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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"Just gets crazier by the minute. Name a gov bill after a murderer.""
Greetings to you beloved love beacons upon the earth, I am Master Sananda. I am the higher aspect of Master Yeshua- ( Jesus ). I come forth with unconditional love. When unconditional love is present, the true love of the Creator is also present,…
...Mother Divine's Blessings Across Time By Melanie Beckler Blessings beautiful soul, As we move through the powerful energies of spring, I feel inspired this morning to share with you about a sacred celebration that begins today — honoring…
Chapter XIX
Why did the 'Axis Of Evil' took over 10years to be swallowed? Why did higgs took just hours to be embraced? Simple no one can pin down the axis with an equation. No one predicted it with some 'beautifull math'. The mathphysicist has long left genuine science to astrology, fortune telling and neumerology!
The math is DEDUCED using human reasoning! It is not that someone collects data, plot graphs and then find an equation that fit the graph. No no no no! A mathphysicist makes an assumption about how narture outa be such as:
1.)Laws of phyc must be symmetrical
2.)The values of constants must be 'natural' (based on human definition of 'natural')
3.)The 'fundamental forces of nature' must be expressed by a single equation.
4.)There has to be a single equation that apply both in microscopic and macroscopic. Etc
When findings doesn't fit in those baseless assumptions, it means we get imerced in equation after equation trying to find the 'true laws'! The resuls, like Tesla says, we arive at a structure that is devorced from reality!
Now, the physicist working in OPERA was also asked to resign for discovering a neutrino seeming to move faster than light! Resign for doing his job??? This is just the 'kicking out of synagoque' churchness. In science, we use observations to guide us to find the true theory of narture. The scientists in OPERA are a bunch of bozos. We don't do the vise-versa; use a man made theory to guide us to determine which experiments are correct. If we do this idiotic wayround, we will ALWAYS confirm the theory no matter how wrong it is. That is why all religions persist for thaosands of years.
Some blame the press for quickly announcing such. (but of course they didn't blame it in 1919 for launching Einstein to satelight or for higgs). What they are saying is that scientific press should waite till the high priests of science bless a discovery and then you should be told only what the priests decides. You are denied the right to exermine how your tax is being used!