Cosmic Codes

Hi folks, I'm resharing some information here, that I've added to, and dedicated a page to (at anyone who's interested in exploring cosmic structure in the context of galactic codes. There are other codes interfacing and interweaving with the ones described here, but these are the ones I've been focusing closely with for the last few years. 🌞



Centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, Hubble Space Telescope.


In this article, we’re taking a deep dive into the sacred geometry expressing through the cosmos, based in continuously flowing, structuring codes of creation, that translate through 4D spacetime as particular numbers and sequences vibrationally connected with the golden ratio. Whether you prefer to view this creational expression as ‘divine design’ or ‘the wonder of cosmic mechanics’, it’s one and the same…and we hope this view of the precision of this constantly unfolding dance, moving throughout this year, opening the New Age of Gaia, will inspire you.

Woven through various posts, we’ve put forward that universal creation energy flows into our local galaxy through the Galactic Central Sun in a life-coding format that translates into our earthly awareness via the mirror numbers 27-72. We can see this as a 9-9 gateway (where 9 represents cycles of completion and rebirth) coming through an organizing principle that aligns through the numbers 27 and 72, and flows through the ‘unity zero point’ of this gateway in divine oneness as the merged numbers/vibrations 272/727.

The number 72 expresses through the vertices of the Golden Triangle, or Sublime Triangle, which ‘infolds and unfolds’ from the Fibonacci Spiral, that radiates the Golden Ratio, Phi, present throughout the natural world, visible all around us in nautilus shells, unfolding roses, sunflowers, daisies, pine cones, succulents, in spiral galaxies at the macro scale, within the proportions of our DNA lattices at the micro scale, and so forth.





‘Where there is matter, there is geometry.’ We could also say, ‘Where there is energy condensing, where there is energy organizing as matter, there is geometry dancing’. In this geometry of vibration, the Golden Triangle is of special relevance in understanding the meaning of 144 in anchoring energy within the universal harmony of proportion that is the Golden Ratio. The Golden Triangle has an apex of 36 degrees (=9), and vertices of 72 degrees (72+72=144=9), and from a metaphysical point of view, 144 grounds the completing-rebirthing 9, as the natural harmony of divine design expressing through this galaxy. So when we focus on, invoke the vibration 144 for planetary ascension, in the spirit of unconditional, universal love, we’re activating actualization of the natural harmony inherent in all creation in this galaxy (as translated numerically and geometrically).

To get a handle on how this works as a miracle of moment to moment choreography, here are some examples of how the 27-72 translation of creation codes flows in our Solar System, in relation to the Galactic Centre, and indeed this Universe.




From the Solar System, the Galactic Centre is approximately 27,000 (or at some estimates 27,700) light years away*, at 27 degrees 3′ Sagittarius, and from our local view, Galactic Centre is moving 1 degree every 72 years. I first became consciously aware of this, at this level, following a beautiful experience on November 27th 2018, connecting with a nebula that I saw/heard was the Dumbbell Nebula, which has the designation Messier 27 (2018 = 2+0+8+1 = 11; the date 27-11-11, or 11-27-11 for our friends in America, is a Gateway vibration, 27 flowing through the Gate of the Twin Pillars). You can read more about this in Messenger Nine & Lunar Eclipse, and how the high vibration of Messier 27 anchors into the Solar System within our planetary family, through the 27 moons of Uranus, in this post.



Uranus with 6 of its 27 known moons visible, photo by Erich Karkoshka, University of Arizona/NASA, and Messier 27 (Dumbbell Nebula), photo by Bill Snyder via NASA APOD


As we bring our focus into the Solar System, an awesome pattern emerges ~ a reverberation of the 27-72 creation codes flowing through and radiating from the Galactic Central Sun ~ that reveals a profound cohesive resonance within our Solar family of planets and moons, reflecting the relationship of our Sun to Galactic Centre. In previous posts, we’ve introduced some of these ‘recurring resonant reflections’, such as Mercury’s orbital inclination of 7 degrees to the Earth’s orbital plane, with an axis tilt of 0.27 degrees (727), and the dwarf planet Eris, out past Pluto, 27% larger than Pluto, with a mass which is 0.27% that of the Earth’s.

