
Claiming Your Divine Power From Your God-Source

By Melanie Beckler


Happy New Year!

As we welcome this new year of 2024, we have the opportunity to now claim and act in alignment with all we've learned and grown through in 2023.

2023 in numerology was a 7 year, signifying a year of introspection, spiritual development, and contemplation.

And so now, we have the opportunity to take what we learned, to now step into this 8 universal year of 2024
(2+0+2+4), which exemplifies the opportunities for prosperity, expansion, and self-empowerment.

Infinite possibility, prosperity, and purpose await when you remember, cultivate and claim the power residing in the God - Source - Spiritual substance within you.

To support you in reconnecting with the Power of Source within you now, to claim the infinite possibilities, prosperity and potential this year can bring ...

I'm inspired to share with you today this free Archangel Blessings Meditation.

Connect through your heart to receive blessings from the Archangels from all the directions .

Listen to clear, cleanse and lift your energy ...

Receiving, anchoring and embodying the Divine Qualities that will most serve you in this new year, claiming the highest and best of the Infinite Possibilities now available for you in your life.


With love and bright blessings,


Video Link - Archangel Blessings Meditation - https://youtu.be/FW59f0X_-64?si=fQDgyxhYmlecVGED











One of Life's biggest Paradoxes is in Giving.

Giving in Love is the Way it Works.

Pour Out.

Give without Measure.

Though, Be Sure it's Given in Love.

Any other Motive won't bear Love's Fruit.

In Love, Giving and Receiving Become One.

It is Impossible to Out-give Love.





This World Is God's Entertainment By Adi


Divine Father lets us experience uncountable number of perfect worlds. I was specifically curious about the world of the Grand Sun and the solar realities of other Great Suns. In my meditation, our Father walked as his infinite presence beside me as I got to enter infinity of truly perfect worlds. Perfect, flawless worlds upon worlds.


I started to hear the most exquisite classical music sounding from the glorious solar worlds. I adored their structures, with every grain of celestial sand emanating musical tones and colors as blissful waves of indescribable ecstasy.


I bend forward to grab the golden crystalline sand and held it in my etheric palms. Every world was perfected to its highest potential and beyond. There was nothing to improve upon, just to adore and melt in divine bliss.


After visiting so many of all of these master worlds, with Divine Father by my side, I had two simultaneous thoughts. One, I had a thought that now makes me laugh. I thought, pure perfection upon perfection kind of gets boring after visiting infinite worlds where nothing could really be improved upon.


Divine Father of course saw my thought and laughed, too. “See, Divine Mother really enjoys these cosmic worlds. They are her hobby and entertainment. Infinite, endless worlds and ever more.”


As he was transmitting the words to me in pictures, I saw the ever-expanding infinity of flawless worlds. The cosmic dream at its absolute perfection. My second thought was really a question for our Father. “So what is beyond all these worlds?”


Again, he saw my thought and responded immediately with an invitation. “Beyond all the manifested worlds you see is the Absolute. Do you want to visit the Absolute?”


How could I not! Feeling oversaturated with worlds upon worlds of nothing but marvel, I followed the Father into a field of luminous, shimmering white light. Once I entered the infinite omnipresent field, I ceased to exist as a being. I became one with the milky white light.


I was consciousness but not identified with a form. There was no form, no worlds, no cosmos, no experience of an individual. Just thick scintillating light. Here I was not someone who can think as I became the experience of existence without limits. There was no I as such. The I dissolved into massively ecstatic ocean of white glistening light.


After eternity in the light with no form, no experience, completely dissolved into nothingness and everythingness, the I returned in a form of a thought “This bliss, too, gets kind of boring after the eternal now.”


If I had a body to laugh, I would have laughed again. Our Father saw my thought and I was immediately released back into the world of cosmic dream worlds. I felt slightly disoriented as I was back in a cosmic dream, filled with infinite spheres of divine creativity.


Another thought arose in me about our planetary, earthly world of so much imperfection, so much pain and suffering, so much struggle. Divine Father saw my thoughts and smiled again.


“You see, struggle can be interesting and entertaining in a dream world where no character can be harmed and no danger is real.” I saw all worlds now at once and our earthly world did seem like a much more actionable and interesting world. Another reason to laugh.


Divine Father delighted at my realization. “All worlds are divine entertainment. The earthly world is not judged or deemed lesser just because it is experiencing struggle and imperfection.” I felt complete love in his words. This love felt so complete that nothing else could taint it. All is well as is and ever will be. ~ Adi


Adi - https://www.greentara.guru/greentara


Video Link - The World Is God's Entertainment - https://youtu.be/9GotT0EXpow?si=Girf6VLq4bIzbGxz












When you are grateful, you're on the frequency of receiving.
One of the greatest tricks to speed up manifestation is to be grateful.
That's how you magnify your power. Everything is energy, everything is vibration. When you embody this feeling of gratitude, suddenly everything becomes possible.
Gratitude is a magical frequency.







Our Cosmic Rebirth By Kristen - Awakened Soul




This week has been a potent one!


Have you felt the increased frequencies pouring in?


I was up for a few nights receiving the upgrades, watching the harmonizing and clarifying of my life/lifetimes and the holographic field of our reality through the intergalactic star systems in Union with Earth.


We are experiencing a profound Cosmic Rebirth!


And I will be inviting you into The Cosmic Rebirth experience on December 28th!

Video Link: The Cosmic Rebirth Experience



There has been a beautiful weaving of alchemy in our collective by each one of us choosing to greet the challenging moments of what surfaces with our triggers, our purges and these increasing frequency waves.


One of the significant pieces that is driving many  is knowing and acting from the release of judgment embodying the value of self!

