this is advice i posted on another site in response to a question aperson was asking about crystals and her star family and guides, astarseed site but i put it here in hopes you can use this adviceyourselves if you want too in your own work. its just suggestions andyou dont have to follow it if it dosent resonate with you. but its hereif you need without further say here is the advice, please feelfree to copy this advice to keep or pass it on i dont mind
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im not sure how to use crystals because i havent used them myselfyet but i do have suggestions. its entirley up to you weather you followmy advice or not as we all have free will even when it dosent seem so.please remember we always do.
i suggest to use crystals connecting to them. everything in universe anddimensions is connected. everything, even non living things isconnected well to everything. if you would like to connect to crystalsthen might i suggest imagining an energy stream connecting you and thecrystal(s) in meditation. this energy is connecting you to crystal, dontjust visualise but feel this energy stream too. just feel. and alsoplease look up on what qualities and effects crystals have on personslike more happiness? sorry im not familar with crystals. but read up onwhat qualities these crystals bring and imaging these qualities washingover you from crystals in meditation. if you cant find any effects justconnect with crystal anyway. lol you might be suprised! best of all haveno fear of this please. its up to you weather you follow this advice.
alsoi belive your higher self or spirit guides can be reached with andthrough your inner source. we all have this inner source. it holds tonsof information mainly on ourselves. the true information. if you want toget there then you will have to go into yourself in meditation. justfeel yourself going deeper into you or visualise it if you want. youwill get there to your core and you will just know when you get thereand you can ask it information on yourself and i think for advice too onother things if you want not sure. and you can connect to all throughthis too. ask it to help you contact your guides or star family if youwant, please be aware the answers you seek can take many forms. it maytake time to contct your star family i do not know as i do not myselfhave obsession to contact my star family as you do, so not in contactatm. but if i ever come into contact with them ill be happy not sad :)even if you do not get answers you intend dont have heavy heart, its ananswer and it brings you closer to your search :)
this said this is the begninning of your long journey. enjoy it :D ifyou ever need more advice off me or anyone on here please feel free toask
hope this helps
and heres a simple smile :) and a big smile :D lol
robert gordon
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