Cosmic Knowledge Unveiled

As a fractalized scientific explanation of mathematical formulas behind metaphysical anchor points, which are ones that I recently received undergoing reflective cosmic meditative analysis.

Here's some interesting info you might find more on a scientific will help you understand what 5D means, or 4D, 3D etc. Psychics, esoteric mages and those who are also called starseeds lightworkers etc use this to determine a few common variables both in the spirit world, and in the realms of immaterial space.

The difference between our methods of doing so, and the ones outlined by say remote viewers or humans looking out from the third eye, is that we use etheric gateway nodes to reach further clarity when connecting with cosmic soul guides. Whereas when not guided by an internal intuition, others are outlined and reliant on ones powered by external influences.

Regarding physicality. This is Earth. Its alias is 3d. It stands for 3rd density. In this case density = the equation of by cosmic standards, or celestial relativity...a+b+c. A being celestial existence. B being elemental form. And C being movement. Which creates as a possibility, the materialization of elemental states that move within and atop each other but not through an individual state.

This is why you can crush, compress, expand but not move through but only around solids. And move through around and in but not of liquids. And move around, through and interact with gas, as well as material plasma but not directly interact with its mass.

Materialization moves, expands and expires itself very rapidly because its state of being is limited by its environment. In other words, it cannot escape environmental factors. Not at this level. This is why people come to 3D to primarily interact with environmentally controlled matter. Which at its core, is what physicality and metaphysicality consists of.

As for the sub astral. Including all ghosts, possessive entities, poltergeists, sometimes guardians, sometimes guides, and the quantum realms. Its alias is 4d. Where things exist outside of materialized form, but not directly away from it. Especially during, and long after a near death experience. The 4D cosmic equation is A+B=C+D. Which stands for the following. Celestial + elemental form = movement + direction.

Direction is the 4th density. Time is but one of these. But there are others, including metaphysicality itself. But it cannot be locked in an environment, in other words, only become comprised of space, matter and mobility.

People use 4D to refer to anything along the astral primary anchor points which surround realms of material and non material consciousness directly. So take for instance, your typical spirit guide or guardian.

They will be positioned around someone as they experience their life, but not be constrained to live that life cycle linearly. So they'd be able to move through, around and atop that person without embodying neither their form or crowd their space in doing so. And if they so wished, they could become an extension of that person as they coexist alongside what's called the higher self, or the non-embodied part of your soul.

It is also very common, for 4D to expand linear environmental form by bridging what's called plasma materialization points. Where plasma is a state of being that can split itself into non-materialized form through what's called the sub-astral gate. It is the first primary star gate used to expand form beyond atomic composition and to be remotely guided by plasmatic corredores known as infra portals. These can control locked materialized states of matter and entirely alter or change them if desired, and it is the birth place of chaos, shadow and void where their most dense state of movement and mobility begins as a bridge to other densities.

I'm getting ahead of myself though. As 5D is very different from 4D, 3D and 2D. 2D being only celestial + elemental hosts without movement beyond host capacity. Such as galaxies, which move in elemental space, but are stationary in celestial orbit for instance.

The cosmic equation for 5D is A+B-C=D=E. This might be an odd form to look at, but it's layered in 3 ways. Where only + and = matter.

So we have celestial + elemental - movement. This in and of itself is very similar to 2D but without a material presence assigned. And this is what's known as the etheric space. So when you are dealing with elements that cannot move, they are stationary, so they are crystalized into place. However they exist through celestial constructs. Such as frequency, amplification, volume, and so fourth.

These base elements, not including elemental add-ons form places of great power for this is where the birth place of souls originates. Now, here's the interesting part. 5D contains all of what a+b-C is which equals d and that = e. So in this case, D and E are parallel points of exact absolute coexistence. So because you have no ability to move elements in 5D, you also cannot direct them.

This is why D also doesn't move, however anything that D created in 4D can move through E. And E stands for a word that doesn't translate very well into English, but I will try. Collective autonomy.

Collective autonomy isn't an equation. It is not a sum, or a mass. It is simply the potential of calculated fields of soul essence around, through and apart of every aspect to mass, matter and absolute understanding ever possible. E is what embodies D, C and B in order to establish the creative omniverse. Which is the rule set that primordially governs density configurations and combinations through which we all live by as eternal souls in turn. And this study of eventology is known as such, through its parental name, super-cosmology or esoteric complexity.

