i find this absolutely and down right, incredible.

this will be aired on Larry King, Tonight i believe.

this Oil Event in the Gulf is quite the little trick by the Mischievous Lower Dimensionals.


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  • This message is directly from ASHTAR HIMSELF through Sananda's Eagles. Please help heal the Gulf through crystals now. Read below for specific directions from ASHTAR.


    Greetings to one and all. I AM Ashtar, and I have asked this one to put
    out a Call to Action
    for the healing of that area called the Gulf
    of Mexico. And I ask that this message, this Call, be circulated
    worldwide, for this devastation in the Gulf is not just an American
    problem; it is potentially a global problem. I have asked this one to
    launch a project which will be fundamentally a `healing' mission; it
    will not stop the oil that now gushes from the seabed, it will not clean
    up or remove the oil that is now circulating and spreading in the
    water. This project is designed, specifically, to begin the healing
    process for the damage already done to the ecosystem in that area…the
    fish, plankton, marshes, birds, and even the sand itself has been
    compromised due to the devastation now taking place. Most of you have
    seen the videos or read the news reports of your bird families covered
    in the muck of this oil; fish are literally suffocating due to the
    toxins and a lack of oxygen in the water, and all manner of sea
    vegetation is dying. We are asking you, the Light Workers of this
    planet, the stewards of this planet, to do what you came here to do and
    that is to heal and assist the Earth and her lifeforms.

    After what has come to be known as `9/11', we put out a Call for
    specific crystals to be deposited in and around what you term Ground Zero
    in order to remove from the air all the toxins, the asbestos, etc.,
    that were discharged during that event. Again, after hurricane Katrina, we put
    out another Call for the placing of other specific crystals to do their
    task of cleaning the toxins out of the ensuing flood waters, and we
    commend all of you who diligently took to heart your responsibility in
    those missions. We are once again putting out a Call, this time for the
    Healing of the Gulf. Make no mistake, these crystals will not stop the
    flow of oil nor will they entirely clean the oil from the water,
    although they will help in that area by removing certain toxins
    contained in the chemicals that were used for dispersing the oil. An
    attempt, I might add, that failed. What these crystals are programmed to
    do is to HEAL; heal not only the organisms inherent in the water itself
    but also the many nature kingdoms that make up a very fragile
    ecosystem. There is a probability, due to the directional movement of
    the water within the Gulf
    Stream, of this damage spreading to other parts of your world, so
    the time for Action is NOW, before that probability becomes your

    This mission that I, Ashtar, along with Gaia herself, as well as many
    others, are asking of you is a simple task yet one that carries more
    importance than your human minds can comprehend at this time. And I am
    asking this one to follow my message with the further instructions of
    how you are to put your healing abilities to work in this endeavor. We
    are not asking everyone to travel to the affected area; those
    arrangements have already been made. All we are asking of you is to get
    these crystals into the hands of the one who is already in that Gulf
    area and they, in turn, will do the distribution into the water. This
    one (Janisel) has been given instruction on how to bind each packet of
    these crystals together with a net of Light so as to program them to
    work together in a synergistic way for the healing of the plant and marine life within those
    waters. I will leave it to her to explain more to you about these
    crystals and your part in this healing mission. It is my task to impress
    upon you the urgency of this healing and encourage you to
    wholeheartedly participate. So I admonish you, my brothers and sisters
    of Earth, to rise to the occasion and begin the healing process NOW
    before it is too late. If you will diligently apply yourself to this
    task I have every confidence in your victory and the positive outcome
    for Earth! This is Ashtar, signing off.

    These packets Ashtar has told us to use for this healing consist of five
    specially-charged crystals of various frequencies that have been gifted
    to us by various Masters and Angelics:
    1. Brotherhood crystal
    2. Unity crystal
    3. Freedom crystal
    4. Ashtar crystal
    5. Wisdom's Tears. Wisdom is the Feminine Aspect of Mother/Father God
    and this crystal will boost the energetics of all the others.

    Each person is being asked to contribute by donating at least one packet
    of these crystals to this healing mission. I will bind them together as
    Ashtar instructed and then ship them to someone else who is standing by
    in New Orleans
    with a boat and ready to place them in the water along the shoreline. We
    are setting a target date of July 7, 2010 for our first shipment of
    crystals to the Gulf. Although this will be an on-going project for
    quite some time we would like to get as many crystals as possible sent
    in this first shipment so as to get the healing started. Please, please
    let us all, like the crystals, be bound together with Light and start
    healing the dolphins, the fish, the coral and all the other lifeforms
    that live in these oil-ruined waters. We are asking a $25.00 (usd)
    donation for each packet plus $2.00 postage, to help us pay for the
    purchase of crystals and the shipping to New Orleans. Below is the
    information you will need for your donation:

    Payment by check or money order: Should be made out to Janisel Rohs
    Mailing address: P.O. Box 328, Clarkdale, AZ 86324

    By credit card through PayPal:
    Use Church@sanandaseagles.com
    as the recipient address.

    Let the healing begin!

    Love and Blessings,
    Church of Sananda's Eagles
    Sananda's Eagles Home Page
    • Not to sound like a complainer or anything Martin, but Ashtar "requesting" that we buy something does not resonate at all with me. It is my fear that people will use Ashtar messages to make money and use the current oil crisis for profit. I know nothing about sanadas eagles, but to me it is not good trying to make a profit on crystals because "Ashtar Says So." All well and fine if people do buy into this, but it does not resonate with me, and I thought that this website platform Ning does not like solisitation, even if "Ashtar Says So"! I do not want Ben's site to get into trouble over this....Does come off as selling a product, which is a no-no I thought? Thanks for sharing this with us though, I have no problem with you wishing to let us know, but might have been more appropriate as a group email or something, so as to not get Ben in hot water. Just a thought. I know you have wonderful intentions sharing this with us though, so do not think I am criticizing you, just Sananda's Eagles.
      • i very much agree, although it doesn't mean that this isn't a valid method of assistance, but to place forth a mission decree and place a "dollar amount" to that decree in order to assist with the healing process is a very iffy request.

        this is what this cnn telethon attempted to convey, many famous people in the call center, so just donate and we'll be sure to get this healing started in the gulf.

        most of us have our own crystals and we are placing our healing intent into the gulf region and onto the entire planet herself, even before this event occurred and we will continue to do so.

        as long as the clean air, eco friendly, free energy technology systems are being withheld from the peoples of this planet, events such as these have the potential of re-occurring, the more "contact" with our galactic family is put off buy the galactics the more damage will be done by those whom are in charge of these technologies that are not in alignment with the well being of the planet, and all life forms upon it.

        the galactics can easily place a very large crystal into the gulf if this is what they feel is necessary to assist with this situation and this could be done very easily by them.

        your intent is well received, and these methods of crystals and other healing stones could always be of added assistance.
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