I am now living in Bulgaria and presenting workshops and consultations here and in the UK, with new and exciting venues coming up in Holland Germany.
My new project is called 'Colouring the Numbers of Your Soul', it's a series of 6 two day workshops where you get to paint your own Mandala using the information from your personal Numerology Blueprint, Sacred Geometry and Magenta Rose Alchemy.
Your Soul's Purpose - what it is, how you resist it and how to overcome those challenges
Your Mask - how you hide from your Soul's Purpose and how to integrate your resistance so that you can move forward with your Soul's journey
Your Life School - how you learn and develop your inner gifts and skills
Your Primary Challenge - and how to transform it into your Greatest Gift
Your Destiny - your Highest Potential in this lifetime, what you aspire to be
Please click on the links to take you to the blogs I have written on my website about the workshops and the stages that we go through to explore our Soul's Journey.
The course is also available as an e-course that you can do at home in your own time.
If you are interested in hosting a workshop in exchange for a free place in your own locality please contact me on info@magentarosealchemy.eu.