The following articles were copied & pasted from:


Please note: I was unable to copy & paste everything properly from the webpages, so please click on the 2 links above to view the 2 complete articles, with all the images and text in proper sequence included. Colin Andrews' website: 



What Now?  Seen on radar by thousands today over Australia.   What is going on?
Anonymous details sent to Colin Andrews. Official that HAARP ramped up. Todays developments.
January 22, 2010.
Colin Andrews

Now this 22nd
north west.
First This (15th)
over south west.
Also today (22nd)
south east.
Sequence leading to events of today, January 27.
One of the numerous E-mails I received through out the night last night ( 26-27th).
Hi Colin,

I'm sending the images before and after the Melbourne spiral image as well as the original Melbourne radar spiral...what's interesting is in the spiral image there are white dots appearing in the same area as the 15 January radar circle in Western Australia (Kalgoolie)...these are only there when the spiral is visible and not in the before or after spiral images...

With this data and more I collected from the Bureau of Meteorology's own site and from numerous e-mails coming in from all over Australia during the early hours of this morning I got to see that something quite remarkable was taking shape - by coincidence or not we will perhaps find out. Read on below:
Fig 04-01 One hour before the spiral burst appeared. Notice two radiating lines which connect at what becomes the center of the radar burst 60 minutes later.
Fig 04-02. Close up of the interesting combination of evolving events. Apart from the two radiating (radar) lines, notice also a series of spiraling arm arcs appearing in wave action in the sea to the south and also similar effects but as clouds to the east. Look again at these after what becomes a dramatic further development seen in fig 04-04.
Fig 04-03. When the 'Ring of Fire Fault' takes place one can see that its center is the same spot the two 90 degree (radar) lines meet.
Fig 04-04. The wave action from the ocean can be clearly seen by satellite to be aligned and separated by same spacing ratios as the radar or other arcing arms. Also to the west what is known as a cloud street has formed, again the alignment and placement seems beyond coincidence and in just minutes just like magic become intrinsically part of a new low pressure system.
Fig 04 Black spiraling radial arms from a much larger ruby red star center, this time over the south west on January 27. The same facility as Fig 02 which appeared on the 22nd.
As of this posting Ive received a number of confidential messages from technical staff and scientists working within the Australian Government about these images.  One refers to Fig 03:

"This is regarding your radar anomaly images on the 22/1 over Australia. The one over North West Australia is a fault known by our technicians as "the ring of fire fault". Its caused by sever arching inside the pulse forming network of the radar. Its nothing suspicious, its just a very rare fault, and its the first time that its ever happened on one of our radars". ....clip....

Strange indeed that following the events to which he refers a second apparently very rare event took place five days later (Fig 04 and sequence series Fig 04-01 - 04-04 ).

I have sent an urgent request for information and explanation to one of the top experts in Australia  Dr Tom Keenan who is Leader of the Weather, Oceans and Environment Program in the The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology) and is a Senior Principal Research Scientist employed by the Bureau of Meteorology.

What is so very amazing and alarming to many is the fact that as I watched all this unfold in Connecticut with many who were watching the radar back ion Australia, I noticed that the satellite loop showed a new counter-clockwise vortex developing in the lover atmosphere below where this Ruby Red Star burst had occurred.  This new weather system, a low pressure system can be clearly seen rotating and evolving as it moved with the upper level winds, east.  

The loop I saved of this developing weather system is corrupt and I am searching the Bureau archives to see if I can retrieve another copy - without success at the moment. If anyone can find and save the loop that immediately followed the radar effect I would be grateful - please make contact with me HERE.

Have we the evidence now to strongly request an official explanation about the roll of HAARP and other facilities across Australia and around the world? These strange effects have been seen worldwide and only some have been explained away as radar defects or settings that are too low for effective returns. Like some of the effects seen over Australia recently, it leaves a lot of questions.

As a personal reaction to what Ive seen in Australia in the last few hours, my hope is that if indeed this is deliberate government/s driven agendas at work, that they are in the hands of the good guys.  Its possible that as the planet's climate comes under more and more stress and even possible collapse, we will need all the expertise in weather adjustments we can muster.  

If these are the bad guys God knows what they are up to or where they will take us.

Colin Andrews
Posted January 27, 2010
Copyright - 2010. If you are interested in posting on please leave all links back to this site and also if you are interested in any other media please send requests to


HAARP in Australia?

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  • Sorry, mates! It seemed I had to travel for 1000s of miles before I could even reach this box to reply to my own discussion!!! :-) Australia, we sometimes have to travel for 1000s of kilometres just to get from point A to point B...that's my excuse. :-)
    Please visit for the complete info.
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