Each of you, every single person, is on Earth, interacting with the people they do, for one reason. To learn. This doesn't mean learning about other people nor acquiring knowledge. It is learning in the sense of learning about oneself. Every thought, every interaction, every situation, is an oppurtunity for each individual to learn more about themselves. Those who embrace those oppurtunities live in harmony with natural laws. Those who reject their learning oppurtunities are ego driven, swimming against the current, embracing only their constant struggle for survival.
Reality is like a mirror. We perceive what we believe and we can freely choose what we believe. Have we not control of our own thoughts?
When someone says something you don't like, they're just reflecting back to you your own beliefs, thereby giving you an oppurtunity to learn and grow. Embrace that oppurtunity, rejection of it will only bring you suffering as you're rejecting part of yourself.
Choice requires consistent effort, daily adherence to a regime of non-conformity, as conformity is synonymous with choosing to go along with the thoughts of the masses. Rarely does conformity produce appreciable results.
In the face of a schedule of assumed conformity, it is the courageous individual who succeeds.
Choose wisely.
From my understanding the subconscious mind is not the same as the higher self. It has some amazing abilities and is connected to all other subconscious minds but is not the same as the higher self.
You are entitled to your opinion about me whther or not its correct, however that doesnt change that your blog topic is hypocritical.
Good day
hose who reject their learning oppurtunities are ego driven, swimming against the current, embracing only their constant struggle for survival.
This previous statement indicates that one should NOT go against the flow, the one SHOULD conform to the flow around them.
Choice requires consistent effort, daily adherence to a regime of non-conformity, as conformity is synonymous with choosing to go along with the thoughts of the masses. Rarely does conformity produce appreciable results.
The previous statement indicates that a person must CONFORM to a regimen of daily adherance to fighting the flow of the masses. So with these two statements you are telling people they need to resist the flow by conforming to a regimen of not conforming.
you are conforming to a group of other nonconformers, savvy. This is like when kids have a new fad to be unique yet they are all alike therefore not unique. I would suggest that you re-write it to say what you really mean because what you have said, as I have already said, is a hypocritical statement, meaning that you are essentially telling people to do and not do the exact same thing.
Are you saying the subconscious mind is the higher self?
so you want people to go with the flow, which is conformity. This is a hypocritical statement you have made. I understand the intent, but to say those who swim against the current are not learning, and then to say you MUST swim against the masses, well that is a hypocritical statement.
There isn't just one "flow" to go with One there are many different paths to Universal Consciousness.