Here we can add Venus and Neptune’s galactically coded alignments, and for a detailed summary of Venus’ beautiful relationship to the Golden Triangle and Fibonacci sequence/phi ratio, see this article at In a nutshell, Venus’s orbit as seen from Earth moves between east and west in our sky, with 144 days between its greatest elongations east and west. Therefore it passes between the Earth and Sun every 72 days exactly, at its moments of inferior and superior conjunction! Moreover, the distance of Venus from the Sun is 0.72 that of the distance of the Earth from the Sun. Venus shows her greatest illumination/brightness midway between these moments of conjunction and greatest elongation, hence 36 days from conjunction and elongation (36+36=72, with 36 degrees at the apex of the Golden Triangle and 72 degrees at the vertices). So from a vibrational perspective, Venus holds a Golden Ratio relationship to the Earth, and is emitting that frequency to Earth constantly, the frequency of perfect harmony (which is why, metaphysically, the soul of Venus has been intuited as the direct guide of of Gaia).



Venus dayside via PLANET-C Project Team Europlanet, and diagram of Venus’s conjunctions and elongations from, Bruce McClure ‘In 2020, Venus and Perseid Meteors!‘.


Neptune can be intuited as having a subtle relationship to Venus (which appears metaphorically in ancient Greek and Roman myths of the birth of Venus in relation to Neptune as ‘god of the sea’, created when Jupiter’s sperm fell on the ocean and Venus was born from the foam that formed on the waves). Once again we see the galactic codes (and Alpha-Omega Gateway connection of the number 17, see below) in the recurring theme of relative mass, axial tilt and orbital inclination evident in many planets and moons of the Solar System. Neptune has 17 times the mass of Earth, and it’s magnetic field is 27 times as strong as Earth’s. But even deeper cosmic choreography can be seen in Neptune’s relationship with it’s by far largest moon, Triton, which also happens to be the 7th largest moon in the Solar System. Triton was the largest body in the Kuiper Belt (larger than both Pluto and Eris) before it was drawn into Neptune’s orbit, and within Triton’s orbit Neptune has 7 small moons that all orbit within a period of 27 hours. Neptune’s orbital inclination compared to Earth’s is 1.77 degrees, and most interestingly, following Neptune’s discovery on September 23rd 1846, Triton was discovered just 17 days later.



Neptune and Triton, photographed by Voyager 2 in 1989, image credit: NASA/JPL


An interwoven aspect of the movements of the planets is the powerful activational moments of planetary nodes, specifically the nodes of the planets from Jupiter outward. Planetary nodes are the points at which planets cross the ecliptic plane (the Sun’s apparent plane of rotation in relation to the stars known as the circle of zodiac constellations, as the Sun appears to move in front of them from our Earth point of view)….and the outer planets’ nodes move 1 degree every 72 years relative to the ecliptic. In other words, those orbital points/nodes of the outer planets hold exactly the same ‘coding’ in relation to the apparent motion of the Sun, as the motion of Galactic Centre does to the Sun, from our Earth perspective.

This movement of the planetary nodes holds a vibrational resonance that is activated at the moment when a planet crosses its own node. Imagine this like a bell being struck, and the reverberation of the bell rippling outward, imbued with the highest vibrational qualities of each of those planets, every time they cross one of their own nodes. The nodes that would be more familiar (to people with an interest in astrology) are the nodes of the Moon, with the north node of the Moon known as ‘True Node’, and I’ve been guided to look at the moments this year when outer planets form aspects/angles connected exactly with the 27-72 life codes, with the Moon’s north node. See the north node symbol below.