There are several levels or layers beyond 5D that I will briefly outline. 6D which is a+B-C-D=e-F. In this case F stands for meta-conscious overlay of the soul spark consciousness. Such realms begin the journey to becoming embodied as a celestial force. The reason why F isn't added is because it is combined in 5D along with E. The 6D density is known as the Fae line.

Then we have 7D which is A-B-C+D+E-F=G. This gets more complex as we go up because what we lose in movement, we gain in direction. And direction without movement, creates movement with no direction. This is where all of your typical angelic beings originate. And for that reason, 7D is known as the celestial density. Because it loses celestial overlays that 6D possesses but instead, controls and shapes them as a parental force.

This is where G comes in, as it becomes a guide directly from 8D which is in and of itself, a guardian state. It is all 7 states of conception in one element but only by its potential will it ever be realized.

When you reach 8D the formula is A-B+C+D-E-FXG=H. In 8D, concept replaces form. So all things that exist, do so potentially. Which is the reason why potentials from 8D onward exist simultaneously as a conceptual collective that is only as autonomous as their prior states create at once.

When this occurs, the formula to create a concept is times to the power of itself only when all other power states have been accounted for through something called the bubble of continuity. Where all 7 states of prior autonomous conceptual adaptations without collective union co-relate with one another.

So in this state as a result, you're performing dependent calculations rather than independent relations to be calculated. That's why any number of formulas you use when building density trees, have to as a cosmic law, follow the principles of what H eventually correlates through creation.

In our omniversal instance, this is the actual sum of conceptual relativity divided by its distance times its potential. You can achieve the exact same formula when using quantum mechanics to define the scope of which something has to be limited to reduce instances of chaotic dissidents through magnetic capacity.

Or, in other words, to turn a phrase, the scope of the charge is the power of the propulsion itself needed without any necessary additional component to rely on any other external factors. As it is done when building a perimeter field around an object before defining its radius or center point to hold the value you desire. Which means that you can times desire by any intent field to reach superversal capacity.

For 9D and above, calculations do not times themselves or divide themselves, they do not calculate at all. Instead they equal themselves up to their point of origin. As a result, you'll see formulas like A point B = C - point D = E - F point G & %H.

If that makes sense, you are not constrained after 8D to utilize mathematical formulas in any conventional aspect, because at this level and beyond, you are simply accounting for missed potentials and bringing them downwards. As at this density, known as the auric density, you're building fields around celestial gateways where new laws themselves fall into place.

Every omniverse is constructed at the level of a celestial auric field. These are created at the 10th dimensional level, where densities combined form a singularity that houses the factors needed to build a dimension. Dimensions are sets of multiverses that form through conceptual creation and into actualized focus. Whereas densities aren't dimensions themselves, but rather are entire octaves of dimensional capacity placed into being.

They can extend beyond a single octave if the cosmic law index allows for it, but in our omniverse, the maximum density count that I have seen, is 11 where it starts to loop in on itself again. Where the 11th density reforms the primary or 0 to create and establish the foundation of the 1st. As combined, the 10th density is this calculation itself. So not quite a super octave, just before that point. Which is probably the main reason why we can explain so many instances of conflict happening in every corner of creation and creative focus. Because the laws exist for this to be possible as it has already been conceived by a celestial guardian to project as such.

It is interesting to note that souls can exist in any density or dimension capable of embodying transparency. So if it can be seen by another, it can embody another as the same principles applies. Kind of like, a cosmic mirror...accept the glass doesn't reflect or deflect, it inflects outward. Whereas we as souls, outflect inward. Which is the direction that all of our stored knowledge eventually comes from and places into the core of who we are as we learn to evolve throughout creation's greatest mysteries known to but a few of us each in turn.

Remembering this can be tricky if we've experienced partial knowledge amnesia...but this lost and ancient information is returning to us older souls. IT is from places known for old knowledge that we consciously travel to in order to create a bridge, and guide others with all that we have known.

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  • wow that was great info thank you
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