I just thought I would post this...its a comment made by Colleen aka(colesakick) on Utube. Its about the Ashtar Command.

6 hours ago

All human channelers are subject to being used by the light and the dark and little able to know the difference. Only those thatget info direct from Prime Creator without channeling are safe fromtelepathic abuse. Asthar Command is Anunnaki, evil to the core and notto be trusted, GFL also is a Drac shill game, steer clear. The good guysare of the Galactic Federation of Star Nations but anyone can claim tochannel for them too, very dicey waters out there.

good guys ..bad guys..who knows..its gets old after awhile. . Anyway..thanks for reading...enjoy your day today..:)

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  • Reiz: How do you know your definition of light is the same as the GFL's or Ashtar or whoever? What is your definition of light? Why is it that definition and not another one? When I see a few of these channels that talk about Discernment this is the stuff I think they mean.

    I have listened to Barbara Marciniak, and though I don't necessarily believe it, or anything, the channel itself says, "We always trick you, just to make sure you exercise your discernment."
  • Reiz, are you the one who had a spat with Meg and threatened to kill her?
  • Re: good guys ..bad guys..who knows..its gets old after awhile

    Here's a an Introduction to the Saga of the False Prophets that should help you clarify who they are. I couldn't say it better myself!

    Throughout the history of the earth star planet, there have always been men and women who were and are the true “Seers.” Their ability to correctly prognosticate and correctly interpret information from The Ancient Voices of Spirit, as well as from Star Keepers (extraterrestrials) in other galaxies, was a great boon to humanity, both in the early days of this planet’s history and today. Those great Sages were of all cultures, all races. In the gentler of times, these people did not have any need to be told to correctly “check their Sources” for the authenticity of the words. Nor were they hesitant about learning and KNOWING how to engage in fierce combat with the ever-present Dark Overlords when it was necessary. Beings from the Angelic Realm as well as the Deva kingdom walked among them, bestowing all the information of ancient arts from unknown planets that would be of great assistance to these people in causing the earth to continue in her early days of flourishing and the harvesting of positive-based energies.

    The early day Sages knew to always pass on their wisdom and teachings to their children and their children’s children. It was in this manner that all that was “old” was “new” again and again and again. Of course because this planet was its own conundrum, it was inevitable that the Dark Overlords would begin to locate and devour other types of people, those who were mentally unstable, sickly, faith-less. It was a polarity-duality situation; The Overlords who were the early Illuminati and already had designed their planned desecration of this world, did not hesitate to force the “right meets might “ issue.

    The people who were of high integrity and continued to work within the Spirit of the True Light did not have any need to debate the “reincarnation issues.” They KNEW innately that they would return here again and again, to further the mission that was the Plan of Divinity.

    They were aware on ALL levels that this would be a most fierce confrontation, one that would be many millennia in duration, one that would become even more ferocious as mankind evolved. On the other side of the coin, the Overlords eagerly mustered each tentacle of themselves and spread their diabolical furies and death to each Light Weaver they were able to catch unaware. You see, the path of a Light Weaver is far more than you may think it is; it not only requires that each Weaver maintains a constant vigil for any/all incoming stealthy assaults by these dark forces, it requires the ultimate dedication to this path; it requires that the Weavers are always prepared to STAND. Weavers must be prepared to relocate to regions that others would not consider; they must be prepared to disassociate from friends, families and professions that are no longer in their best interests, and to do so with NO regrets and with the greatest integrity. Further, they must always use the optimum discretion when called upon by other people for help. 'Tis not an easy path, but it is well worth the effort.

    The true beginning of the Age of Motivated Light Showers garnered momentum as these Souls re-birthed or walked-in to each and every century, still teaching, living their truths and when necessary dying for them. Of course there were those others who empathized with the Illuminati for various reasons, there were also those who chose to renew their Illuminati pledges. They too re-entered this world repeatedly. It was because all Beings of Ancient Ancestry knew prior to each reincarnation of the “future” times that we are currently experiencing, and that each on both sides gave their all for Victory.

