Andy Cooper gets a confession-is this an attept to soften her supporters into excepting her illness or a slow departure-like and announcement in a week or two that she's dropping out?
Mystery Nurse?
Despite her campaign claiming it was pneumonia that led to her ill health in New York on Sunday, Hillary Clinton was caught on camera receiving a neurological test from someone who appeared to be a nurse.
The image shows Hillary grasping the woman’s fingers with her fist, which is a classic motor neuron test to determine abnormalities in the nervous system.
Did you notice how people were manipulated by the media again on 9/11.? On a day when people should have been thinking deeply and asking important questions about 9/11, a time when people should have been getting in touch with their feeings and healing the trauma that still remains from this, a memorial day when people are usually in their heart..look what happened. The media shifted the focus to hating on Hillary ......shifted people right into the reptilian part of the brain.... feeding the archons. It´s not called the reptilian brain for nothing. It does not matter if the media is left or right, alternative or are still being manipulated if you do not think and just feed on this. Try thinking for yourselves for a change, it is free.
Feather, I dont think any of us (in here) are feeding into it in particular, rather we are using our critical thinking and merely discussing it, just as you are part of the conversation aswell. Many others do feed into it and indeed, there are a few in this website but not from the members in this particular thread, me thinks!
Fainting is a great teacher to the mind.
Personally I have extremely low blood pressure, almost no pulse whatsoever, a body temperature that's far below what any doctor would define as "alive" and a water consumption level that's scientifically impossible for a human being to sustain on, and a high energy-intensity in my body hence,
I faint so often that I've been able to scientifically investigate the whole phenomenon, and I've found that if you keep yourself conscious during a faint (i.e let the body fall and disconnect your analythical operations, but focus on keeping your awareness fully operational during the faint), you'll get access to all kinds of useful etherical information during the 30 or so seconds a faint-session usually last. :)
not a convincing spin on her very bad health not a cute observer
I just wanted to convey my experiences about the concept of "fainting".
In Hillary's case however, it seems more like Polonium-poisoning than anything else, which would unfortunely give her no new insights other than the insight one would get from being slowly cooked from the inside.
ooohhh , gosh , I hope slow departure, please !
wishful thinking-I think she's going to try and run as fdr in a wheel chair-I mean she is an egomaniac of the worst kind
You know, I just have a funny feeling that she's already DEAD.
Very interesting, obviously a body double. Also interesting how she is supposed to have died on Sept 11th, exactly 15 years to the day after 911, and her own logo displays two blue lines with a red arrow passing through them. What does it mean?
Even more intriguing how it resembles Wikileaks Twitter logo design....