March 10,2021
Let us begin. Greetings. I greet you in your now time. I live in my now time at all times as do you even though you may think of past and future. Now time is truly all you always have. That is what I live in constantly for there is no past or future but only now. That is why at times we have issues with timelines as they can switch pretty drastically due to a change in circumstance or decisions made.
The times that you are living in now are quite drastic, especially when you consider the incoming energies and adjustments that you are all having to make to the increasing energies surrounding your planet. These energies are causing firestorm after firestorm upon your planet. They are bringing all feelings, memories, and things left unhealed to the surface as the consciousness of the entire planet shifts to a higher frequency—upward, if you will.
Know that we are with you and we are deflecting as much trauma as possible from occurring on your planet. Mother Earth is making this swift transition with as much ease and consideration for life as it is possible to make. She desires nothing more than to keep every inhabitant of her body in a safe and sacred existence. Her feelings on this matter greatly as she goes through this process of ascension herself along with all of us on earth and in the heavens. We are all ascending and it is quite a beautiful thing to observe. It can be quite challenging for those of you on Earth as your bodies must shift along with the energies. We applaud your strength and determination to stay with it and continue this process. Good work to our beloved ground crew. You are sticking it out and we are so appreciative.
Call on us as we can alleviate some of your symptoms if asked. Let us assist you in whatever way is possible. This channeler has a practice that she uses each night at bedtime and anytime she awakens in between. She calls on us to provide her with attunements, adjustments, downloads, upleveling, etc. This grants us permission to assist when you are sleeping. I highly recommend it as these prayers of permission allow us to give you all the appropriate assistance. This helps alleviate many of the ascension symptoms if not all.
You still must do your forgiveness work. That is the most important action you can take, but these prayers of permission assist you in many ways. Please allow us to be of service to you. We love you and look forward to assisting you in your ascension process.
Yours, Ashtar of Ashtar Command