There were two such moments during 2020, at a significant time during the lead-in to the Solstice on December 21st 2020, when there was a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at Aquarius 0 degrees (Star Family are calling this the AO ~ Alpha-Omega Gateway). Just see/feel the sacred geometry in flow, as on November 3rd and 29th, Saturn, followed by Jupiter, formed a 144 (2×72) degree angle to the Moon’s north node. To put this in perspective, these were the only two biquintile aspects (144 degree angles) to the True Node that year, and they happened to be the two planets that conjuncted on the December Solstice 2020, in the Gateway of the Shift of Ages. 

Alpha~Omega as a Gateway represents the catalyst point of full release of the old fear/survival-based programme and beginning of rebirthed unity consciousness on Earth, the birth point of a New Earth of thriving rather than surviving, for the planet, for all beings, all humanity. It’s a collective moment, a collective universal love-awareness ignition. On the highest planetary ascension trajectory, it’s the potential pinnacle of the ‘Event’, the collective light-bulb moment/metaphysical light flash, that settles the most benevolent, harmonious pathway into place. We add here that from our perspective, this Event is already in motion, translating as a process in this linear time-frame experience, building toward culmination. We’re not waiting for it, we’re IN it, pro-actively…knowing the Universal Love vibration we together anchor and radiate in the Earth plane is constantly ‘magnetizing’ this potential culmination into/as the most beneficial possible pathway for this planet and life collective.

Forces aligned with control/fear work to keep that pathway out of view and out of alignment, by unsettling and intensely polarizing collective focus and energies, or enticing people into focusing on/energizing ‘artificial ascensions’ (such as visions of an artificial intelligence ‘singularity’ event in which humans and organic life become secondary to autonomous technology that remakes the world). So what we’re showing here is how the cosmic dynamics underpinning creation in this universe are flowing and supporting the Shift into loving awareness and wisdom on Earth….and indeed every Shift that realigns energies into coherent loving vibrations. And this dynamic includes all ‘dark matter’, which is estimated at around 27% of all matter in this universe! (‘Dark’ in this case simply means this matter cannot be seen or measured directly by current technologies, only by its effects on measurable matter. Look into this ‘dark matter’ through the heart’s eye though, and it is unveiled as very high vibrating light).

The 27-72 creation codes resonate through all life, including humans, even where there’s a certain level of distortion or muffling in the vibration (which translates at the DNA level, for example, as epigenetic tags that disrupt physical well-being). However, no matter how far beings have veered into fear, ultimately all living things have an innate impulse to loosen, transform and transcend all frequencies and constructs that disrupt and limit well-being and joy of expression. This impulse is naturally supported and facilitated by divine design…and by all beings flowing and creating in harmony with joy and freedom in Love.

In the thread of 7, 11, 17, we can also mention here the number format 7:11, which Star Family have used over the years as a signal of successful missions and moments when the Source Light is highly activating in the field. They call it ‘the number of Good Fortune‘…and when we see how it relates to the Galactic Central Codes, this makes sense. When the 27-72 mirror code unifies and merges into One, as 272 or 727, look what happens when we add the numbers: 7+2+7 = 16 = 7 and 2+7+2 = 11, that is 7-11, or 7-2. When we look at how galactic attunement works at the earthly and human levels, the background frequency of the Earth is 7.83 hz = 7.11 = 7.2…and the natural PH balance in the human body is 7.2. As in the macro, so in the micro, and we find that 27 and 72 add to become 9, the number of completion of cycles, leading into rebirth. Among significant ancient structures connecting the glalactic codes on/into the Earth, a ‘key’ addition here (thanks to a reader!) is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which had an original ratio of 7:11…and which sits at 29.9792 degrees north (272 interspersed with 999, the ‘angelic tripled number’ of completion and rebirth).

Guidance and intuition express subtly through what might seem like totally arbitrary astronomical names and numbers too, in this universe of constantly interacting energies, vibrations and frequencies…including a massive star-forming nebula close to the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius, called the Omega Nebula, designated Messier 17. Here’s the Omega Nebula (also called the Swan Nebula and Horseshoe Nebula, which have particular resonances too) and the Greek letter Omega.


omega-nebula-nasa_ignacio-de-la-cueva-torregrosa-copy.jpg?w=584&zoom=2Omega Nebula/M 17, photo credit: NASA/Ignacio de la Cueva Torregrossa.


