As we are getting closer to the Event, the Light forces have requested that as many functioning Event Support Groups as possible are created on the surface of this planet. These Event Support Groups will serve as stabilization nodes of the energy grid around the planet that will help harmonizing the process of transition.

You can join an existing Event Support Group here:
The list of worldwide Event Support Groups is here:

If there is no Event Support Group in your location, you can find instructions how to create a new Event Support Group here:
It has been suggested that members of each Event Support Group meet physically once a week, preferably on Sunday evening at a permanent location and include Weekly Liberation Meditation in their meeting: 
Event Support Group meeting guidelines can help you conducting the group meeting:
In the first moments after the Event, the Prepare For Change website and other internet intel sources may or may not be functioning properly, so you need to learn to rely on yourself and your inner guidance about what to do.

In the first moments after the Event, it would be good if you can contact your local community leaders and people in charge of the system infrastructure and present them with this intel package:
And give them additional intel:
Before the Event, you can get detailed intel in the Event handbook which contains almost 1000 pages of material:
We have even created Planetary Volunteer t-shirts that can become handy at the time of the Event:
Victory of the Light is near!

You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!

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  • This winter of 11 degrees celsius is actually quite pleasant. I think I'll take a walk in it. :)

    You also forgot to mention that the horn was blown by the wrong person. Anyone can play a trumpet but only The Right One can play The Right Tune. :)

  • Does it come with a "money back"-guarantee? ;)

  • This sounds like the prelude for a major scripted (and therefore false) event.

    It's also cute of them to make money off of this by selling their handbook instead of just giving it away for free in a PDF.

    Apparently only those with money are allowed in this game. It's always good to be able rip also off the people you're gonna scr** later. Being anonymous also helps him surviving the aftermath in a nice and sunny place while the followers will be left 11.11 dollars poorer and get a good lesson in trickster numerology. ;)

    All in all this stuff is good, because it'll teach people that the internet is a truly useless tool for enlightenment.

  • The event of which many have spoken of will most likely be a religious experience that will have the capability of softening many harden hearts and quieting many loud proclamations made by a few with fear and pain in mind as some sort of punishment for existence.  We will then have a choice to go forward with peace or stay in the "gnashing of teeth" paradigm that is our present construct.  If the higher dimensions can't give exact dates due to humanities free will and unmade decisions then neither can any earth bound humans in the flesh.

    I think it best we take heed of what is put before us and make plans for the better.  Have not only an exit strategy but an entrance strategy as well.  

  • What could possibly trigger a civil war in the USA this year?

    I mean, Ukraine is coming along nicely and will have civil war very soon, but you guys haven't even had mass demonstrations yet.. Before a civil war can take place, the state will have to kill a great number of innocent civilians. How is this to be accomplished?

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