    How many of you have ever wondered how it came to pass that humanity “forgot” the Ancient Ways and Ancient Voices? How many of you see the importance of using our own Ancient Spiritology for Creating a better life for all people?

    Humanity was brainwashed during the early years of tyranny; torture and violent death greeted all those who failed to comply with the dictums of the ruling classes. The Illuminati correctly deduced that by placing the power mongers into positions of authority on this planet, they could control the populace; it was then that the Illuminati and their spawn created Religion. Their far-reaching plan was to use the positions of power and Religion as the hammer to quell Spirituality. To control the people, simply create and then control divisive religions. All else would fail without this catalyst. The people succumbed. Then and now.

    The wisdom of the Ancient Voices, the teachings so earnestly brought to the people by the ancient Sages, disappeared. It was ignored, forgotten, discarded for years, except by those who whispered quietly about them in the dark of the night. That long dark night of ignorance is ending, and people need to assume their rightful places by acceptance of personal responsibility; to do that requires great tenacity, a motivation to stop being used by the dark forces, the sentient ability to KNOW when truth is spoken and when it is but a lie…often times of preposterous proportions. In other words, it requires a LOT.

    So it came to pass but a few hundred years ago, that a “magnificence” occurred. One that had been eagerly awaited , especially by the sorely-used Sages still trying to make a difference here, in spite of all odds to the contrary. A compendium of Star Keepers re-entered this dimension and made no pretense of their identities to trustworthy humans. The Star Fleets that had always hovered “off-grid and off-world,” began an intense campaign of allowing themselves to be seen at specific timelines, in specific areas on this planet. It was a spectacular beginning of many splendiferous wonders for humanity to behold. Of course it had long been recognized that the “fear factor" that was so strongly ingrained within mankind would cause them to recoil at the sight of UFOs.

    Yet it was of great importance that visibility of the Star Ships and many of the Star Keepers themselves become a normal routine because this was to last for the duration of the earth star’s planetary evolvement. All risk factors that had been calculated in this massive showing of a non-invasive force of intelligent life communiqués. It came to fruition when people finally began to cease “looking for intelligent life on the planet and instead LISTENED to the knowledge and wisdom of the Star Keepers.” Through the reincarnational process, so many, many people have re-entered this planet without the former “baggage” they carried at one time carried. “Baggage” in this sense pertains to their former fears, self-doubts, low self-esteem, their previous “lust for life” has altered into an acceptance that life is a wondrous living experience.

    As these people grew into maturity, they became the early voices of “the questioners.“ They chose not to accept at face value all which they once had. They began a quiet search for TRUTH, for the reality that exists beyond the third-dimensional acceptance of reality. The re-establishment of communion with the World of Spirit and the Worlds of benevolent Extraterrestrials (Star Keepers) began again, but this time in earnest. These peoples’ telepathic abilities blossomed, as they diligently pursued their natural communications they also taught their own children to re-remember. These voices were among the first wave of people to question the False Prophets’ messages; they also were the people to teach others to be dubious about the messages and the messengers. In this manner they lived the Truth, although it caused them to be alienated by many other people who did not believe them. Prior to this, humankind had diligently pursued the doctrines, the dogmas and the established teachings of their ancestors; it was an acceptance of illusions with little regard for the discernment process.

    We fully realize the difficulties this new modality presented to so many people. Many were shaken to the very foundations of their belief systems; others came to grips with a reality that existed outside of their previous scope of reality; others realized that for many a year, they had been lied to about off-world life by their governmental rulers. Yet in time, the more gifted and balanced people threw away their previous limited perspectives of life and began to commune willingly with the Star Keepers.