If you’ve noticed a similarity between the Omega symbol and the North Node symbol, let’s feel into this vibration now. Imagine the Omega Nebula/M17 as a gateway through which light codes are streaming from the Galactic Central Sun, in the format of ‘completing and rebirthing energies’…and the planetary nodes as points of potent resonance with that stream. There is only one outer planet that crosses its own node this year; Pluto. Astrologically, Pluto is perceived as an agent of deep transformation, death and rebirth. What is crucial to add here, is that last year in Earth-time Pluto went through an assisted rebirth that has shifted its transmission from transformation through destruction to transformation through peaceful embrace and unification.

Vibrational shifts within and around MarsSaturn and Pluto during the last few years (and the way their emanations are received in the Earth field) have been integral to opening the potential for a smoother, gentler shift of consciousness and vibration on Earth (even if it might not look that way at the moment in the 3-4D level!). Pluto vibrates with M17 through its orbital plane, estimated as a 17 degree inclination to the ecliptic…and within this orbit, it happens to cross its own node on April 5th 2020, on the same day as going into a Jupiter~Pluto conjunction (where Jupiter expands vibrations).



 Pluto’s nodes, and photo of Pluto taken by the New Horizons spacecraft/NASA.


The Omega Nebula also has a direct anchor in the Solar System, which I heard of (and dreamed about several times a few years ago) in terms of release from the fear-based cycle; Jupiter’s third largest moon, Io (and Neptune’s largest moon Triton, mentioned earlier). Here, the galactic central coding expresses through Io’s mass relative to her brother and sister moons of Jupiter, which is 22.721%…in which we can see 27, 72 and 17 all merged together.



 True colour photo of Io, taken by the Galileo spacecraftand relative masses of Jupiter’s moons, among which there are some closely connected number patterns.


These comparison photos of Io, taken in 1999 by the Galileo spacecraft and 2007 by the New Horizons spacecraft, reveal a very interesting change, with the formation of an Omega symbol in the circled area of the later image. Notice the bottom of the Omega is sealed in this 2007 photo…it would be interesting to see how the gateway looks in a current photo.



Ever since reception of the 27-72 creation codes ‘shifted gear’ on November 27th 2018, with the activation of a continuous current connecting with Gaia from Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), the 27th of each month has been a locus for major releases, alignments and/or activations in the Earth field (see this post for an example of a high light alignment on February 27th 2019).

Coming into 2020, January 27th opened a beautiful inflow of Venusian heart vibration with a Venus~Neptune conjunction. Then on February 27th 2020 in the western calendar ~ 27-2-2020 or 2-27-2020 (22722) depending on where you live ~ a targeted clearing went through the human collective consciousness field, of all heavy imprints ever attached to the number 27 (battles and other collective traumatic events on 27ths throughout history), clearing the reception for the pure galactic central gateway stream into this 4D spacetime plane, like static being cleared from a radio signal. Continuing the high Venus energy, a Venus~Moon conjunction on February 27th maximized this clearing and purifying of distorted imprints, that were sent through the higher dimensional Lunar Portal, lifted and embraced through the Rose Heart Light of Venus, transmuting into Love.

Shared with love and reverence for the Miracle of Cosmic Choreography!  ✨💛🌟


Note: Since first researching the Solar System’s distance from Galactic Centre, astrophysicists have given a revised estimate to approximately 25,800 light years away. I intuited the 27-72 code would still be expressing in the Solar System~Galactic Centre relationship, and found that simultaneous with revising the distance as closer, the speed at which the Solar System is travelling around Galactic Centre was also revised, as faster, from 220kms/second to 227kms/secondInterestingly, the distance is stated as a 0.27% accurate determination, according to Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol 625.  😊

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AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Morphing Orb Over NJ
"I chased my first UFO when I was 16-with another guy, across a corn field when New Jersey had more garden farms. The other guy, who wasn't really a friend, started yelling to it 'take me with you'."
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Morphing Orb Over NJ

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