Those of you who have been reading my newsletters and books, and listening to my you tubes have been gaining more and more insight on this HUGE ASCENSION PROJECT that is required to Save Mother Gaia.
In my dialogs with Yeshuwa ben Joseph (that you may listen to on Portals Save Gaia you tube) he told me that the 12 Ascension Portals that I am opening with him and Elaika are necessary for the continuation of Mother Gaia's life. He said that the Central Portal, especially, was required to Save Mother Gaia.
The frequencies of the Cosmic Twins needed to be raised to 2400 times higher than any other being on this planet within each of them before they would have the vibrations that could create this Main Portal which goes clear through Mother Gaia.
This Central Portal is the one that will allow Mother Gaia to become the Savior of our Universe and the Savior of the Omniverse.
The entire Universe, including those who are ten billion light years from Gaia, have known the Prophecy of Gaia becoming the Savior of the Universe for millions of years.
Before Gaia can Save the Universe, she must be saved herself. The Guardians of the Universe and the Security Team of the Planetary Systems are here on Earth at this time to make sure that Gaia is saved from eternal revenge of the Death Star Nibiru.
The alignment of the Consciousness of Mother Gaia with her original 12 Stargates of Consciousness were un plugged by the Security Team because the present alignment would allow Invader Racelines and Demonic Racelines to Penatrate the Portals into Mother Gaia. This is what would had allowed the success of the original plan of revenge that the Annunaki had agains the Angelic Raceline called the Elohim.
When the Cosmic Twin Flames were opening the First Ascenion Portal the original plan of the Annunaki and Draconian and several other Demonic Species did try to take control of Mother Gaia by taking control of the Portals when they opened.
Now, that the Cosmic Twins have sent those Demons back to Source Consciousness, there is another obstacle that must be removed in order for this correct alignment of Consciousness into Mother Gaia can be successful.
The Consciousnesss alignment of these Portals must be so flawless that they only invite the pure light consciousness from the highest most pure form of our original Angelic consciousness as we intended it to be when we, Mary Magdalene, Yeshuwa ben Joseph and Elaika created this Co-Creation Team that would allow all who are created from the Mind of God to experience the Mind of God.
Yeshuwa reminded me in our dialog that I was correct in managing this Portal as an Eternal Life Consciousness Center. This Portal will allow entities of Light from all 12 Star Systems to return their DNA into the Christic Grids of Mother Gaia so that she can begin to heal the tectonic plates herself.
At this time there are thousands of other Planets and Stars helping arrange the tectonic plates in a way that will prevent earthquakes from completely destroying Gaia until the time when she can begin healing herself.
What does this mean, to Save Mother Gaia?
If Mother Gaia was to continue her life on a path that did not include the Consciousness flowing into her from the 12 Stargates into the 12 Ascension Portals, she would remain in a state of Amnesia that would not allow her to begin healing herself.
Mother Gaia is the Mother of the Elohim Angelic Race line of Consciousness that was created first by the Melchizedeks in the Cosmic Creation Center. Yeshuwa calls this the God World.
The Elohim Race line was almost completely destroyed several times before in history. The Melchizedeks brought the Elohim Race back by using the Coded Signatures from the Perfect creation to create the Oraphim Race line. That race line was seeded into Earth and then destroyed by invader races and the n seeded into Mother Gaia again 400 million years ago. that was the Seeding of this Perfect Consciousness into Mother Gaia that brought her back to life.
The Second Seeding was when the Mary Magdalene Consciousness returned the original Elohim Consciousness back into Earth 400 million years ago. That was the time when I was a mermaid and my current husband, Mary's Cosmic Twin Flame, was an Oraphim Dolphin. We were the Violet Flame of Mary Magdalene who created the First Acension Portal in the area that is now the place in the Pacific Ocean that is near Monterey, California.
