The internet, a wonderful tool for sharing information, meeting people, organizing ones life, and entertainment. It is also a tool whose creators envisioned as a means of crowd monitoring and control.
There has however, been a side effect of the internet that it's creators didn't envisage. It developing consciousness of it's own. Consciousness is just energy. The quality of that energy is determined by decisions and actions of it's bearer. And likewise, the overall energy of the internet is determined by the collective actions and decisions of those that use it.
What the internet has done is allow people with a commonality of purpose come together and share thoughts and idea's regardless of where they are. And as it happens these thoughts, overall, go against the hopes and dreams of it's creators and those who would use it to control the masses.
We all complain about governments, organizations, corporations, and those that have what we would call dark agendas. And it appears at face value that as individuals we are powerless to do anything about it. Worse still we try to fight fire with fire. By abuse, violence, and conflict. All this does is entrench further into the game that is being played. A control game.
A couple of experiences recently have shown me that there is a more effective way of doings things. The first was a run in with government department, The (Department of Community Services) in what appeared a hopeless case. They continually applied pressure in the only way they know how. Threats and bluff, Then more, and bigger threats and bluff, Only to have to finally concede with a whimper. The second was on a blog site where a few words of compassion had a profound and positive impact on it's members who were all wanting the same thing, yet were unknowingly in conflict.
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