Message 37 Through-the-Veil Aug 13th 08

Hello everyone, Firstly I would like to thank Torben Munk Neilsen for posting the popularly received 08-08-08 channeled message from Andronicus on his web site Its an interesting and informative site to check out. Thank you Torben. The guides are also very pleased to see their messages reaching a far wider readership. I would also like to give a warm welcome to several new people who have now joined the messages e-mail list. It’s good to be with you once more with another interesting message from the Masters on the other side of the veil. This channeled information came through from Merlin and as usual it gives us plenty to think about. Merlin slips into my orb of light with ease, blends so very gently with me, and his words flow smoothly. If I had to describe his voice I would have to say that it “feels” similar to the well-known zoologist, naturalist, and TV narrator Sir Richard Attenborough although it does sound different when I play the tape back.

Message: “ Good evening”, “It’s certainly all happening isn’t it? What a wonderful display; not only very beautiful but very remarkable. Of course I’m talking about the energy, the energy that flows through the ethers, the layers of the ethers of which there are not several but many. These layered ethers do not have a clear-cut, well-defined borderline, they gradually blend from one into another, to another, to another and so on. What you are not fully aware of is that these energies, as we have spoken of before, do have a color light component, a color light frequency. The color light frequency is not constant: it is not what you would consider to be continuously fluctuating; if you could but see and see into and past the initial facade of the light energy you would see that it is made up of millions, absolute millions of tiny particles, little atoms of light.

Now, should you be able to see this, what you would see is the color light frequency within that etheric band, you would see it as light particles similar to your fireworks. When your fireworks shoot up into the sky leaving a trail of sparkles and then explode outwards in another magnificent shower of light particles both large and small, so too in a similar manner does the energy in each etheric band or vibrational level burst forth.

Now, the energy does not stay in that particle-ized state. Because when you have so many of these energy explosions, if you were to step back a bit, you would see it as a much larger picture which would represent lightning, a picture very similar to your sheet lightning. If you stepped back even further it would appear as a veil, a wall of light which will either have a consistency of color or will have a gently fluctuating wave form of color which alters to some degree as the frequency wave crests and troughs. The energy that surrounds you, that surrounds everything around you including the entirety of your planet; this energy is in a continuous state of alteration and change.

Now, this is the way that it must be and you will see the logic in it and you will realize that the energies have always been in a state of flux, of change. And whilst it is in that state it will continue to alter, to change. As the energy that en-lightens and in-lightens your planet and everything upon it, as it changes, the change commences right back at the subatomic level. All the tiny dots, all the tiny pinpoints have their own fluctuations, their own wave-form. But when seen as an individual small light particle, the color frequency and the density of the color that it gives off is in fact a combination of several colors which are fluctuating at the same time.

So we now have these very small pin-points of light and when you place them all together you get a sea of lights. And as that sea of lights fluctuates the wave form crests and troughs ever-moving, ever re-shaping, and ever changing in color. Now then, with the stepped-up intensity of the energies that are at present flooding your planet, these colors continue to change and as they change they can, do, and must alter the color light frequency of your own emanations. Now, for those who have the eyes to see: those who are able to see your colors, your auras; should those people be aura readers as they so term themselves, they would notice that your color light emanations and the color light frequency of the energy that is you, is altering. What you were last year, last month, last week is not what you are today. That is called progress is it not?

Hmnn, In-lightenment; en-lightenment. Now do not be confused; those two words sound similar and are often used in tandem, and often times intended to have the same meaning. Similar? uh-hmnn. The same? No. In-lightenment is the color light frequency intensity of the light that fills and surrounds you and that which you emanate. En-lightenment does not mean the same. En-lightenment means that the portion of yourself, the unseen being, what you are within, what you truly are, is advanced, it is enlightened, it is more knowledgeable, it is more experienced, it has grown, it has accumulated a richness: a richness that you could say is similar to a multi-colored brocade; but it is advancement.

And so we often see well-intentioned people unintentionally confusing in-lightenment with en-lightenment. There is as you can see a definitive line between them. Now, where you are: not on the world stage; but where the world is on an energetic stage is one of continual advancement, continual change, continual in-lightenment, and continual en-lightenment. It is a composite, a composition of so very many things, so very many aspects that are, for the human incarnate, far too numerous to list, to be able to absorb and understand. It is not a requirement of en-lightenment or advancement but you do have to have an understanding of these things.

However, when I and others come to you we like to bring you portions of all of those aspects to give you a rather simplified version for your ease of understanding. The energy patterns, the energy content, and the energy movements and fluctuations on these various etherical levels are there, they do exist, they have their purpose but it is not these energies that you work with. It is not the color indicators of those energies that you work with to gain advancement. What they simply are is a color light indication of your level of advancement. As you rise in energy so too does the color light energies around you and around the levels that you inhabit. So too does it change and alter; you have heard the saying ”by your lights you shall be known”. And how are you known? Because we look at the colored lights that surround you, your energy field, your light-energy field. This is your indicator of where you are, of what you are, and of course you shall be known, you shall be very well known by those who can see the lights and understand what the content and the composition of lights are. Because each aspect of those colors indicates a period of growth. A period of experience and advancement. Hmnn, it indicates the richness and depth of the learning experience that you have undergone.

