Commiting Suicide

Often I hear someone do some heonic activity and then commit suicide. At many a times, it seems to involve family dispute. In the past, women used to fear their husband's unfaithfullness. Nowadays, their fear bullets from their husbands! I remember one lady told me of how she was trembling when her husband (a policeman) was quarreling at her. She could see a gun just leaning on the wall!In the past, people seem to have been taking their own lifes alone when they got tired with the world. What is funny is that when dieing, this same people ends up shouting for help! I remember when I was young, a certain guy poured petrol over his body and then set himself on fire! We got astonished seeing someone shooting like a comet across the field and shouting!But nowadays, such seemingly demon possesed guys wanna die with people. We hear of cases like suicide bombs and other heonic activities not worth talking about.The eror that those who commit suicide make, especially those dieing with innocent people is the assumtion that death marks the end of everything. Who said so? When problems come through the door, dive head first to the dark ceiling? How sure are you that you will sort out the problems in the dark if you are not able to solve the problems in the light? It is better a devil you know than an angel you know not. So committing suicide is probably a jump out of frying pan only to drop to the fire!

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  • I was once sure that it was written in 10 commandments of the bible that "though shall not commit suicide" but I was wrong. However it is indead implicit in "though shall not murder"

    Well, Jesus said; 'love your neighbour as you love yourself'. But how much should we love ourselves? Does someone who hates himself justified to hate other people equally as himself (hatred here is not anything, it is an absence of love)
  • Thanks alot for those replies.:)
  • you 'll have to come back and repeat similar circumstances-some say even harder-devotional prayer

  • So true suicide is a shout for help but quite needless to shout for help if you're dead...

  • Thanks alot for that reply, Mikail.:)
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