Recognizing the truth of how our external views truly create our reality.


When we recognize how much our inner dialogue and words shape our existence we can stand more in our center, our power, and choose how we are going to think, be and act so we can receive from within and without what we truly need.


Often times we don't realize how much our views and choice of expression of our views creates conflict with who we really are and what we need which alters the frequency of our being sending static and tension into the field.


As we are increasing our willingness and surrender into the Eternal Divine Self within us, we are able to collect our energy back from the diverging energies, so there's more clarity within and in the collective!


While we are trusting, surrendering and allowing our Inner Self to guide us, we come into coherence with our Over Soul, our Source and infinite unique Divine Self that begins to converge in the consciousness, into our awareness.


This is creating a magnetism within us pulling our Soul that exists in other lifetimes, parallel existences, etc. to us right now.



We gain more information, awareness, details and ability with precise power to alchemize that which is no longer affective or needed for survival.


We are becoming, Being, Being our Divine Self, in the free clear vital experience that we know we are, to thrive in clear knowing of Self.





The womb of creation is opening up within us even more.

This is our power center.


Our knowing, the direct energy that is our life force, that gives us what we need from within to create with.


I'm seeing lots of energy being freed up within the spinal column, the neck, and in the area of our hips.


We store so much in our hip area, the space where the energy from below and above meet in our creative power center.


If we are stagnant, tight here then it doesn't flow as well up the spine through the neck and the vagus nerve is highly affected reducing balanced energy to flow through our nerve system.


Now if we open to the womb of creation within, choose to align with our power and move in accordance we can free up an incredible amount of energy that is our eternal life.


We support our bodies ability to be in harmony, peace, calm and clarity.


Earth, Gaia, this multidimensional consciousness of realms that we live with is our 'below', with Source being our 'above'.  


These two physical/energetic constructs are neutralizing in the Center of Creation for us to open into Wholeness.


Invite your body as the beautiful reflection Image of Source of Earth, into Union.


Resolving Separation!


Choosing Pure Love!!


Video Link: Be In The Space To Experience Your Divine Self https://youtu.be/3moohJ_U61g?si=So0WgiDNxbDqjqHu




Once we know our true Value, our true currency as Source we become the radiating frequency of Creation that brings to us exactly what is aligned for our Soul embodiment on the energetic and physical planes.


When we stand in the axis of this Center we are no longer needing the external to accept, validate or be anything other than the direct reflection of our Being, it's not personal!!

It's REAL.


Trust Your Divine Self.

Feel the undying love and continued guidance that keeps nudging you, bringing you within and embodying for You to experience the brilliance of Life.


Each moment is an opportUnity!


All that you have experienced up to this moment and all that will follow is the Moment to be You.


In the perfection of the moment that you choose.


No matter which way you go, it will always lead home.


Welcome Home!


So as much as you can right now, lay down the struggles, the pain, the imbalance and breathe into your Divine Heart, and welcome yourself home!


The body IS the Divine Temple of the Living Soul.

And the Template of our Temple is coming Alive!


Ready to be in Conscious Union, Soul and Matter!


Loving the form, loving the self, Loving it All.


As one woman said in one of the groups I facilitate 

"Love IS the matter"


Rather than a problem being the matter or any other thought form or emotion!


Where do we focus? Love.


Video Link: Cosmic Mantras For Liberation




And as a man realized  in our group 

"All I have to do is bring it into Love."


It being whatever is troubling, himself.


To be Present in the luminous love that resolves Everything!


Unifies Everything!


Frees us to be US!


Recognize the deeper layers as they surface!


The deeper you go the freer you become!!


So be at ease as we enter an Integration phase into the Solstice!


As for me - I've been healing long held anger, separation and judgment of myself from lifetimes ago that I've been carrying keeping me from fully stepping into my wholeness.  I'm ready! So ready....


When we do these healings, know that sometimes there's an immediate kickback so we can go a little deeper before the new frequencies integrate and stabilize.


We may see this a step backwards, know that it is a step deeper... go into reflection and connection with what is presenting to support the process!!


You've got this!

We are doing this!


I will be traveling to my family for the holidays next week.

I've been busy wrapping up groups and sessions for December and preparing for another Unity Consciousness Event in January!


For Solstice I will be Uniting with Family and the land of my birth.



For now, Be Well, In-Joy and follow your Heart and Soul!


With Immense Love,



Video Link: the Path Is Clear - New Year 2024 - Mastery Monday
























What Does 'Being Alive' Look Like To You ?


There's a big difference between BEING ALIVE and CHOOSING to LIVE.
On a daily basis, ' BEING ALIVE' looks like - working, breathing, eating, existing, all the 'ings' that we ‘should do, we are told to do, etc.
'CHOOSING to LIVE' means to be fully consciously/ intentionally engaged in the co-creation of your life.
It's a very different energetic frequency and definitely results in very different ways of experiencing life.
One leads to mundane achievement in a safe container of what has been designed for us by the matrix.
The other continues to lead to magical unexplainable synchronicities.
What do you prefer?
There is nothing wrong in either of the above cases because not everyone can handle the intensity of responsibility that comes with CHOOSING to be the designer of their lives. 😉
Some thrive better under followed directions of superiors, governments, religion, etc,.
What about you?
Are you BEING ALIVE or CHOOSING to LIVE this year?
Are you CHOOSING to be in creation with your life or allow life to roll on carrying you along with it?
I'm CHOOSINGto be an active participant in my life.
I'm CHOOSING to create.
I'm CHOOSING to LIVE as the main character of my life!
And I’m no longer available to ignoring my desires, not showing up for my dreams, settling for what is and then wondering why I am not happy!
Because deep down I know there’s more..
For me and for you..
Jonita D'souza

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