The reason that the Cosmic Twin Flames were directed by Elaika and Yeshuwa ben Joseph to move to Monterey, California in 2008, was to re open the First Ascension Portal in the Pacific Ocean. That Ascension Portal needed to be opened first because that was the original Mary Magdalene Portal that went through Mother Gaia into the place known by many in Monterey as the Crystal Cities and the Magic Underwater Portal that leads to the area where Mary Magdalene's Spirit will always remain. This was the portal created originally by Mary Magdalene's Soul, which was at that time Cosmic Twin Flame which was the two sections of the Soul that divided into the Male and Female Soul in order to come down into this density.
The reason that Mary Magdalene's Soul, her Cosmic Twin Flame or Soul Mates returned to Earth at this time was to re open that first portal where she lived as a mermaid and a dolphin. This place in the Pacific Ocean was the most wonderful place in the entire universe at that time when we first created this portal.
That same place that was at one time the home of the Oraphim Mermaids and Dolphins is now the place called the Under water cities of Light and it is the home of the Clairs. The Clairs are not a pure Elohim Race line. They are a hybrid race line of many other races together with some of the pure Elohim Race Line. They are not the ones who are helping with the opening of the Portals.
The Dolphins who are helping me with the opening of the Portals are the Fifth Dimensional Pleiadian Dolphins who communicate continuously with their Councils in Pleiades to keep the Light Flowing through our Ocean. These Dolphins are the Elohim Race line from Pleiades.
We returned to this place in May, 2008 to re open this portal. The place deep under the Pacific Ocean, which can not be reached by our current Navy, exists in this area beneath Monterey. The Navy in that area spend all of their time attempting to swim through the black holes that exist directly in front of the Condo where the Twin Flames were directed to move to.
We used to watch these special ops Navy Marines dive into that hole every day. Most of them never came back. They all knew they would probably die as a result of their mission.
The Navy Base and the Marines and the Special Ops had underground bases that did connect with the Under water cities of light. However, the Dolphins and Mermaids have always known how to become invisible to those in the third dimension.
I was the only one who could see them because I have a very high frequency because I am Mary Magdalene. I travel to the Under water Cities of Light and to other areas in the Pacific Ocean each night to work on the Grids and to arrange communication with the Dolphins about information they gain from the Pleiadian Dolphin Councils.
I have continued this story that I began telling in
12 DNA Music of the Spheres Ascension Program from the Diary of the Cosmic Twins
and Remembering Who We are from the Soul of Cosmic Mary
at this time because I have been given much more information about exactly what took place in 2008 and continuous dialogs with Yeshuwa, Elaika and my Elohim Team as we continue to open all 12 Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean.
These dialogs are on the Mary Magdalene Singing Mermaid You tube Channel and the Cosmic Mary you tube channel.
The story of my Cosmic Twin Soul and I opening the Ascension Portals. My Cosmic Twin Soul was possessed by three demons. He carried the three demons back to Source and Died. I brought him back to life by placing my Soul within him. The female Twin Soul can bring the Male back to life by placing her Soul within him. We were then told that we were ready to open the remaining eleven portals in the Pacific Ocean, and that we must be finished by November in order to Save Mother Gaia.
This you tube is also on our home page
The Cosmic Twin Flame Re-Unification to create 2400 times more frequency units each.
Mary Magdalene Singing Mermaid Channel
Most recent you tubes on this you tube channel:
(This is a very thorough over view of the Entire Ascension Project and how it must be completed)
Learning Who I Am
(The steps that I went through to remember who I am)
Mary's Spirit Guide describes Ascension Plans
(Elaika explains Time Line Mechanics of Mother Gaia)
Mary Magdalene Ascension Portal Project
(In this dialog, Elaika explains the details of how Mary Magdalene is to design the Central Ascension Porta)
Mary Magdalene, Cosmic Mermaid
(I repeat the details that were given to me word for word from what Elaika and Yeshuwa ben Joseph said to me to help me learn about myself)
This story of exactly what happened when we were directed to move to Monterey to open the First Ascension Portal, which is located where the Spirit of Mary Magdalene first came to Earth as a Mermaid.
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