Sat, January 16, 2016
Thanks simininthesky!
Thirty years ago, I was one of the first nationally certified acupuncturists in the United States and went on to open two offices in New Hampshire. Was so successful that the medical board felt compelled to come after me for practicing medicine (acupuncture) without a license. We battled it out in the state legislature and because nothing was decided, I had to close my offices and leave the state.
In the end, it was a good thing because it forced me on another path, one of capitalizing on my real love of being a color and communication psychologist, which became the basis of the deeper work I cultivate with patients and anyone else who dares to get close enough to me. I am a force for change and that is probably the biggest reason few risk much in being spiritually intimate with me. I turned into an unusual therapist, a family therapist with the capacity to do my best work inside my own family, where it really counts!
Personally, though I believe in the power of acupuncture, I never liked it much for myself because of my fear of needles and the pain that application of acupuncture sometimes brings. Even though it really is never a great pain, still I am squeamish and break out into a sweat when receiving treatments. Thus, my new path was better for me, though I have no problem in administering acupuncture to others. Now I only have to deal with that resistance (squeamishness).
Recently, in the last months, out of frustration with my continued health struggles, I trained two people to give me acupuncture treatments and I am amazed at the results. How I did this is a story that acupuncturists and all other healthcare professionals, and even doctors should hear. It all starts with measuring one’s heart rate variability with an incredible machine made in Russia called theVedaPulse.
There is a new module to the VedaPulse that gives, not only a meridian diagnosis but also four layers of acupuncture treatments to the points. Not only does it givea detailed treatment plan but it also describes and shows the location of the points and what each point does according to traditional Chinese medicine. It suggests sophisticated treatments, more sophisticated that from any acupuncturist I have ever known.
The level of diagnosis and treatment is advanced; more advanced and accurate then even the best acupuncturists are probably capable of. Meaning the VedaPulse puts within reach to acupuncturists and everyone else the tremendous healing power of Chinese medicine. It does this with an advanced and incredibly accurate way of reading the pulse, measuring the changes from one heartbeat to another over the course of five minutes.
Russian scientists have created expert hardware and software solution that allows you to automate the process of compiling acupuncture prescription taking into account 3 factors – patient’s disease, his physiological constitution and the functional state of organs and systems. Moreover, this solution is so easy to use that it can be even applied by those people, who are just starting to learn and practice acupuncture, shiatsu or reflexology.
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