

Communicating With Your Body


Pamela Kribbe Channels Mother Earth


Dear friends, dear children of Earth. I am the voice of the Earth, and I welcome you.


I would like you to acknowledge me as your mother, for I carry and support you, gently, as does a mother, yet in a way that is also powerful and strong.


Feel the ground beneath you through your feet, which are sense organs that can feel the Earth’s energy. Feel the vibration of the Earth in this place, and allow it to penetrate into you in a pure and clean way. Feel the element of air and that of water from the sea so close by, the element of earth from the rocks under your feet, and the element of fire from the Sun overhead. Feel the great forces of nature that surround you and rest in them.


You are welcome here on Earth – you belong here. Sometimes you forget that, but your body knows it belongs here; it moves with the rhythms and cycles of its earthly nature.


When you can experience the soul as a source of light that descends onto Earth and which, once here, learns to enjoy and take pleasure in earthly things, you can then see that the body is the guide of the soul. The body receives the soul and the soul imbues the body with consciousness, and although that consciousness is divine, it is not all-knowing.


The idea of an all-knowing God has been taught to you through your religious traditions, but God is something else entirely: it is the Source of brilliant, life-loving energy. This divine energy flows from the Source as does water from a fountain, and although this energy is imbued with infinite power, it always finds new paths to travel. It does not know everything in advance, but discovers ever new adventures as it flows.


You are a drop in an infinite, brilliant stream of light; a drop which is now residing in an earthly body. And although that drop is full of light and wisdom, it is always a new adventure for the soul when it again inhabits a body, when it finds itself again incarnated and discovers new things to enrich itself.


Look at yourself and see how your soul, how this drop of light from that eternal Source, merges with your body. See in what parts of your body the light is the clearest; where the body is most lively, relaxed, and flowing; where it flows with the rhythm of nature, of this planet. Feel those places in your body where everything is flowing well. There is where your soul and body are dancing together in harmony.


See how happy your soul is being here; it wants to enter into this adventure. It is not a punishment, or a duty, or a “should” – your soul wants to be here. This body of yours is the partner of your soul’s dreams. Your soul is grateful for this body, even though, from your human perspective, the experience can at times be very difficult.


Therefore, let us look for places in your body where your soul-light flows less freely, where there might be a separation between the light of your soul and your body. Descend, with your complete awareness, to those places in your body where you experience tension or distress. Descend with an inquiring mind and look, very openly and honestly, at those places in your body.


Video - Healing With The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light




Many of you desire to understand the language of your body, to understand what messages the body has for you, but you are accustomed to doing so through thinking. It is through thinking that you want to inspect and analyze everything, but the body does not work that way.


It inhabits another level, which is the same level as nature outside you: the trees, the plants, the rocks, the animals, and they do not think, as do humans. There is certainly a living, feeling, perceiving consciousness in everything, but the thinking part is not there, which is why nature surrenders more easily to the flow of life.


Humans, however, have a choice, as there is also space within you for spontaneity and play, which is part of being human. But in many people, that space is filled from being very occupied with the mind. In that way, you do not really inhabit your body until the body knocks on your door through a pain, an ailment, or an illness.


It wants to tell you something, but you cannot understand it with your mind. That is why I encourage you to descend into those places in your body where things do not flow well and to find another language to communicate with your body. That alone brings healing because you release the thoughts in your head and, through your body, connect with me, the Earth. I live in your body – I have my own wisdom, and follow laws and rhythms that you have forgotten.


Descend into me and allow me, the Earth, to reside in you. Descend into me and allow an animal to appear in that place where the energy is blocked, and observe what arises in you. What does this animal look like, and what does it tell you? It speaks in a very plain language, but it is not a language of words and thoughts.


It wants your attention and it is here to help restore harmony in your energy field, you aura. It is a healing animal that can do its work only if you trust it and allow it to restore your balance. This animal embodies the wisdom of nature; take it in and absorb the energy this animal has to offer. Do it without words and be really open to the energy of this animal. Fill your whole body and aura with its energy.


Feel how this animal grounds and connects you with me, your mother, and all the elements of nature. Become this animal for a moment by becoming one with it. Feel what it takes to soothe the pain or ailment that you experience, and to resolve it.


The animal carries an instinctive force in itself, which allows it to know what you need. Your thoughts can keep you from that knowledge, because they are full of judgments, commands, and prohibitions. But you are souls who have connected to an earthly body that contains elements of the plants, the animals, and the minerals. All levels of nature are represented in you, so feel your oneness with the Earth.


