a natural anti-septic and anti-fungal agent for skin disorders like fungal infections and eczema•Contains immune-boosting properties•Acts as an expectorant•Helps ease conjunctivitis, as well as eye-aging, macular degeneration, and other stressors on the eyes.James A. Duke, Ph.D., a former botanist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and author of The CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, states that cilantro has been shown to settle the stomach. He recommends drinking a cup of the tea made from a handful of the leaves, when experiencing any form of stomach discomfort.4Natural Compounds in Organic CilantroCineole and linoleic acid are two primary components of organic cilantro that contain anti-rheumatic and anti-arthritic properties. These two components also help purge extra water present in the body due to swelling. Cilantro also contains oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin-C). Each of these elements are effective in lowering high cholesterol in the blood, as well as the internal walls of the veins and arteries.Borneol and Linalool, other components of cilantro, work to cleanse the liver and reduce diarrhea. As well as Cineole, Limonene, Alpha-pinene & beta-phelandrene. Each of which contains anti-bacterial properties. The Citronelol component is a well-known natural antiseptic, helping to reduce bad-breath, heal mouth-wounds and prevent oral ulcers. It also contains high amounts of vitamin-A, and important minerals like phosphorus.The best known chemical found in cilantro is a substance called Dodecenal. In a recent study led by Isao Kubo, Ph.D at the University of Berkeley, laboratory tests have shown that this component of cilantro is two times as potent as the commonly-used allopathic antibiotic medicine, gentamicin. This is the same antibiotic used to kill Salmonella, a potentially deadly food-born disease. Researchers believe that cilantro is the only natural antibacterial agent that is more effective than gentamicin. These same researchers are even looking into using organic cilantro oil as a way to eradicate the ever-growing problem of allopathic antibiotic resistance.5The Cultivation of Organic CilantroCilantro, or Coriandrum sativum, is from the Apiaceae family, and is an annual herb. Organic Cilantro is grown without the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and with a clean water source. This soft plant normally grows to about 50 centimeters tall. The fresh, raw leaves and seeds are used medicinally and as a cooking herb, although the entire plant, including the root, is edible. It is easy to grow cilantro in an indoor herb garden, or in a pot or herb garden outside. To best grow cilantro, plant it in an area that will receive full sun. The soil should be kept well-drained but constantly moist.Side Effects or Contraindications of Organic CilantroWhile many sources state that cilantro has little to no adverse side effects, there are some sources that warn that cilantro leaf should not be used during pregnancy, as it may lead to an increase chance of miscarriage in mothers, or may reduce chances of conception in women trying to become pregnant. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, please consult with your health care provider before consuming cilantro in any form.References1.John Chadwick, The Mycenaean World (Cambridge: University Press, 1976), p. 1192.Fragiska, M. (2005). Wild and Cultivated Vegetables, Herbs and Spices in Greek Antiquity. Environmental Archaeology 10 (1): 73-823.Daniel Zohary and Maria Hopf, Domestication of plants in the Old World, third edition (Oxford: University Press, 2000), p. 2064.Changes in Volatile Compounds of ?-Irradiated Fresh Cilantro Leaves during Cold Storage. Xuetong Fan* and Kimberly J. B. Sokorai. Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 190385.Antibacterial Activity of Coriander Volatile Compounds against Salmonella choleraesuis. Isao Kubo, et. al. Journal of Agric. Food Chem., 2002, 50 (26), pp 7622-7626. Published 2002 American Chemical Society

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  • Thank you for your suggestions, Elder.
    • Elder Wanderer, thank you very much for all your inspiring and useful articles published on Luis Prada's website. In particular, I've always been interested in wheatgrass, but the expensive stuff sold at milkshake bars often has questionable quality. After reading your article 'Perfect Food for Man', I've decided to grow my own wheatgrass. Would you please post information on 1) where to get the seeds/grains for growing wheatgrass; 2) equipment for growing it, and for preparing the juice; 3) instructions on how to grow wheatgrass.
      Thanks again, Elder Wanderer.
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