Cold War Arms Race

With the advent of internet, we are getting more and more information beyond the constraints of media and mainstream academics. As such we are beginning to fit jigsaws to understand once inexplicable phenomena. One interesting one i got is when I tried to understand what this 'cold war' manthra was all about. Then I understood to be what it was: a muscle flexing between 2 giant numbskulls!At some point in history, 2 sets of presidents decided to waste people's resources to use it to chase a moving bone apparently moved intentionally by the owners of the dog racing championsip termed 'arm race'. In the end, after milking dry their nations, they decided to solve the problem in a way that a 9 year old child might have been wondering why they don't simply do that: Gorbachev and Reagan meet and discuss.Its climax begun when Soviet Union launched the first artificial setllite: Sputnik 1. The cabal in those days had created a beleif amongst people of : being save is being the most militarily advanced state! This beleif was brewed both in America and Soviet Union apparently by the same owners of weapon industry. So it was a matter of left hand fighting the right hand. Launch setllites in Sovit Union, creat a fear of superpower in USA, land men on moon in USA, creat fear of USA in Soviet Union and so forth! Meanwile, the owners of the dog race (which included the very presidents) were becoming jillionairs!When Sputnik 1 was launched in Soviet Union, the cabal in USA clearly used media to create a needless panic in USA. It meant that Soviet Union is cabable of launching an intercontinental, ballistic misiles. So the 'problem' was already created: sputnik 1. The 'reaction' was that this put USSR dangerously more powerfull. The 'solution' is strategic difence and to land man on moon. Phew! What the weapon owning cabal is trying to say is that the only way to feel secure is when your country is the most powerfull military force in the world!

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  • every time i see words like 'war, cabal, depopulation, control, Illuminati etc' ... it  reminds me of this ...

    • 8116082286?profile=original

  • Understand that this huge US expenditure on millitary is fueled by the fact that they manage to convince Americans that if US is a millitary awasome giant, then the citizens will be secure. This is based on the thus aperceived fear to attack America. Therefore most of the expenditure is just about flexing muscles and grrrs.

    The big cause of this is the capitalism in military. Americans allow few pple to burn their money persuing things with no measurable benefit for profit!
  • The US spends more on military than all the other countries of the world combined......


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