    As humans “evolved,” or at least “progressed” as a civilized race, the battles between the Speakers of Truth and the Speakers of Deceit achieved a new momentum. This has been a slow process linearly speaking, however each generation has birthed more and more Truth Speaking individuals who painstakingly sought a better way of life, one that had less religious political constraints, yet one that allowed more freedom of thought. Many of these Truth Speakers were outspoken people who were labeled “notorious,” many were publicly demeaned for their beliefs. The Speakers of Deceit became more and more vicious in their verbal and Spiritual assaults upon good-hearted people. The conflicts between the 2 groups has steadily grown with each incoming reincarnation of each of these embattled Souls and those Dark Lords who exist in depraved indifference. There has been a “spark“ of increased consciousness/Spiritual Awareness for many, many years. However, it is in the present times that we are now living that clearly demonstrate that the “spark“ kept aflame for so long is now a steadily burning, inextinguishable Flame of materialized Divinity.

    The closer that we are arriving to the linear timeline of 2012, the more vicious have become the ravings and preposterous lies of the Deceit Talkers. This has required the Speakers of Truth to become more determined and more expansive in their revelations and teachings. What is also misunderstood by so many people, is that everyone has the ability to “receive” communion with those of the Spirit World and those who are “Extraterrestrials.“ We ourselves have always received messages and important information from the True Sananda, Hatonn, God, Blue Star the Pleiadian and many other highly evolved Sources. It does not make us “special,” we are merely “normal.” When the information is meant to be private, we keep it that way, when it is intended for the public to read, we post those messages for all to view.

    At the very end of this article there will be a link for you to enter “ Bridging The Gap.” It is a simple, way of connecting with truly High Sources. Also there is a link there on how to be sure of who you are communicating with, “Checking Your Sources.”
    You see, this battle between these two forces is for “all the marbles,” and the Deceit Talkers are desperately attempting to hold on with their dying gasps to the moral turpitude that they helped to create in the masses. The Speakers of Truth are both energetically and physically connecting to people all over this planet in an unheralded, unprecedented way - this is a new experience that has many Speakers of the Truth in awe! It has the collective energetic mass of the Speakers of Deceit in awe as well. They did not expect this tremendous permanent surge of collective consciousness that the Speakers of Truth are amassing, to EVER win this last great battle.

    You need to remember when weighing issues and people on the scales of justice, always to take into account the motive and intent and/or desire of the Speaker. Desires are not always of positive thought patterns or positive thought forms. Far too many allow greed to enter into their lives; the goal of fame and fortune entices them. But ego has center stage. Ego is always the biggest downfall. Ego opens doors that allows others whose interests are impure to enter. These “ OTHERS exist in a contrived state of continuation, and they are NOT, contrary to what they whisper to the naïve or the novice, of the Highest Source of The Jesus The Christ Consciousness. Nor do they DESIRE to be. Each doorway that opens in this manner needs to be closed permanently, and in speaking once again of personal responsibility; the one who has opened the doorway must be the one who closes it!

    It is only in this manner that we can finally rid this beautiful world of the False Prophets. Light Weavers and those who are also the Speakers of Truth have always had the formidable task of combating the Beast in its own lair. You attack it where it lives. This Beast is “thought form in action." It is not dormant; it is beyond static; it LIVES. It thrives not only by attracting similar thought forms to itself, but also by implanting thought forms in people whom it has already rightly deduced it can USE. It is the ultimate parasite. It awaits the “seemingly harmless” thoughts of anger and despair, doubts, fears and avarice, to name but a few characteristics that it feeds upon for its expansion, thereby Spiritually incapacitating the hapless, non-discerning person who is allowing the tentacles of the BEAST to grow. Anyone who has a crack in their psyche is immediately targeted.

    This is where we all are today, with mass confusion at an all time high among people who so desperately want to believe in “something," “anything that will give meaning to their lives. Far too many believe without reasoning, without discernment. So it is that we are wrestling and defeating the False Prophets, their goals, their ambitions. We know their strengths and their weaknesses, and this assists us in defeating them.