I ask that you connect with one of the four elements: earth, water, air, fire. All the elements are represented here; however, there is one that you currently need the most. Is it the power of fire, with its enthusiasm and passion, or the smooth, flowing, nature of water? Is it the strength and the grounding of earth, or the vastness and spaciousness of the sky, the element of air?


Imagine for a moment how the four elements are represented by four figures and one of them comes forward spontaneously to give you something – connect with that element. Receive the healing power of that element with awe and wonder, so it can show you what is important for you at this time.


Finally, I ask that you be aware of the many guides you have here on Earth: your body that always speaks to you in its own language, and the consciousness in the animals, plants, minerals, and elements around you. They are all equally your guides, very tangible, very close. You are very welcome here, and when you temporarily lose that feeling of welcome, then fully descend into your entire body. Your body knows you are at home here, that you are not alone, and that you are always surrounded by resources and forces that support you.


I am Mother Earth, and I myself am a mixture of heavenly energies and physical forces – I am a soulful creature. And when I see you, who are also soulful creatures, connect with the Earth forces and radiate your light here and enjoy doing that, I am intensely happy.


To surround you with the guides I offer to you is my joy, my passion. Therefore, receive my energy. You are my children, and nothing makes a mother happier than to see her children grow and flourish.

I Am Mother Earth & I thank you.



Video - We are Receiving New Sacred Knowledge through the Equinox Portal with Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - https://www.youtube.com/live/3eh2-k_4sEw?si=rKJJ4H3KuJDRtxL5













Today I Get Up & Shine By Magdalena Alejandra Moyano


Where are you? Little girl with broken wings and full of hope Where are you? Wise woman full of wounds Where are you?


Today is the day that I will not sit I will not give up Today I get up! I'm hurt but I'll get up again and walk. Today I get up!


I don't care if you ignore my beauty - Today I get up! Through the alchemy of my darkest days I am healthy and prosperous - Today I get up!


I move through the world with security and grace. I open my eyes and I'm ready to face my totality as a woman and my unlimited capacities. I will walk my path boldly - Today I get up!


I reconnect with many aspects of myself, I am amazed at the reality that I can create. I am queen! I am a healer! I am a wise woman! I am a wild woman!


I'll get up and shine - I'm a rebel! I'll get up and fight - I am a mother! I am a daughter! I will no longer hide my sadness or pain. I will no longer suffer or complain.


I'm black and I'm white - there's no reason to hide! Where are you? He called the Goddess Kali to give me life with a kiss - Transformed my rage into power.


No more suffering or conflict! The world lacks what I'm ready to give - My wisdom, my sweetness, my love, my thirst for peace.


I cry with the trees and the rivers and the afflicted land I get up and shine and I'm ready to start my mission. Today I wake up without doubts or uncertainties! Today I get up without excuses, without delays!


Today I call my sisters to join a movement of determination and concern. Today is my call to take action! I will fulfill my mission without further distractions - Today is the day today I will stand up To offer the world the wisdom of my heart!

I move through the world with safety and grace.

I open my eyes and I'm ready to face
My totality as a woman and my unlimited capabilities.
I will walk my way bravely
Today I wake up!
I reconnect with many aspects of myself
I am amazed at the reality that I can create.
I am a queen, I am a healer
I am a wise woman I am a wild woman
I will rise and shine!. reverence to our spiritual guides! masters! and ancestors! light! peace! love! and healing! in our mother earth! So be it! Namaste!!! Magdalena Alejandra Moyano SOLO AMA )O( GAIA OM SHAKTI OM RA!!! RA!!! RA!!! AHO!!!

Namaste Magdalena Alejandra Moyano SOLO AMA Gaia OM Shakti OM


Video - Dreamstate Magical Kids Subliminal Adventure Meditation














Energetic Update & September Equinox Transmission By

Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved heart, I invite you to listen to this powerful energetic update and transmission for the Equinox as we reset, rebalance and re-align through the Inner Sun within our Loving Hearts, through the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.
This is a powerful Now moment of re-balancing our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits, as well as expanding the energy of the Divine Mother within to greater levels of nurturing and Love. Additionally, there is a softness and gentleness which envelops us as we deepen into Zero point, the ever present eternal Now moment.
As we deepen into the Patterns of Perfection amplified through the Equinox energies on September 22nd and 23rd, I invite you to expand into the heart of the Divine Mother and the Overlighting of Divine Mother Mary, as well as deepening your connection as Initiations of Light through Shamballa and the Rays of Creation that are activating in this sacred month.
The Libra Equinox Gateway amplifies at 6:50am GMT on September 23 and 11:50 p.m. PT, September 22.
Enjoy the Gateway beloved heart.
Video - Energetic Update & September Equinox Transmission