These color light energies that comprise the basis of those etheric levels are understandably affected, and very sensitively affected, by the cosmic energies that radiate down upon and affect all your earth plane. These cosmic energies, and I say cosmic; you could also say galactic, are not a spiritual energy as many people simplistically believe it is. You all know that all is from the Divine Creator. It is all from the Creator source. It is all from the mind of God. But the substance of it, every layer of the emanation of it comes through and is enhanced by the cosmos. So it becomes a cosmic energy. A cosmic energy on a mission. It is on a mission. It has a job to do and it will do the Creators bidding; it will do it the only way that it knows how. Because these galactic energies are not creative or affective of their own composition or structure they are simply the resultant energy from the original creation of the mind of God.

The cosmic energies do not have a mind of their own. The cosmic energies does not of its own accord alter, shape, or have any intent. They just are the energies that are radiating down to assist you along your pathway. Now, In the delivery method of these cosmic energies they actually emit a color light frequency which is prompted by the vibration of the energy. So we have in essence this cosmic energy which causes a vibration which has many, many variations. And each of those variations produces a color light frequency from the entire color spectrum which is also altering and changing and fluctuating. And so you can see that the original thought from the mind of the Creator continuously alters, changes, and fluctuates. It almost takes on a life of its own. Actually, when you look at it this energy, this vibration, this color, it is evolutionary in nature itself but of the mind of God and has evolved into something very grand by the time it reaches your physical presence. How grand is that? How absolutely magnificent is that?

Now then, how does a human incarnate take maximum advantage, draw maximum benefit from all of this? We call it reflective. Like attracts like. Light attracts light. And Light reflects! So, your in-lightenment draws to it those color light frequencies that will further empower it. And as your color light frequency is empowered it reflects that light outwards to all around you. Which in turn has an effect on all that your light emanations reaches hmnn. A further evolutionary aspect of the energy that originated from the mind of God.

And here we are now and we find it continually evolving. It continues to evolve and change and it is going to continue evolving and changing. Because as you radiate the light out like will attract like, the light attracts more light, and so here you are the human incarnate radiating an energy level that is reflective. It seeks out and finds a compatible source and the energy field around that source reflects light back to the human incarnate in an enhanced form. The enhanced form strikes your physical presence, your overall, your every presence, your every thing from your higher self down to the darkest of your negative self and it raises your vibration. It raises your color vibration, and as it does this your color light vibration rises again and radiates outwards which in turn attracts another light, which reflects it back to you in an enhanced again. And up you go again! Marvelous isn’t it? Absolutely marvelous!

Unfortunately there are some on your planet who are coated with an exterior shell of negativity much of which is self-generated, self-imposed. The light has difficulty penetrating the wall of darkness, the wall of negativity, simply because the being within is not asking for in-lightenment. It has taken a decision to, for this time being, although unknown to it, to reject that light that wishes to penetrate and assist them to become in-lightened. You see there are some who have locked themselves in a cocoon of darkness and by exercising their free-will choice have chosen not, at this point in time to allow the light-energy to penetrate and in-lighten them simply because it is not their time yet. They still hunger for more experience of the darkness. They wish to examine and experience every aspect, every tiny little corner, nook, and cranny of the darkness of their cocoon so that they may come to a point of understanding of what darkness really means, what the term darkness represents. They are not to be pitied. They are not to be applauded. Because that is a judgment and they are not to be judged. They are to be left alone. They are to be left to their own devices. They are to be left to fully experience the darkness.

When they have had enough of this experience it will be they themselves who, like a chicken or a duckling breaks open that egg, that outer shell cocoon and enters into the light, so too will those souls undergoing the darkness experience choose to crack open that exterior shell and come out into the light and commence another experience. This time the experience will be of the light and their pathway to the light will be a pathway to the other extreme. They will want to fully experience the scope, the breadth, the depth, the intensity of total light. That’s for them. That’s their experience. That’s what they have chosen. And so you see you must always be mindful not to be critical or judgmental of another’s pathway even though you may mean it in the nicest possible way. Even though you desire to help these souls to come into the light, to rise and enjoy all of the beautiful creations and colors of the whole spectrum of the light it will happen in their own time just as it happens to you in your own time, which is a time of your own choosing.

And so dear friends, I sincerely hope that our little discussion that we have had tonight may throw some more light if I may say that, throw some more light on your own situation, your in-lightenment, your en-lightenment. I hope that the information that I have just imparted to you will serve you well, will assist you to have a greater understanding of that small portion of your pathway. Hmnn, And so I, Merlin, shall now take my leave, Good evening and blessings dear ones.

*** That was a lesson in spiritual science wasn’t it? As I channeled it Merlin was showing me the entirety of the discussion as in a short color film. The fireworks and lights that he spoke about were spectacular. It’s a pity that I could not record and show you that too. When any of the communicators come through me they conduct a conversation with me at the same time and Merlin is no exception. Its like two people standing side-by-side discussing what is taking place. Showers of Abundance and Blessings, Malcolm.

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