    It is our hope and aspiration that through our sample excerpts of their information, you will learn and remember to always use discernment. By using your intuition and “gut feelings” you will be able to KNOW the truth from falsehoods. Please remember, the Dark Forces are masterful - they will feed you a fragment of truth to reel you in, then they will spin their web of lies to “set the hook” into your consciousness. If we were permitted to close these doorways for you - which we do know how to do - then what would you have learned? Life is for learning; it is for living, your experiences are not another’s, and therefore your choices are solely left up to you. Our intent, as always, is to show you the truth behind the lies, and our hope, as always, is that the people you shall read about will learn from truth and never again from falsehoods, thus stopping the cycle of repetitiveness in their own lives and those they are reaching out to connect with.

    Now we shall proceed to “The Speakers of Deceit” and the dark forces off-planet that are controlling them. Each future segment will feature different people who have become entrapped in this web of lies and treachery.

    ** Part #1 of the series**

    Candace Frieze and her discarnate “allies,” http://www.awakenedhearts.com/falseprophets.htm
  • I agree with exo
  • I find that quite amusing. One wonders if she herself is being used by the very much loved "Dark Forces" making such a comment which inspires fear and doubt upon the group whos callsign has ever been- All Rays,All Levels,All Frequencies, All Masters,All Love,All One.

    The Ashtar command has long been the focus of such comments. Any Lightworker knows of the steps taken against them when the Light surges ahead. Many feel it,its as if you take one step forwards and 3 back at times when encountering the resistance.

    Much Love to her Divine Beingness in the now moment :)
  • you might be right James,shes auctioning off her knowledge and who wants to bid on it? Not me!
  • All human channelers are subject to the light and dark is very true however that's only if they create an invitation by allowing their ego to hold sway. Who is this Colleen aka(colesakick) on Utube? that makes such comments?You should have posted the link so we can better investigate where this supposed authority comes from about the Ashtar Command. Besides of which have always counseled us many times how to discern the verity of what is coming through. Another good rule of thumb to go by is to discern if the information we are reading empowers or dis empowers us? So what else does this Colleen say? Does it empower us? I hardly think so! I for one certainly don't recall any messages from the Galactic Federation of Light that dis-empowers us for all of their messages are full of love and are enlightening us to the darks grim intentions which is easily verified from the whistleblowers alternative news sources, and the likes of Sheldon Nidle and others who don't channel information but work directly with the Galactic Federation of Light.

    You also might want to ask yourself why the dark cable would be guiding us to become Sovereign Beings as it defeats their sinister objective for the New World Order! Your judgment that Asthar Command is Anunnaki, evil to the core, flys in the face of everything good being guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Obviously you are not aware that Christ Micheal " the Creator of our universe, called Nebadon, is here again, in life, in a body, and chose to handle wearing the hat of a Commander of a Star Fleet, of a portion of the mighty Ashtar Command. Creator Sons don't usually tend to command star fleets but we have to remember we are in special times of prophecy therefore Christ Micheal, who not only desired to have this experience, also discerned it was a perfect way to handle the situation of his return to end the Galactic Wars without identifying who he was, as he said to come as himself would have created a greater problem much like the story of Herod bringing a greater threat to all star beings here to bring in the light, so to imply Ashtar Command is annunaki and evil also implys Christ Micheal is evil!