Listen to the Music of the Universe. Relax the mind, raise your frequency and settle in bliss, divinity & love. Breathe slowly and deeply. Feel your body. Connect with the Earth & Sky.
You are safe, you are protected. Everything supports us. Give yourself a smile. You deserve it. And everyone does. We are all one. May we all experience the divine, that we all are.
In our natural state of peace & love, the gratitude comes forward and we step into the surrender, through which our best possible creation happens.
Let us all discover our highest potential and manifest it right here, right now. Let’s be in service to one another and may our hearts guide us. The best happens right here, right now.
The music has been created intuitively in the state of flow and surrender. The sound of didgeridoo has been weaved with angelic singing.
The title and the energy of the music speaks to the state and feeling of Abundance. Connect with it, cultivate it. Tune into gratitude and receive.






When We Choose... By Josephine Edge
To become one with all that is DIVINE, we choose deep in our Hearts & MINDS REAL LOVE, and KNOW THAT ALL ELSE IS ILLUSION.
Anything that generates fear, doubt, separation, guilt, shame, division etc is illusion, it isn’t real, never was. It was simply what you created for your own experience. As soon as you wake up to this truth, you KNOW and FEEL deep within your Divine Heart, what is TRUTH and what is untruth.
Don’t fight it, nor give any untruth your attention (energy), simply accept it for what it is, a mere game you were playing. As soon as you choose not to play but to become a watcher, an observer, everything within you shifts into another very much higher gear. You become an Ambassador for DIVINE LIGHT, LOVE and TRUTH.
You are filled with peace, gentleness and abundant joy. You awaken to your angelic helpers, guides and to your HOLY PRESENCE within who guides you… but you do have to ask, if you need assistance!
We are here, on this beautiful transforming planet, to help each other to heal. As we heal ourselves, with love, gentleness, peace, kindness and compassion, we heal ALL. For we are truly All ONE. ONE DIVINE LIGHT, ONE LOVE.
To be clear this is not in any way, shape or form, a sexual love or lust, it is of a VERY much higher frequency and comes direct from your SOURCE. The former is only 3D and has been exploited by the matrix, which they use as food, holding addicted souls in bondage to the 3D (illusory) frequency. Remember every soul has a choice at any moment…
YOU are now a strong DIVINE BEING of LIGHT, DIVINE LOVE. I see you as a SHINING PILLAR OF LIGHT, extending LOVE and LIGHT to All Life.
Pass it on…
With deepest Divine Love, and respect beautiful Family of Light.
- Josephine 

Video - Opening The 3 Light Channels - https://youtu.be/msHTlkhiG8U?si=TNf_YUcDduO-32fG





Every moment of the day is the MOST PRECIOUS MOMENT of your entire life. Make it the BEST yet!
There are some nine billion souls on this planet at this moment in time… we cannot on a physical level help all, but we can on a spiritual level continue to assist all by being a continuously LIGHT emitting BEACON of LIGHT.
On a day to day physical level even a little smile to a stranger helps lift their spirits and improved their day more than you would ever imagine. Always be compassionate, gentle, kind to ALL, regardless of how they treat you.
What you send out, goes from you in waves of energy that can be seen on inner planes. What you send out, the Universe interprets as what you want and returns it to you but in increased volume.
Be alert, be aware of your energy emissions beloved Family of Light Bearers. What you focus on you give your power…
You hold, as Archangel Michael reminded us this morning, the Blue sword of truth. Use it wisely. You are all very much protect by the LIGHT of your Divine HOLY PRESENCE. Go within often, drink deeply from your HOLY GRAIL.
Try to do ALL tasks mindfully, with awareness, and love. In this way we continually heal ourselves, and ALL LIFE. Your inner work benefits EVERYONE! We are but ONE LIGHT. ONE LOVE. ONE SOURCE.
With deepest Divine Love, gratitude, and abundant respect. ONLY LOVE is REAL. All that outside of you is illusion, simply let it be. Observe it without judgement. All is in order. All is well. We are on track. The very BEST is YET to come.
- Josephine
Video - Let Your Sacred Heart Always Guide You !

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