Condensendant arogance

I do not know if it is just me, but i feel like people who talk in the name of god always seem to be verry arogant. This is only my view on the matter and i am no specialist so bare with me. I kind of never understood where they get this condensendant atitude. Is it because they serve the god in the clouds. Must be because i never heard god tell me i need to begin being like this or even help god. I even never heard of a awakened one putting down a so called not awakened one. So if i get this right there is a verry big diff in the awakening of jesus and budha...let me see, jesus at the cross(a symbol) budha under the tree(another symbol) Now i am confused let me ask the god if my road is the good one before some awakened wanna- be tels me what to do. Thank you Thor...for asking... my vibration is still going the right way. Valhalla here i come with or without boring re-peats. Now this was cool but a bit borring this game of re-peating myself. I better vibrate myself away now.

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    • My view is not as simplistic as yours. My definition of God may not be the same as yours, pathfinder, but I respect your viewpoint as much as I respect my own. Tomato, Tomahto, potatoe, potaaato. Your worry about your God and I will worry about mine. I respect someone who has strength of conviction and strong faith, but also expect that same respect from people who have different ideas and beliefs and ideologies than my own. There is no right and wrong to ones faiths, only differing viewpoints.
    • Great then i am right about my feelings as defender, thank you for clearing that up. Can i write Gud instead of god? altought right now i am more into Dios. Or maybe i should not write the name at all because his name can not be said...i think i read this somewhere.
      • haha Cedric, that brings to mind something for me..... in the Harry Potter movies, instead of saying the villain's name, Voldemort, people did not dare say his name so they called him always "he who must not be named", or "he whose name must never be spoken"...He was not a god, but the same idea as what you said about a god whose name cannot be said. They were so afraid of him in the movies that they had the superstition that if they dared to say his name out loud, that terrible things would happen to them.

        My mind works in hinky ways, lol.
        Exabytes Malaysia - Domain Selling
  • Instead of god why not all that is, or great spirit or prime creator, god to me means, From heaven to earth they came, and they are the ones we are now trying to get rid of.
    • You're so right, Shelly. It's like pouring gasoline on a fire. Any attention is just adding NRG or fuel to the fire.
    • Yes interesting indeed. Funny i felt like this now for a while and yes i must say that this so-called awakened one is getting a lot of energy from us. So i will be non-responsive from now on. I have been here for a while and the negative vibes i get from this so-called awakened or awoken one is right on. I am not here to be played or driven into a negative state, i can go and get this anywhere else on this planet. So have a nice one so-called awakened one. Keep talking........................oh and thanks Shelly for the light idea...:))
    • Hey I like that! "they are now the ones we are trying to get rid of!!!!!!" Love that Mo...
      • Thanks for that, glad you like it , Marique.
  • Cedric , we can all rely on you with your great sense of humour ,you always put a smile on my and peace
    • Right on, Cedric. Thus far, I haven't met anyone on this planet that I felt knew EVERYTHING there is to know. But, there are some who would, seemingly, like to give the impression that they are today's avatar. Perhaps some humble pie would be a very good dessert for them?

      Interesting, however, it seems the arrogant always have something come back and bite them in the butt. Universal law is the only law I know that is infallible and unbreakable.
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