    I would also like to point out that we don't get a response directly from Prime Creator as our first line of response is from our higher self then we have to go through the Holy Spirit then Christ Micheal who represents the Eternal son before we would evolve to communicate with Prime Creator, unless we are a direct individuation incarnated from Prime Creator via Supreme Being. To explain this would take another post so I offer you a link to discern this for yourself. http://www.urantia.org/en/urantia-book/read

    As to your comment, "The way the dark works is by bad mouthing the good guys." you may want to investigate just whose mouth piece you have become for is this not what you are doing right now? Seeing as our third dimensional Earth has been a world of polarity for our evolvement we have to remember the dark ones are here to play act the opposite polarity simply for us to learn discernment as to why Ashtar Command always reiterates to send love to the dark ones for indeed they are all here under contract as a service to us, albeit they seem to have forgotten, but their time has come, their contract has ended, and we have to do our part in working with the Galactic Federation to oust them off this stage for a new play for the up and coming Golden Age. To understand this better you may want to watch The Legend of Atlantis Part 1 of 25 below


    As to The good guys are of the Galactic Federation of Star Nations, " I tried pulling this up on You Tube and on Google but all I find is The Galactic Federation of Light which involves 50 Star Nations who are Involved in First Contact so again you should have posted the link for the Galactic Federation of Star Nations if you are so convinced they are the good guys!

    50 Star Nations - Involved in First Contact (Galactic Federation of Light)

    You had a choice with all the information out there to further investigate whether to believe this Colleen or not before becoming her mouthpiece by posting this nonsense so perhaps you should seriously consider the possibility that you may be a target of mind control. The Montauk Project: Is One Man's Story featuring Stewart Swerdlow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jw-q7GxAPI&NR=1 this is a short video of a survivor of mind control that survived where less than 1% survived out of 300.000 people and reveals the methods of mind control the dark cable uses on the rest of us.

    And lastly here is a link that is an Introduction to the Galactic Federation of Light that was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. At present, there are just over 200,000 member star nations, confederations or unions. Approximately 40% are humanoids and the rest are varied forms of sentient beings. Most members of the Galactic Federation are fully conscious beings. To familiarize you with our space family, we will periodically present information about a Galactic Federation member species. We hope that this information will help you identify or validate any experiences you may have had with some of these beings. Our purpose is to foster goodwill and understanding of the star nations that are answering the call of Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy to assist us in our ascension/transformation process.



    I hope this helps you to discern better what you choose to believe. In love and Light! Karen Christine
    • First off... you don't need to attack me for a simple post...and you put in love and light at the end of it...you might want to rethink that.
      As far this comment: You had a choice with all the information out there to further investigate whether to believe this Colleen or not before becoming her mouthpiece by posting this nonsense so perhaps you should seriously consider the possibility that you may be a target of mind control....too funny.

      Seriously.. are you kidding me. I tell ya..I wasn't going to react to your post..but I have to say it did upset me and I don't get upset easily. ..for as long as I have been posting in forums I have NEVER been attacked like that. I never said that I believed anything she said....and if I did...really what is it too you. We all have different believes...and some of us are just trying to figure things out...and some of us..are just further along then others...and some where in the middle we need to have respect and compassion for one another..

      The only reason I am responding to your comment is because that was just taken alittle to far. There is attacking the comment itself...then there is attacking me and I won't stand for it. Not for nothin' I never heard of the Galactic Federation of Star Nations before that....my other post was about an experience I had...not about the Star Nations

      To go as far as to suggest mind control and I'm part of some plan by the dark is really cruel. You have no idea who I am...or what I stand for...or what I have been through in life. ...there was NO need for that comment...but I'm done here...this negativity is not about who I am or want to be....but I"m not going to let someone suggest that I'm part of a mind control game or part of the dark...thats just alittle to far out there for my taste..

      I better put some Tin Foil on my head to stop them from beaming the radio waves in my head.
      • Hi Mitzy, I'm really sorry you had to take this so to heart as it wasn't my hearts intent. I'm not perfect! I was much more concerned about the newcomers to this site and to the Galactic Federation as you never really made it plain where you stand with your comments so your intentions were questionable. ( "I just thought I would post this," "good guys ..bad guys..who knows..its gets old after awhile,")
        These comments created a red flag as they were to flippant and non committal for such a negative post which is typical of dis info agents. Surely you must of realized it would ruffle some feathers? And you still haven't given us the links to further investigate these accusations that obviously come from the "Dark Forces" so it seemed to me if you was so concerned about the revelations you would have. If you have read all the comments you can quite plainly see I am not alone with this first impression.

        ( I find that quite amusing. One wonders if she herself is being used by the very much loved "Dark Forces" making such a comment which inspires fear and doubt upon the group)

        and ( First off, this wasn't a "simple post" it was a post of a woman who strikes at the heart of what many people here feel they have a strong connection with: the "Ashtar Command".

        So if indeed you are innocent of malicious intent then please accept my apology and try to look at both our comments objectively so as to see that my main concern was to quell the misinformation about Ashtar Command and to put the mind at rest for whomever would be reading these negative comments.

        Please realize the information I gave you to validate where I am coming from was meant to be helpful to you as well as others that would be reading my message. Perhaps it's as James said: "the stronger your light the stronger the dark forces intentions are against you." Or perhaps you just didn't put much thought into what you said? So please don't take it so personal, everybody is a target of mind control if and when we come from a place of insecurity as it makes us more susceptible to be impulsed by the dark forces. I wasn't without compassion as to why I went to all the trouble to pull up the links to share with you so as to broaden your perspective instead of doing what I would rather have done, spent time outside with with nature. If I was attacking you then why would I again go to the trouble to dig up the article on the Saga of the False Prophets and make another post to you if it wasn't to help you to better be able to discern the truth for yourself. And I certainly wouldn't be here now with an apology if I didn't care about your feelings!

        So lets forgive and forget and move on as we have never had such a wonderful opportunity as now to experience upliftment or proof of the truth so that there is no doubt as to its veracity. Now you have a better understanding of where I am coming from maybe if you was to re read the message I wrote, you might be able to see it from a different perspective, one that was just simply preventing any negative repercussions that would prevent the truth from coming out. It was only ever your actions that were in question. So ask yourself honestly if you felt as we did about Ashtar Command how would you feel about your comments? Would you not feel compelled to defend them too?

        Here is my peace offering this is really beautiful art that are accelerator images designed to upgrade us from http://www.bryandeflores.com/accelerator2.html An Ashtar Command Star Base Enjoy!

        In love and Light Karen Christine
        • Hay there GoldenGlow...It was never my intent to hurt anyone or step on anyone believes...I was just blown away by the comment she made(so I understand how you must of felt)...I never heard anything bad about Ashtar Command. I probably should of explained myself alittle better. The reason I didn't post a link was because there were other people posting links it other discussions and basically its just the same info... I do appreciate your info...I really do..and I did read it all...and learned alot..thank you for that.

          I am sorry if I did offend you with the post...like I said it wasn't my intention. I didn't respond back about the info you gave me only because...i kinda wanted things to cool down alittle within the post. I was just blown away that someone would think that I'm part of the dark....and I'm far from it...thats what hurt.

          I don't know who she is or where she's at...there seems to be alot of discussion about her in other posts. Some people like her.. others don't....and I don't wanna step on anyone toes who like her. We don't know for a fact that its all "dis-information" only in time we will tell. In the mean time I'm not going to judge her...and if ya look at it this way "dis-information" is a good way to learn the truth...if in fact that is what it is.(meaning all of her other info). I'm sure she will always be up for debate as far as her intentions.

          I'm glad we got to talk again...there's no bad intentions on my part. I'm still learning about things...its all new to me as far as Galactic stuff. I'm still learning who's who...until a few months ago..I never heard of Ashtar, Acturains,Pladians...I haven't had access to a computer because I have been in and out of the hospital the past few years having knee and back surgeries..so please bare with me its been a rough road...I left the door open on this one...the post was more"I can't believe she is saying this" thats all...AND I should of post that.

          Thank you for your perspective on things...it in deed has been a learning experience :)
          Have good day today..enjoy being outside if ya get a chance.
          Peace-love and light...Wendy
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